Swearwolf and Greasy Pelican Nose

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The trees swayed in a gentle melody; from a distance, the noise of birds chirping awakened people from their nightly slumber.

Aurelia Livierre was no exception; she woke up, feeling exceptionally drowsy from her measly sleep. All night Aurelia lay wide awake imagining her  future year at Hogwarts, and the excitement in seeing her friends and teachers — both whom she liked and disliked. 

The Marauders were easily Aurelia's closest friends; despite Aurelia being in a year below them, she was quick to join their group, to the distaste of Lily Evans. And, despite being part of the Marauders, Aurelia quite enjoyed meeting up with Lily, as she was the epiphany of kind-hearted. This was much to the chagrin of Severus Snape, who had an extreme disliking towards Aurelia; as if he wanted Lily solely to himself.

Standing next to the Hogwarts Express, Aurelia's father beamed at her. "Are you ready to start a new year?" he asked kindly, his smile only slightly faltering. 

"Of course!" Aurelia responded, just as kindly. Suddenly her once ecstatic expression turned gloomy. "I will miss you though."

Her father pulled her into a quick, reassuring hug. "Don't worry about it. Christmas will be here before you know it!" he said enthusiastically, in an attempt to alleviate her dampened mood. "Nothing ever goes wrong on Christmas." 

"I suppose you're right."

Aurelia gave a final wave and boarded the express, not noticing how her father's smile instantly fell completely.

Clement Livierre's identity was a complete mystery to those of wizarding families, and for a reason. He was a muggle — but Aurelia kept that a secret, claiming that he was a half-blood. With Voldemort gathering followers left and right, and with his extreme loathing towards any witch or wizard that was muggle born, or below the pureblood status, it was much safer for him to have a false identity that wasn't a muggle.

With the loss of Elpida Livierre, née Lovelock, the Livierre household was not much. Admittedly, Aurelia did miss her mum; but she didn't want to take the pessimistic route that her father so often took. She was a ray of sunshine, and people who first met her would often be confused why she wasn't sorted into Hufflepuff. However, the more you knew her, the more the thought of her being in Hufflepuff was insanely ludicrous. Sure, she was kind — but only if she wanted to be, and she valued knowledge above almost everything. She was also extremely witty, to the point she was already mastering N.E.W.T level spells in her second year.

"Missed me?!" Aurelia shouted at the top of her lungs, barging into the compartment reserved for the Marauders.

"Totally," mumbled Sirius sarcastically, while all the others gave her gleeful smiles.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" asked Aurelia, throwing Sirius a concerned look.

"I met my deranged cousin over the summer. As if my family could get any worse. Completely mental, and a Death Eater apparently. Just became one this summer; I expect that's the fate that's awaiting me soon after this year."

Aurelia felt a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach. "You aren't actually going to become one, are you?"

"Of course he isn't!" interrupted James. "Mum and dad said it was perfectly okay for you to come live with us, if you want."

"Thanks, Prongs," said Sirius, the corners of his mouth etching into a smile.

"What about you, Moony, Wormtail?" asked Aurelia.

"I baked cookies with my mum," said Peter shyly. "I wish dad was more like her, he can be mean quite often."

"You mean to say he's a right foul git," said James sternly. "He's not here, you have every right to call him names."

"I suppose so."

"And you, Moony?" asked Aurelia.

"Well, the full moons were completely shitty—"

"Moony!" exclaimed Sirius. "You're a werewolf, not a swearwolf!"

"Be quiet!" hissed James. "The owner of that greasy pelican nose will hear you!"

"What do you mean—"

"He's in the next compartment! Knowing him, he's going to do something completely daft if he finds out a werewolf attends the school."

"You're right," said Aurelia, pushing her hair back and scowling in irritation, "he acts like he's so smart. The only thing he's exceptionally good at is Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts. He's average at everything else."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," mumbled Peter. "I'm going to completely fail O.W.L. exams this year, aren't I?"

"Of course not!" exclaimed Aurelia. "As long as you study enough, you'll be completely fine."

"Says you," answered Remus, "you don't even need to study to get all Outstandings."

"You're acting like you aren't any good," Aurelia cooly replied. "I tried taking Arithmancy; it doesn't take a genius to know why I dropped out of that. By far the worst subject."

"Agreed," said Sirius. "After History of Magic, of course."

"His droning gives me a headache," James complained. "Honestly, who actually likes that subject?"

"I do," Peter whispered. Aurelia sent James a dark look. "History of Magic is completely fascinating, actually. Sure, Professor Binns is monotonous and boring, but the subject itself is extremely captivating."

"Yeah, well—"

Remus jumped out of his seat. "We're here."

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