Chapter 24: Its gettin HEAVY IN HERE

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A soft voice fills my ears.

My body feels light, like it was floating on some cloud.

'a-am I dead...?'

"No my dear, I simply had to borrow you for a bit."

I try to open my eyes but the light is too bright.

"W-who are you?" I call out, painstakingly lifting my eyelids to see.

"I have many names,"

"But you may address me as Fate."

As my eyes adjust to the light, I find myself back in my mind. The floor I lay on the same fluid gold I played with before.

"What is happening?" I sigh.

"Please, answer me!"

'i'm tired of guessing...'

"Your world has been splintered, with you in the centre of the split."

Before I can ask the voice to clarify, they continue.

"You, my child, are in quite a bit of trouble...

I see much grief in your future."


"But you just may make it out of this to your true end."

'True end?"

"Be wary of the choices you make and stay safe."

"I leave you with one last piece of advice,

your relationships with the boys may prove useful."

'Wait please-!'

I feel myself fall

And fall


I'm awake.

The bright light makes it a struggle for me to open my eyes but still I power through it.

'Where am I now?'

As I blink away the light that has surely done a number on my retina, I find 6 handsome faces staring down at me. "Ace..." Ayato? I think thats the first time he's ever called me by my name.

"G-guys? Where are we-" before I can crane my head up to look, a sharp pain sends my head falling back onto the plush pillow.

"We're in a hospital," Reiji.



Subaru moved to my right, fiddling with a few buttons until I feel the back of the bed lift up, helping me sit.

"Thanks Suba-" I spot the bloodstains on his shirt and my hand moves to my neck. I feel the rough knit pattern of gauze wrap the area.

Then I look around the room.

Everyone looks off.

Subaru and Ayato look more disheveled and heated than normal. Kanato was gripping onto Teddy so tight the poor bear's head was about to pop off. Laito had his hat crushed in his hands and Shu had dark circles under his eyes. Heck, even Reji looked less put together than normal.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to make you all worry." I exhale and find my eyes glued to my lap.

They were worried when I caught a damn cold, I can't imagine how scared they were.

"I'm going to kill that damn halfblood..." Ayato growled with a ferocity I'd never heard from him before. "W-wait-" A loud creak emitted from the bars next to my bed, they were crushed flat courtesy of a very angry looking Subaru. In fact it seemed all the boys shared Ayato's sentiment.

"Please don't do that, I'm-"

"BUT YOU'RE NOT!" That was Kanato. The boy was on the verge of tears, I'd never seen him like that before...

"They almost killed you..." Shu muttered softly, yet the harshness of his tone unnerved me greatly.

'Why would it matter to you guys?'

"Did they bite you?" I shook my head at Reiji's words.

'why are you asking me this...?'

"We can't lose you." Damn even Laito?

'Stop sounding like you guys care-'

'stop- stop making me-'

A wet hot drop fell on my lap.

'huh? I'm-'

"Damn, and here I am usually priding myself on being a tough one," I laugh feebly. God that was pathetic.


"Hey guys...?" I look up at them, tears pricking at my eyes.

"Thank you..."

'I know I'm just a meal to them...

But God, Kami, whoever...

Let me enjoy this feeling a while longer...

Even just a moment more...'

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