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We stayed for 3 days after the traditional wedding at Barkly West. Bengisakotiza, Vuyo’s ncane named me Yandiswa. She said that was what Vuyo’s mom wanted to name their third child, should they have one. It’s a beautiful name and I love it. We came back yesterday and I had to go for the dress fitting in the evening. Well I did exercise, so I am glad to announce that I stayed at size 34 and did not gain much weight. The dresses fitted me perfectly and I was happy.

Today Elbeth is here in town. She came with my dress. She was confident that it won’t need any alterations and it will fit me. I just have to trust her word for it. She is at the Radisson Blu Hotel. I am headed there with mom right now. She and my siblings didn’t go back to Umzimkhulu, they decided to wait for the white wedding. Tomorrow as it is mom’s birthday, we will celebrate it at my house, she just wants a peaceful family dinner.

While driving to the hotel, a song comes on, we are listening to Ukhozi FM because mom loves that station. I immediately recognize the voice, it’s Azana. Wow I have never heard this song and I am already loving it. It says ‘Uthando Lwangempela, livusa umuntu ebusuku, uzithole usucabanga ngezinto zakudala.’ I am definitely walking down the aisle with this song. I increase the volume and mom looks at me.
Mom: “you’re in love my princess?” she asks in an amused tone.

Me: “mom I have been searching for a song which I will walk down the aisle with and I have finally found it. I am going to ask Thandeka to book Azana for me. I want her to perform this song mama. Don’t you feel the love?” she laughs. I hand her my phone. “Please go to iTunes and but it for me. Search for Azana – uthando.”
Mom: “okay.”

We get to the hotel and I drive the car to the parking lot. I park it and climb off with my handbag. Mom also climbs off and hands me my phone back. She says ‘done’ and I thank her. I lock the car. By the way, we are twinning because we are both wearing baby blue blouses with denim jeans and block heels. Of course Londeka took a lot of pictures before we left. We get to the lobby and find Elbeth’s assistant. We exchange greetings and she leads us to Elbeth’s hotel room. We get there and exchange hugs with Elbeth. We sit down on the couches.

Me: “besides my dress, what else that brought you to the city of gold?”
Elbeth: “my family decided to spend Christmas here, so.” She shrugs.
Me: “okay. Now where is the perfect dress?” she laughs and stands up.

Elbeth: “come with me.” I stand up, placing my bag and phone on my seat and follow her. We get to the bedroom and the dress is hanged on the wall.
Me: “looks perfect, like a dress fit for a queen.” She chuckles.

Elbeth: “let’s try it on.” I take off my clothes and she helps me wear my dress. Fuck I look stunning. I twirl while looking at my reflection on the mirror.
Me: “fuck, this is perfect Elbeth.”
Elbeth: “I aim to please.” She helps me wear my heels and we head back to the lounge.
Mom: “wow.”

Me: “how do I look mommy?”
Mom: “magnificent, perfect, amazing, you know what, let me just keep quiet.” We all laugh at her.
Me: “I love my dress. Let me just take it off before I stain it.” They all laugh at me. Elbeth helps me take it out and we leave with it. I lay the dress on the backseat. We climb into the car and drive out. “Mom let’s go and buy food that we will cook for tomorrow’s lunch. I know that most stores are full, so we will just go to Woolies.”

Mom: “great. Who will be joining us?”
Me: “Vuyo and Thandeka, The Mullers which is Dakota’s family, maybe 2 or 3 of Vuyo’s friends.”
Mom: “won’t your friends come?”
Me: “no, they will be spending the day with their families. So mom what do you want as a birthday present this year? Anything you want, I will buy it for you.” She shakes her head.

Mom: “baby you had umkhehlo in November, 2 weddings this month, one has passed and one is still to come. I love you so much, I don’t want you to go broke after your wedding. A family lunch with you guys is all I need. What you did for me last year will definitely be engraved in my mind and heart for the rest of my life.” Tears fall down my eyes and she quickly wipes them. “Careful, you don’t want them to make you cause an accident my love.” I giggle.

Me: “I love you so much mama.”
Mom: “I love you too mafungwase wako Mnguni.”

