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I know that my girlfriend loves farming, even though she might look all glamorous but she has passion when it comes to agriculture. I know she won’t enjoy managing the club as much as she would enjoy managing a farm. It has been 2 days since she came back from home and I want this gift I am preparing for her to be a New Year’s gift. Now Soma and I are driving to Krugersdorp. We are meeting up with an estate agent and going to view a few farms there.

Him: “mara Jobe usifakela I pressure.” I laugh.
Me: “what did I do?”
Him: “dude normal boyfriends but their girlfriends’ cars, trips to Dubai, shopping spree voucher. This is a whole new level. A farm, a whole farm?!”
Me: “I know that she might appreciate a car and a trip overseas but this is more valuable and the title deed will be under her name. I wanna do this, to fulfil her dream. I love that girl Soma and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for her.” Damn I love that woman and I know that she also loves me.
Him: “you are lucky. After this Gugu will surely be comparing me and you. She will be complaining nonstop.”
Me: “I forgot to ask you. What was that drama about at Alloy? Did you shag my sister?”
Him: “I am sorry Jobe, we were both drunk. One thing led to the other. It only happened once in Cape Town.”
Me: “I have no problem with you cheating on Gugu because your relationship is doomed, I don’t even know why you still with her but please don’t include my sister. I researched about her. After I saw her at Khwezi’s funeral I discovered that she is The Lioness and she is the baddest chick in the game. She might snap and kill Gugu for provoking her so please don’t do that again. What you saw at Alloy was nothing.”
Him: “I promise I won’t.”

We arrived at our destination and we got out of the car. The agent was already standing outside the gate. We views about 3 farms and I loved the 2nd one because it has a big farm house and huge land. There is also plantation of fruits. The farm is very much alive. Don’t ask me how much it cost because you will have a heart attack. If she want livestock she will also get them because there is so much space here. She can even extend the house or build another one just for control. This place also have flats where the employees live. I finalize everything with the agent and we head to Alloy. We get there and head inside.

Soma: “a club in East London is for sale. The owner is apparently broke so he is selling. There is no fixed price. He is just waiting for someone who will make a great offer then sell it.”
Me: “I have been craving Eastern Cape for a very long time. Check everything about and if it’s in a good condition they buy it for me. If you manage to buy it I will reward you.” I see Lwandeka serving a customer. Her back is on me so when she takes off I rush to her and hold her from behind. She brings her hand behind and brushes my head gently. She giggles and that makes me so fuckin happy. This woman is my everything.

Her: “if you don’t take your hands off me you will get me fired.” She says her hand still on my head.
Me: “if you were afraid about getting fired your hand wouldn’t be where it is now.” She giggles and turns. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulls me and kisses me softly. I respond to the kiss and deepen it. She breaks it and stares at me.
Her: “I love you my knight.”
Me: “I love you too my princess.”
Her: “now can I please get back to work?”
Me: “sure, see you after work.” She goes to the kitchen, Soma and I proceed to my office.
Lindy and I are window shopping at the Mall of Africa after buying her late Christmas gift when suddenly a little human bumps into me and falls down on her butt. I quickly pick her up expecting her to cry. She actually does the opposite, she giggles causing me to smile. Kids are so adorable.

Me: “hello princess, what is your name?”
Little one: “my name is Nancy.”
Me: “okay princess Nancy, where is your mom? You are too young to be wandering around. What if bad men steal you?”
Nancy: “my mom went to heaven. I am 10 but dad says I am 5. And nobody will steal me because he protects me.” Ncoaw. I feel for her.
“Nancy I told you never to run. Look now you are disturbing these beautiful ladies in their journey.” A bold voice says behind me. Hello there.
Nancy: “but daddy I didn’t disturb them. Did I aunty?” she asks her beautiful eyes darting from me to Lindy.
Lindy: “of course you didn’t princess. You are so beautiful. My name is Lindy and this is Londy.”
Nancy: “aunt Lindy and aunt Londy, your names sound the same. Are you guys related?”
Lindy: “no but we are best friends.” The dad clears his throat. Damn his is a sexy specie. His lips ow God.
Him: “oww where are my manners? I am Zweli Dube and missy here is my daughter.” My pussy is like Elimthente.
Me: “it was nice meeting you princess. Unfortunately we have to leave. We are super hungry so we are rushing to Spur for lunch.” I try putting her down but she clings on me. Her dad frowns.
Zweli: “that’s odd. She has never been this open or clingy to strangers.”
Nancy: “daddy I am also hungry and you said we are going to eat. Can we also go to Spur?” her dad agrees and we all head to Spur. We get there and sit down, Miss Nancy on my lap. We order then wait for our food.

