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I wake up with a throbbing headache. Gosh why did I drink so much last night? A glass of wine would have been enough but no Wawa you just had to drink vodka. But I love spirits bafethu, lapha uphuza uyibone I direction ukuth ngiya ekudakweni la ngibheke khona, I feel like my head is splitting into two. The sun that is penetrating through the curtains also is not making things better. I turn to Vuyo’s side of the bed and he is not there. I don’t remember much of what happened last night. I just hope I didn’t embarrass myself. I sit up as Vuyo is getting in with a tray which I assume is my breakfast. He places it on the dresser and sits next to me.

Him: “morning my love.” I just try standing up and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I head back to the bedroom and sit next to him.
Me: “I am sorry”
Him: “vir wat? (For what?”
Me: “embarrassing you last night.” He looks at me with that look that penetrates your soul.
Him: “you don’t remember what happened last night so you are apologizing just in case you embarrassed me?” how did he figure that out? You’d swear I am dating a lawyer. I just nod.
Him: “on the contrary last night was one of the best nights of my life. Babe you were on fire. Literally. You went from being my innocent princess to being a sex goddess. The way you gave it to me yesterday, I am so full. You fed me the whole week’s food. Jy het my so fucked dat my piel slap was. (You fucked me to such a point that my dick was flaccid.)” I giggle. Pity I can’t remember.
Me: “I am glad I satisfied my king.”
Him: “never apologize for something you don’t remember. Now eat so that you can cure that hangover of yours.”

I take my food then sit on the table in the room then eat. In the meantime he is making the bed. Perfect husband material. When I am done I drink my hangover cure and I swear I would’ve puked if I started with it. He takes the dishes to the kitchen, comes back and we take an innocent shower. My bae needs sometime to recharge. We get out, dry and lotion our bodies. I tie my braids into a neat bun. I opt for a short elastic denim skirt (did I mention that I love short things? They are my life), olive green Kendall wrap up crop top and olive green sandals. My necklace, the one Vuyo bought for me, I never take it off, and it’s a good think it matches with every outfit. I take out my sunglasses and put them in my black sling bag, I also have a thing for sling bags. Vuyo decides to copy my outfit; so he’s wearing a skinny jean, an olive green polo t-shirt and a Gucci leather thong sandal. We take a few mirror selfies and I must say we look good.

Me: “so where are you taking Mrs. Sithole today?’
Him: “mmm Mrs. Sithole, I like the sound of that but you have to choose.”
Me: “but I don’t know CT. I want you to show me it.”
Him: “stop using that small sulking voice of yours.” I giggle and wrap my arms around his waist. “You look so cute rn.” I blush like a 5 year old. “We can go at the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront for boat riding and also head for Whale watching at Hermanus.”
Me: “that would be awesome. What are we waiting for?”
Him: “we are waiting for Miss Mnguni to give me a kiss.” I giggle then stand on my toes and French kiss him. His hands grabs my ass squeezing it and I move mine to the back of his neck. We deepen the kiss and I can fell Jobe Jr. getting excited so I pull back. “Let’s go before I strip you naked and fuck you mercilessly.” Thought you were full Mr. I take my handbag and run downstairs leaving him laughing.

I head to the dining hall and find everyone seated having breakfast. I greet them and join them but I only take an apple from the fruit bowl and eat it.

Lwando: “so what are we doing today?”
Me: “I don’t know about you guys but me and my bae are going whale watching.” He comes and sits next to me.
Lande: “I must also find a bae to take me dolphin watching in Durban.”
Me: “girl don’t test me.” Everyone laughs.
Vuyo: “please don’t give your sister a heart attack.”
Lande: “can we go to the District Six Museum? Or go Table Mountain?”
TDK: “we will go to both places, we have all day.”
Me: “I am not drinking today.”
Londy: “budala kunawe. (Alcohol is older than you)” Everyone laughs.
TDK: “what exactly led you guys to drinking that much? I have an excuse. I am nursing my broken heart and mourning my friend. What is yours?”
Me: “we definitely have different meanings of mourning. Anyways when is her funeral?”
TDK: “on Wednesday. Her family wasn’t very fond of her so they just wanna get it done and over with as soon as possible.”
Me: “wow okay. Can I have the night shift so that I can attend the funeral?”
TDK: “sure.” Her phone rings and she excuses herself. Vuyo finishes eating and we head to our adventure.

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