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We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends help us stay young. – Letty Cottin Pogrebin

Monday morning I wake up really tired but I have to go to work. Last night Vuyo and I made love all night long and damn it was so good, I can’t stop thinking about him inside me and him having a huge package doesn’t make it easy. Just thinking about it makes me wet guys. Jobe Jr. is a killer machine. This guy know his stuff. He gave it to till I felt like hosting his late mother a Thank You party for giving birth to him.

I take a warm shower after brushing my teeth, wear my uniform with black polo-neck because the weather doesn’t seem friendly today. After fixing my hair and face I head downstairs. I find my siblings busy teasing each other at the longue and I go to join them. They are still in pajamas.

Me: “can someone make me cereal? Whoever makes it first will get a reward this evening.” The twins rush to the kitchen busy pushing each other, they like rewards.
Londy: “you’re glowing”
Me: “must be my body lotion.”
Her: “nah, that glow is the after-sex glow” I laugh.
Me: “you are nosy and relax you aren’t getting any news from me.”
Her: “OMG! You guys did it, so how is he?” the twins come back Lwando is carrying the bowl with cornflakes and Landesihle is carrying a glass with milk. They hand the things to me.
Me: “my favourite siblings who don’t ask questions that don’t concern them, thank you my darlings.” They smile and Londy sulk. I start eating my cereal.
Vuyo comes downstairs wearing a 3-piece navy suit with Christian Louboutin Alpha Male Flat Black/ Navy wool, white shirt with navy tie and of course my cufflinks. I nearly choke on my cereal. He is, handsome doesn’t even begin to define what he looks like. He is mouth-watering. I am drooling. Just by looking at him standing there looking all sorts of yummy I start reliving the events of last night. My God my pussy is screaming his name right now. I feel like ululating and thanking the Gods for this beautiful, sexy Demigod in front of me. Jealous down, ubumbiwe umfanwabantu, with imported clay, for models only. I come back to earth when Londy calls my name.
Her: “earth to Lwandeka.” I place my cereal on the coffee table and take my bag.
Me: “I have to go, see you guys later.” I rush to the garage and drive the R8 out of the garage. Out of the blue Vuyo appears in the driveway and that causes me to brake right in front of him, OMG! I nearly ran over him, wait what is he doing in the driveway? I turn off the engine and go to him.
Me: “what the fuck? What were you thinking? I could’ve hit you for God’s sake.”
Him: “you were running away from me and I couldn’t let you leave without getting my morning kiss.” He says in a sulky tone.
This guy is crazy. Love can make you do crazy stuff I tell you. I go closer to him perk his lips and turn to walk away. He grabs me and turns me to face him. His cologne make my knees weak. He gives me a mind blowing kiss that lasts for more than 2 minutes. We stop kissing and just stare into each other’s eyes.
Me: “you are so fuckin handsome today, I’m so jealous of the women who will get to lay their eyes on you.” Did I just say that out loud? What the hell is wrong with me? I close my mouth with hand and he laughs and removes it.
Him: “there is nothing wrong with jealousy and thank you for the compliment my love. Now you can imagine how I feel every day you walk out of that door.” I chuckle.
Me: “the way you’re so handsome I could eat you up this moment. Yazi when you descended the stairs my pussy was throbbing, calling out your name, saying ‘Vuyo eat me now’.” Can my mouth stop opening and spitting words without my permission? I close my mouth with my hand again. “What the hell is wrong with me today?” he laughs again so hard that tears starts coming out of his eyes.
Him: “you know what let me get my bag and I will drive you to work today, take you out for lunch and fetch you after work and I won’t take no for an answer.” Before I can answer he disappears inside the house and comes back with his briefcase. We get into the car and we drive off.
Me: “Mondisa can we please go to Bloom Coffee? I didn’t finish my breakfast because I was distracted.” I roll my eyes and he laughs. So he will be laughing at me all day long?
Him: “okay my love, anything for you.” We park outside Bloom, we get out and go inside. We find Smiso on the counter. I know his name and he knows mine because I have become a regular here.
