26. Dreaming

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After the hectic after party, that night Akari and her now husband, left going on a trip for their honeymoon. Saying it was "essential to start off their marriage with excitement".

Getting in bed of the hotel you stayed in when visiting Miyagi Prefectures for Akari's wedding, you turned off the bedside lamp and snugged in your sheets.

Closing your eyes you dazed off, sleep slowly consuming you, finding yourself passed out. But suddenly, you heard your hotel room door open and close with a click.

Opening your eyes you got up to examine the sudden sound, quickly grabbing a pillow while at it.

Peaking your head through the corner of the wall, you saw no other then Sakusa Kiyoomi entering your room in the middle of the night.

Your eyebrows furrowed, pillow dropping from your hand causing him to slightly freeze hearing the sound. He turned around seeing you awake and obviously confused.

"Kiyoomi? What are you doing here?" You asked slightly whisper shouting.

He smiled at you, and saying nothing he came up to you taking a hold of one of your hands. Leading you to the center of your room before grabbing your other hand and guiding them to around his neck.

He then brought both his hands to your waist resting them around you, you froze. You were only wearing a silk night gown that your mother bought you and forced you to wear for the night saying a lady should have at least one night where you sleep in the comfort of silk.

Being that, you could feel his warmth through the silky thin fabric that barley covered your body as it ended right above your knees. Freezing under his touch, it was gentle, warm, and gave you so many butterflies.

"W-what are you doing Kiyoomi?" You finally brought yourself to ask.

He only chuckled at your frozen state, starting to sway the both of you to nothing. The moonlight that shined through the open curtains of your room reflecting on his ethereal face.

Not asking any more questions, you swayed with him. Slowly he brought you closer and closer to him until your body was against his.

Feeling his obvious toned abs and chest against your body, you tensed. And he felt that.

"Relax darling."

His deep, raspy voice ringing in your ear, those simple words swooned you. Your lips curving up to a smile you felt yourself relax against his touch.

Without a second thought, you placed your head against his chest, right under his neck, dancing in the moonlight.

Feeling his soft breathing against your face and neck, you blushed. Your face heating up at such thoughts that suddenly appeared in your mind after feeling his breath against you.

Somehow, he saw that. And before you knew it he twirled you around before trapping you between his arms against the wall.

His left hand above you and his right still around your waist, he pushed you up against the wall with his body.

You stared into his black mysterious eyes, something was off about them.

Speechless at his movements, he slammed his lips against yours. Eyes widening you froze once again, but unconsciously your lips moved with his, following his lead.

It was rough and passionate, his right hand traveling to your back pushing you closer then before.

Then moving it back down to your thighs, it slightly slipped up your silk night gown before both his hands moved to your thighs, picking you up and putting you up against the wall without breaking the kiss.  

Naturally, your hands wrapped around his neck. The kiss now getting heated and moving faster. The dark room consumed both of you, the only light being the moon, it felt perfect.

Your stomach twirled and twisted fluttering, your heart beating faster and faster.

But then, you realized. This is not what you want, this is not want you wanted from him.

You wanted his heart.

You stopped yourself, trying to pry yourself away from him but with no luck. You started to panic as he continued not aware of what you were trying to do. 

And for a second you felt nothing.

Your eyes flashed open holding yourself up from your bed, panting and sweating.

You looked around seeing only you in your bedroom, the bright sun sparkling through your curtains and into your room creating a magical-like light.

Falling back in bed you felt relieved.

It was just a dream.

You closed your eyes again remembering the scene, blushing at the thought your heart fluttered again.

Then your eyes flashed open again, remembering what you said, what you told yourself while in that imaginary moment.

I want his heart.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now