We get to the mall and head to Woolies. Bae calls me and asks where I am at. I tell him I am heading to Woolies. I also tell him that I am with my mom. He doesn’t respond, instead he hangs up. I just roll my eyes and we get inside the shop. We start shopping, we also take the rainbow cake because as soon as my eyes landed on it, I just craved it. We also take tin roof. We stand on the queue chatting about anything and everything. Out of the blue, princess’s daddy comes to where we are standing with a smile on his face.

Him: “ladies.” He kisses mom on her cheek.
Mom: “how are you son-in-law?”
Him: “I am fine ma, how are you?”
Mom: “I am good son.” He comes to me and perks my lips.
Him: “How are you my sweet rose?”

Me: “I am fine.” We get to the till and offload all the things we bought. When it’s time to pay I take out my card but he takes it and puts it back to my wallet. He then takes out his black card and swipes. I roll my eyes, show off. We take the stuff and head to the parking lot. We load the groceries in the boot and head back inside the mall.

Him: “by the way, you ladies look absolutely beautiful.” Mom smiles and thanks him.
Me: “now can you go? We are actually having a mother and daughter day out.”
Mom: “aybo Lwandeka. Let me guys give you a few minutes to talk. You will find me at Spice and Stuff.” She leaves before I can respond.
Him: “I am sorry for spoiling your day.”

Me: “no, you’re not. Why didn’t you let me pay for the groceries? Yes you are my husband but that doesn’t mean you will have to pay for everything. I do have my own money, I own a farm, and I work as a manager. I can afford most of my expenses. Don’t do that again.”
Him: “I am sorry baby, I was just trying to be romantic.”

Me: “you are romantic, just don’t try new things that will turn me off and make me feel useless.” He rubs his face.
Him: “I realize my mistake and I humbly apologize. I won’t ever do that again unless you mistakenly left your wallet at home.” I chuckle. “Now can I get my kiss before you get back to your mother and daughter day out?” I smile and pull his head to my face. We share a passionate kiss, forgetting that we are actually in public. We then break.

Me: “see you tomorrow lover boy.”
Him: “not even tonight?” I laugh and just leave him standing there.

We are having a quiet and peaceful pool day with Sizwe at his house. We just woke up today and decided we are not going anywhere. We are just going to chill in our swimwear in the pool, plus the sun is permitting us. I will only leave tonight because I have to check my clubs. I have also given Lwandeka the week off so that she can focus on her wedding and be less stressed about work. We are chilling on the chairs near the pool while sipping on cocktails which I made, I can be a genius sometimes.

Me: “my king, I am actually thinking about Lwandeka and Luvuyo’s wedding gift. I wanna cover their honeymoon expenses.”
Him: “I am pretty sure Jobe has already planned a honeymoon for them my queen. After all, he is romantic.”

Me: “well I cancelled his honeymoon plans. I want them to go to this island in Fiji. It’s called Kadavu Island. They will be staying at Zeavola Resort & Spa.”
Him: “seems like you have all this figured out.” I smile.
Me: “yes. Also Thabi’s jet will be transporting them soon after the end of the wedding reception.”

Him: “I will just buy them clothes that they will wear in the honeymoon. But you have to help me pick them out ke.”
Me: “that’s brilliant baby. We will go to the shops on the 26th.”
Him: “when do you want me to pay lobola?”
Me: “maybe in May or June.”
Him: “who will I be paying to?”

Me: “uncles, dad’s brothers. They do exist, it’s just that they never bothered themselves about us.”
Him: “okay love.” my phone beeps and I check the message. It’s from Nicky, it says Popi has been kidnapped. I just chuckle shaking my head. “What is it love?”
Me: “nothing. Someone is just testing me. I don’t think they can handle me once I unleash the beast inside of me.” he chuckles.
Him: “babe calm down. Don’t let anyone spoil our day.” I smile.

Me: “relax, no one will. I will deal with this later on before I go to the clubs. Now let’s swim.” I stand up and he also stands up. We get inside the pool. Instead of swimming, we just fool around, kissing and giving each other pleasure using our hands. But my mind is still on who could’ve taken Popi. Whoever it is, he or she is going to regret it.

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