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Anger is like a flame blazing up and consuming our self-control, making us think, say, and do things that we will probably regret later. – Thich Nhat Hanh

We are just all gathered at the dinner table waiting for our ‘special guest’. Lwandeka appears at the door and she was followed by her brother Sizwe. God I don’t know what is wrong with me but there is something I feel for this guy. I like the way his dreadlocks are always styled, neatly. God the way his beard is always trimmed, his cologne, his skin tone, his voice, entlek I am crazy about this guy. I will just have to sleep with him to get rid of my fantasies for him.

He hugs the kids and shake hands with Vuyo, he comes to me and he open his arms for a hug, once our chests collide Jesus Christ I get wet instantly. The muscles beneath his shirt oww God, what is happening to me? I think the only way to get him out of my mind would be to fuck him. He finally let go and sits down beside me as this was the only vacant space. We start eating and the twins are the ones talking mostly. I can’t help but notice some tension between Lwandeka and my brother and I make a mental note to ask one of them after dinner.

Lwando: “well bhuti we are going to Cape Town tomorrow for the weekend.” He says and his face beamed with excitement. I really like Lwandeka’s siblings. They bring light in our home.
Sizwe: “really? Are you going to stay at a hotel or…?”
Me: “we have a beach house there, we actually have properties in every province. Hotels aren’t really our things.”
Lwandeka: “you have never thought of owning one?” not really, I don’t know why, we do own flats though.
Vuyo: “the idea never really excited us. Having a hotel requires full attention because we wouldn’t want anyone taking advantage of our constant absence as we always are in our clubs and restaurants.” My brother couldn’t have said it better.
Lwah: “my brother own few properties so maybe if you decide on going in that business you can have a talk with him.”
Me: “will do princess.”
Sizwe: “so when you come back will you come for a sleepover at my house?”
Lwandeka: “you have a house here? Where?”
Sizwe: “at Protea Glen.”
Lwandeka: “wow that’s awesome, who knows maybe I might stay there from January since I’m transferring to Fests.” My brother clears his throat. There is definitely trouble in paradise. See why I choose to have fuck buddies?
Londy: “I don’t think you will love living at Protea Glen alone, I mean bhuti is based in Durban, he only comes here for business maybe once or twice a year. I for one wouldn’t leave this warm home to stay alone.”
Me: “enough Londy, princess used the word ‘might’ not ‘will.’”
Lwandeka: “thank you for the shield, I almost died.” We laugh. After the food Zethu serves us the dessert. We are still enjoying it when my phone rings and T-bone’s name flashes on the screen. I answer.
Me: “talk to me.”
T-bone: “Khwezi is dead.” My heart stops for a second. I think I heard him wrong. Can’t be Khwezi and where was he?
Me: “what?”
T-bone: “the lions caught her at their territory boss.” I smash my phone on the wall, the anger I have is indescribable.
Lwandeka: “kids go upstairs, NOW! You too Londeka.” They all rush upstairs and I start smashing every piece of glass I come across. Sizwe stands up, take his phone and car keys.
Sizwe: “I guess this is goodbye. I will see you sis.” He hugs Lwah and says goodbye to my brother and heads out. At this point I don’t give a fuck about what he thinks of me.
Vuyo: “WILL YOU JUST STOP IT?! Breaking things won’t solve whatever that phone call carried.”
Me: “they killed her, they fuckin killed Khwezi and they are all going to pay one by one.”
Lwandeka: “OMG!” she sits down on the chair. “But why? Who would do such a thing to her?”
Vuyo: “you are starting to make this killing thing of yours a habit.”
Me: “that’s how gangsters are right?” when it had registered in my mind what I just said I suddenly feel the urge to leave the house.
Vuyo: “what did you just say Charlotte?” I take my other phone from the table and my car keys from the drawer in the kitchen and leave. I will deal with my brother when I come back. Right now I need to know the person personally responsible for pulling the trigger on Khwezi. I drive out of the house and dial T-bone’s number.
Me: “where are you?”
Him: “at the warehouse, the boss is breathing fire bozza.”
Me: “eyy uzoba strong loyo, I just lost a very loyal soldier, I don’t need him breathing down my neck. I’m on my way.” I hang up. I arrive at the warehouse and when I get inside Khwezi’s body was on the table and 3 were surrounding it. T-bone is just leaning against the wall looking defeated. They all glance my way.
Boss: “just the woman I wanted to see, please balance me real quickly, what was Khwezi doing at an enemy territory alone at night?” I honestly had no idea she went to Rosebank and what was she doing there.
T-bone: “she received an anonymous tip that the Lions are gathering there for a meeting and she wanted some information. When she called me it was already late because she was already outside their warehouse. A member of the Lions spotted her and he shot her in the head while she was still in the car.”
Boss: “how do you know all this?”
T-bone: “we were in contact the whole time, she hadn’t hung up because I was her back up but I was late.”
Boss: “since when do we act on tipoffs? Are we the police now? Do we go sniffing around on enemy territory?” we all keep quiet. I am really pissed at Khwezi now because if she had seeked my permission I would’ve forbid her to go to the Lion’s den. “And you as their boss what did you say when this kid was pursuing this madness?”
Me: “I had no idea boss of what she was up to, otherwise I would’ve forbid her.”
Boss: “let this be a wake-up call to everyone in here that you don’t go sniffing on enemy territory, fuck tipoffs.”
Scar: “but boss this was an attack on the Hunters. Khwezi didn’t attach anyone, she could’ve just merely had some trouble with her car and before she got out to check out of the blue she was attacked.” That is boss’s right-hand man Scar, the dude is very scary with a wide scar on the forehead.
Boss: “are you suggesting we declare a war against the Lions?”
Nolitha: “that’s precise boss. They killed one of us. We must retaliate.” Litha is a female version of Scar. She is scary and has muscles like a wrestler.  
Me: “but we don’t even know how their boss look like.”
Boss: “then it’s time we find out. I have a friend of mine from overseas who just came back, maybe she can help us discover the identity of the Lions head once and for all.”
Me: “I will inform Khwezi’s family about her demise.”
Cindy: “so vele peace treaty has been revoked?” everybody looks at her.
Boss: “they are the one who revoked it not us. Anyways what’s a peace treaty vele between gangs? The elders were crazy nabo yazi.” He chuckles.
Scar: “it’s about time boss, those fuckers think they are invincible.” He laughs. “And it’s time The Lioness show us some action. We have been missing her so much.” The whole team chuckles.
Me: “careful, when she comes out you might not be able to handle her.”
Scar: “she is not mine to handle. You need to set her loose for Dark Eagle.”
T-bone: “even the name itself gives me creeps.”
Me: “well I wanna sit and wait for him to try his luck with me. After all a lion doesn’t fly. It waits for its predator to come down and lets its guard down and then it attacks.”

With that said I stand up and head out. I am serious, I am not going after Dark Eagle, I am sure he will know that he messed with me and will try taking me out first and that’s when I will strike. I don’t chase ghosts. I am after all the queen of the jungle, all animals bow down to me.


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