56|"Doesn't she have grandkids????."

21 1 8

Text Messages between patrick and anusha

patrick: did you get ungrounded

anusha: no lmao

anusha: but i can go see pf in person instead of having to pay for a ticket and watching it through youtube

patrick: are you hosting again!!!!

anusha: no

anusha: my parents won't let me work for any of their events anymore

patrick: i'm really sorry

anusha: it's all good! this way my parents don't get to take advantage of me as free labor

patrick: i guess that's one way to look at it

patrick: you'll be there though right?

anusha: yeeeee


Text Group: wildthots

harry: "yeeeee"

anusha: does pbc just read each others texts outloud in a circle

harry: no only yours and patricks

simon: why

harry: she was un-enthusiastically texting him today

anusha: wha

anusha: it's how i normally text

harry: nope

anusha: do you analyze my texts

veron: yeah that's a little

harry: i have known all of you since we were toddlers i know how you all text in your different moods

anusha: that's endearing and creepy at the same time

jj: i mean i wouldn't expect her to be all jolly around him after all of that

anusha: i'm fine! no hard feelings with anyone, it's probably just because i'm very tired but i have to follow my parents around and they still won't give me zippy back

jj: zippy

anusha: zippy is FAMOUS

jj: yeah okay


Text Group: sidemen

tobi: what do we do after pistachio fest ends

simon: idk go to college

harry: we were supposed to go on a college tour but bc of covid we're not

simon: i still can't believe you're in a band

harry: neither can i

vik: how is the fame

harry: not good lol

harry: i mean you all saw what a picture did imagine actual dating news getting out

harry: scary

simon: why does everything feel so off

tobi: i kind of get what you mean

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