Smiso: “Lwandeka Miss Universe” I giggle, the guy always compliments me every time. Fuck I forgot Vuyo is with me.
Me: “hey Smiso, I’d like a cappuccino with 2 chocolate muffins and baby what would you like?” I turn to stare at Vuyo.
Vuyo: “black coffee only.” Smiso’s eyes widen.
Him: “OMG! Your boyfriend is Luvuyo Sthole?!” I turn and look at Vuyo and he shrugs. “You’re my role model sir. Anyways you may take your seats and I will call you when your order is ready.” We go to sit down.
Me: “what was that all about? Are you some kind of a celebrity Mondisa wami ngedwa?”
Vuyo: “I don’t know about the celebrity part but I am a young black successful businessman.” I roll my eyes and he chuckles. Our order is called, he go to the counter, settle the bill and comes back with our coffees and muffins and sit down.
Me: “come to mama” I open my hands for my cappuccino.
Him: “are you talking to the coffee or me?” I laugh.
Me: “my baby is jealous, you are more handsome when you are jealous.” He rolls his eyes and blushes. “OMG! Vuyo did you just blush?” I laugh loudly.
Him: “finish your breakfast before you get late for work.” I laugh even more. “Wee usizakele ke wena ngane.” I just shake my head laughing and tears are just streaming down my cheeks. “You know what I am leaving.” He attempts to stand and I grab his hand.
Me: “okay I’m done laughing at you babe, sit who knows maybe you might earn yourself a quickie before you go to work.” His eyes widen and he sits down.
Him: “what’s happening with your mouth today?” I chuckle.
Me: “I don’t know, maybe I have multiple personalities.”
Him: “that may be the only explanation.” We both laugh.
Me: “I love you.”
Him: “I love you more.” He stands up and perks my lips. “Yazin tomorrow we will go straight to the magistrate and get married. You are so the woman for me.”
Me: “you’re crazy.” We finish eating and we walk out. On our way to the car I bump into a lady and she turns.
Sne: “you again” she says annoyed. “Didn’t your mother teach you to watch where you’re going?” her eyes move from me to Vuyo. “Ohh hey Jobe I didn’t see you there” did this bitch just flirt with my bae? “Ohh she is your employee, she must be new. Please do teach her manners.” I see my hand turning red. I whisper to Vuyo.
Me: “babe she just made me have a reaction” he looks at me and looks back at Sne.
Him: “she is not just my employee but my fiancé and never speak to her like that.” With that said he pulls me to the car and we get in.
Sne: “WOW, WHAT A DOWN GRADE JOBE!” she shouts and we pay no attention to her.
Him: “do you have your injection with you?”
Me: “in my bag.” He take it, fiddles with it and take out the injection and injects me.
Him: “I’m taking you back home” he says starting the engine.
Me: “you will be late to your meeting Mondisa”
Him: “are you suggesting that I let you drive home so that you can cause an accident?” He asks clearly pissed and I just keeps quiet. He connected his phone to the car via Bluetooth. “Call Soma”
Car: “CALLING SOMA!” it rings and he answers immediately, you’d swear he was waiting for the call.
Soma: “Jobe”
Vuyo: “please go and attend the meeting on my behalf I am coming but I will be a little late.”
Soma: “what’s up boss?” he looks at me and back at the road and keeps quiet I guess he wants me to answer.
Me: “hey Soma.”
Soma: “boss lady, are you okay? You don’t sound like your usual self.” He knows my usual self, interesting.
Me: “I am not feeling well Soma so Jobe is taking me home, he will come straight to the meeting after dropping me.”
Soma: “okay get well soon boss lady.” He drops the call. We enter the house and he stops the car in front of the main door. I take my bag and get out, he also gets.
Me: “you will be late, you can go now thanks for dropping me off.” I don’t wait for him to answer I just run inside the house and rush to my room.
I undress and get into a quick cold shower. I dry myself and wear warm clothes because I can feel that I am coming down with a flu because of the cold shower. I turn on the heater and get under the covers. I take out my phone and text Nolby. ‘I’m sick please buy me KFC sweet chili twister and box master, both with extra cheese ASAP.’ I send it, I know she will come quickly because of the ‘ASAP’. I then text Thabi ‘please bring me spicy chicken pizza and a latte ASAP, I’m sick’. I know she is a drug lord and she may be busy but I don’t care. I then plug in my earphones and watch some videos from YouTube. In approximately 30 minutes both of the barge in my room and I take out my earphones. They place the food on either sides of the bed and sit on the bed.