Me: “princess why don’t you go to the play area so that you can play with other kids?”
Nancy: “okay.” She runs to the play area.
Zweli: “so what do you guys do for a living?”
Lindy: “I am doing B ed at Unizulu.”
Me: “I am also doing B…” Lindy and I laugh. “Old habits. I was doing B Ed this year but next year I will be doing event Management certificate at Damelin. It’s my passion. I love planning events and not to blow my own horn but I am so damn good at doing my job.”
Zweli: “really?” he raises his eyebrow with an amused expression. I take my phone and scroll down to the gallery. I reach mama’s party photos.
Me: “I will let my work speak for itself.” I pass him my phone. He views the pictures and his expression… priceless. Exactly what I was looking for. He hand me back my phone with a smile on his face.
Zweli: “I am impressed.”
Lindy: “so what do you do?”
Zweli: “I am the CEO of Mthente Holdings.”
Lindy: “ow wow my dad works there.”
Zweli: “small world.”

The food arrives, he goes to fetch the princess, comes back and we eat while having a light conversation. He is really a cool guy. We finish eating and wait for desert. My phone rings and the caller is my sister. I answer.

Me: “big cc”
Her: “little one you done with your shopping? I am knocking off and I thought you might need a ride.”
Me: “Don’t worry, I will uber back home.”
Her: “please buy me rainbow cake from Woolies.”
Me: “but sisi I don’t have money.” Lindy laughs. She knows I have about 20k in my account. Bhuti Sizwe went overboard with his contribution to the party and there is a huge change. She chuckles.
Her “I know your broke voice and rich voice so I know you are lying to me.” What the fuck is a rich voice and broke voice?
Me: “you know what fine I will buy it for you.”
Her: “love you.” She hangs up.
Lindy: “what does she want?”
Me: “rainbow cake from Woolies.”
Nancy: “daddy I also want bow cake from Lilies.” We laugh at her.

Zweli settles the bill and we go to Woolies, we buy the cakes and head out after ubering. We say goodbye to the Dube Greek God and princess. We don’t exchange numbers but I am sure if God want us to meet again our paths will cross.

I arrive at home and find everyone there. I give Lwah the cake and she puts it in the fridge. I go to my room, change into comfortable clothes and head down. We all chill at the lounge.

Jobe: “have you applied at Damelin?”
Me: “I did online. They accepted me. All that’s left is to register in January.”
Jobe: “that’s great and you are really good at what you do. Keep it up kiddo.”
Me: “thank you bhuti.”
Lwah: “so how are the preparations going for the New Years’ party?”
TDK: “everything is going according to plan. I have contacted the celebs that will grace us with their presence…”
Me: “what?! Celebs?! You are meaning to tell me that there will be celebs here? I will be breathing the same air with famous people?”
TDK: “something like that.”
Me: “so which celebs will be coming?”
TDK: “it’s a surprise.”
Me: “can I invite Lindy?”
Jobe: “yes you can kiddo.”
Lwah: “how many people are we expecting vele?”
TDK: “many but don’t worry, there will be a marque in the backyard so nje the party will be there not inside the house.”
Lwah: “that’s a relief. Also we must lock every room except for the separate bathroom. I don’t trust strangers and who knows, maybe there will be Vuyo’s admirers who will be wanting to put korobela in his room.” She says rolling her eyes, iskhwele kudadewethu bafethu. But angimsoli, Bhuti Jobe is handsome but definitely not my cup of tea.
TDK: “someone is territorial.” She says the laughs afterwards
Jobe: “please leave umamekhaya alone.” He pulls her to his laps and perks her lips. She stuck her tongue out looking at Thandeka.
TDK: “stop babying her. If you baby her now how worse will you be when she falls pregnant?”
Me: “wee sobe sivelelwe.” She gives me an intimidating look and we all laugh at her.

“They said pour a teaspoon but you poured it all, even made him eat the plastic (the love potion).” She quickly stands up and luckily I can see what she wants to do so I also quickly stand up and rush out of the room with bhuti Jobe and Thandeka laughing their asses out. I climb the stairs quickly and she stops at the bottom of the staircase panting. She shows me the middle finger and I just laugh at her.

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