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The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy. – Henri Nouwen

I wake up with no hangover or whatsoever, thanks to the injection. I make my way to the bathroom, do my morning hygiene routine and go back to make my bed. Lotion my body and wear a blue t-shirt dress with my sleepers. My skin is so fresh ungaphika ukuth I’m allergic to some lotions. I go downstairs and find everyone in the dining area eating breakfast, greet everyone.

Me: “Zethu can I please have some cereal?”
TDK: “is there something wrong with your food?”
Me: “no it looks mouth-watering but I don’t like eating heavy foods after a reaction.” Zethu brings me cornflakes and I eat. Vuyo keeps staring at me not eating his food. “You need to relax Vuyo, I am perfectly fine. As a matter of fact I feel like going to a zoo today or doing something adventurous”. He just keeps quiet and start eating his food.
Lwando: “can we go to the zoo?”
Landesihle: “yeah can we go to Lion & Safari Park?”
TDK: “have you been there before?”
Landesihle: “no but we have learned about it at school.”
Me: “Lion & Safari Park it is.” Vuyo’s phone rings and he stands up.
Vuyo: “sorry I have to take this. Thandeka you will drive everyone to the park, Princess please follow me to my study I wanna give you something.”
Me: “I will be with you in a sec.” He leaves answering his phone.
Londeka: “how come you don’t have a hangover or you were cheating yesterday” she whispers in my ear.
Me: “the injection left me sober.” I whisper back and I finish my cereal and stand up.
Her: “can I have just one fix?”
Me: “wanya” she giggles.
I go to Vuyo’s study, I just enter because it isn’t locked. He is sitting on his table. He raises his head to look at me.

Him: “close the door.” I close it and go to sit on TDK’s couch.
Me: “you wanted to see me sir.”
Him: “sir” he chuckles and shakes his head, “who hit you yesterday?”
Me: “just some lady I don’t know. It’s water under the bridge Mondisa.” He looks at me for a very long time without saying anything.
Him: “okay come here” he opens his arms and I go to hug him. He gives out the best hugs. I wouldn’t want a stranger hugging him. He is my safe heaven. I pull back and smash my lips onto his. He just smiles in between the kiss and kisses me back. His hands are caressing my body and mine are on his neck. He pulls back. We just stare deep into each other’s eyes. “Don’t go to the park, stay with me baby. Or we will join them later.”
Me: “but Vuyo…”
Him: “please my love.”
Me: “fine but we will join them later.” he takes out his black card from his wallet and gives it to me
Him: “go give it to Thandeka and come back here” he lets me go.
Me: “fine” I exit the study and make way to the longue where everyone is seated watching TV.
TDK: “let me guess, my brother asked you to help him with some paperwork and you will join us later on?”
Me: “are you a prophet or a seer?” she laughs and tap on the space next to her for me to sit in. I sit down.
TDK: “handover the card.”
Me: “ayy mann you know your brother like the back of your hand.” I give her the card. “Guys I will join you in an hour or 2. The big boss has asked me to help him with some paperwork. Maybe you guys can pass the mall for some small shopping and maybe you can buy Londy some red bottoms” I whisper the last part to TDK.
Londeka: “I heard you. To the mall!”
Me: “mom I will buy you everything you desire tomorrow, but not a car or a house” everyone laughs. “Well let me get back to work before the boss decides to fire me.”
TDK: “use protection, I’m too young to be an aunt” she whispers and I just laugh at her. Everyone stands up and they go out the front door. I just go to my room to pack my wallet and lipstick in my bag. I take out my dark camaflouge pants and black vest and brown timberland.

I go to Lwandeka’s room and I find her sitting on her bed busy with her phone.

Me: “babe come, let’s go to my room.”
Her: “I have never been to your room before” she stands up, make her way to me and holds my hand.
Me: “there is always a first time for everything” we exit her room and go to my room. The look on her face is priceless when I open the doors. She practically runs inside, takes off her shoes and throw herself into my bed.
Her: “OMG! Everything in this room is perfect even the bed is perfect. I’m so in love with your room.”
Me: “what about me?” I say joining her in the bed and lying next to her on my back facing the ceiling.
Her: “don’t be jealous Luh it doesn’t suit you” I pull her to lie on top of me. “Put me down, I’m heavy” she says trying to wiggle her way down.
Me: “stop trying to ruin a romantic gesture” she eventually stops and lay her head on my chest. “When was the last time you were in a relationship?”
Her: “during my final year in varsity, I’m not good with relationships. As a matter of fact I fail dismally when it comes to them.”
Me: “you never found the right guy but relax I’m here now” she chuckles.
Her: “is it okay if I sleep on top of you? One of the side effects of my allergy injection is that I can be drowsy for 24 hours after taking it.”
Me: “sleep my queen” in a matter of seconds she drifts to sleep and I follow her right after because I hardly slept last night.

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