Thabi: “what’s up sosha?”
Me: “I had an allergic reaction on my way to work and Vuyo drove me back home”
Nolby: “what caused it?” I look the other way, take my latte and drink it.
Thabi: “you know it is caused by being in contact with a lotion or perfume you are allergic to so who did you touch?” I finish my coffee and look at her, I know she won’t this slide.
Me: “on Thanksgiving we went to a club in Rosebank and when I went to the loo I bumped into her and she slapped me and I slapped her back, I got the reaction. Today we saw her and she bumped into me again.”
Thabi: “‘HER’ doesn’t have a name?” I take the pizza and start eating it, both of them take a slice each and start eating.
Me: “let it go Thabi.”
Her: “I have to know her so that I can make sure that you guys never cross paths again.”
Me: “Snegugu Mhlongo”
Nolby: “that bitch!” we look at her. “So vele no introductions? Hebana this kid is so uneducated. Yazi NSFAS should ask for their money back.” Trust Nolby to be dramatic about everything.
Me: “I am sorry my friend, this is Thabi Ntuli, my best friend. We grew up together and Thabi this is Nolubabalo Jama, my bestie from varsity and of course you know her.”
Nolby: “how does she know me?”
Me: “she knows everything.” Thabi chuckles.
Thabi: “sosha my queen asked if you could join us for dinner tomorrow and she said you can bring your boyfriend.”
Me: “wow okay I will tell Vuyo when he comes back from work. I can’t wait to see your house.”
Nolby: “what about me?”
Thabi: “you can come with your boyfriend if you’re not busy. Sosha will send you the location.” She stands up with the pizza box because it is finished. “Let me love and leave you I have to rush somewhere.”
Nolby: “me too, get well soon my friend.” She kisses my forehead.
Me: “thank you for checking up on me, I really appreciate it.”
BOTH: “SISTERS BY BOND” we laugh and they leave. I pick up the house phone and call Zethu.
Zethu: “sisi Lwah”
Me: “please come to my room now” I hang up, she is at my door within a matter of seconds. “Please take these to the kitchen in the second floor sisi, I wanna find it when I wake up.” I said handing her my KFC paper-bag.
Zee: “okay sisi”
Me: “thank you” she walks out. I lock my door, go back to bed and it is lights out.
Later that day I am woken up by sounds of music inside my room. The devil must be tempting me, the only person who has the nerve to wake me up like that is Londy and she knows very well how much I hate it. This time around she brought her minions. How did she even get in? Where did she find the spare? She can act like a 5 year old sometimes.
Londy: “wakey, wakey big cc” she says as she continue dancing. I cover my head with my pillow.
Me: “go away”
Lwando: “you must be hungry, come let’s go downstairs so that we can all eat late lunch” I raise my head.
Me: “you haven’t eaten lunch?” I check the time in my phone and it is 17:10.
Landesihle: “we were waiting for you.” I wake up and take my phone.
Me: “wait no more, let’s go downstairs.” We go downstairs and eat our late lunch and then head to the cinema room.
Lwando: “can we please watch ALADIN?” he says staring at me with puppy eyes.
Me: “fine but after that we will watch a movie Landesihle desires”
Landesihle: “yay! Even when you will be sleeping your word is the law.” We all laugh and the movie starts. I try to stay awake until halfway through it and then I excuse myself to go and sleep.

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