Chapter 34: BFG

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I decide to head back to my room to wait the final hour before I'd set off. When I got there, the four boys had already left.

'finally, some peace and quiet...'

I picked up the jacket and looked at it. The fabric had a nice heft to it and yet felt soft, like the fabric had been worn so much it became relaxed. The details were immaculate and yet the last time I'd seen this jacket was on a 2D character in a videogame. It was still weird to consider how just over half a year ago, I would've laughed at the idea of the Diabolik Lovers boys being real, let alone living with me.

A soft thud snapped me out of my reverie.

I quickly turned to face the intruder.

"Oh Luke, you scared me..." I sighed, seeing the stupid brunette who decided once again to drop in unannounced.

"Sorry, didn't think I was being that sneaky." I gave him a playful nudge upon his words. Then I took notice of his outfit. "That's a fancy get up you got there, you taking Kim somewhere fancy~?" I teased, moving to put on the jacket I got from Yuma.

"A-ah yeah... Do you think she'd like it?" He asked sheepishly.

I turned back to face him, resting a hand on my chin and began to circle him, eyeing him up and down playfully. He seemed a little stiff but I knew he just wanted to make Kim happy. "Mmm, acceptable!" I declare pompously before clapping him on the back. "Don't worry, I'm sure your little Kimmy will love whatever you have planned."

Yet the feeling of my hand against his back wasn't as familiar as it used to be... Was it just me or did he lose some muscle mass?

I move back to my dressed and begin combing my hair into a slightly more manageable mop.

"That jacket-" he questioned softly.

"Ah, it's from one of the newer boys that moved in. I'm going for the Idol's concert later and didn't wanna freeze my nuts off." I snicker, picking at pieces of my hair to move them out of my face.

"You guys sure have gotten close..."

'what was with that tone...?'

"Aww don't be jealous Lukey~ You're still gonna be my best man in my wedding to my future hologram waifu." I give him a quick grin and check the time on the wall clock. "Oh crud, I gotta get going," I said, hurridly slipping on a pair of slacks.

"Well then I'll be going too," Luke said, moving back towards the window.

"Hey Luke!" He turned back to me, looking a little frazzled but I ignored it.

'poor guy must be so nervous.'

"Be sure to tell me all the details~" I wiggle my eyebrows at him which he rebukes with a small smile. And just like that he was gone.

I move to open the door when a thought comes to mind.

'that's not the right window, is it?'

I turn around to check but both windows were now shut.

'maybe it was just me...'

With that I made my way downstairs.

"Oi Midget," I turned around and sure enough spotted my three little bodyguards standing by the shoe cabinet. "Bring one of us with you!" He demanded in the same tone as always.

"I already told you guys that I'd go there myself, you guys can do your little teleporting trick." I wave a hand dismissively, grabbing my keys from atop the cabinet and left.

"One of us has to go with you." Subaru spoke. Sure enough the guy had appeared right in front of me.

"I already said-"

"Did you bring the knife?" I'll admit he caught me off guard with that one. I'd been keeping the dagger in my backpack and had yet to really handle it much.

"I thought so," he sighed softly before crossing his arms. "One of us is riding with you."

I groan loudly and glamce over at my little line up of bachelors again. I think for a couple seconds before quickly pointing at the eldest of the batch.

'at least he'll just be asleep half the time...'

In a blink he was now sitting comfortably on the back of red. I run a hand through my hair in annoyance and move to accident-proof the insomniac. I grab my handy dandy spare helmet and try to put it on the blonde's head but...

"It's too small..." I mutter, lifting the helmet back up again and failing yet again to get it over his noggin. I end up switching helmets with him, my beautifully decal covered red and black helmet on sleepybutt's head as I wore my plain black spare helmet. It was a tighter fit than normal but it worked.

Finally I settled onto my darling red, a full half hour later than I'd planned.

As I started the engine and checked that everything was in order, I felt strong lank arms wrap around my torso. I stop myself from wriggling, knowing it'd only make me even more ticklish and maybe even cause us to crash further on. Goddamn was I one ticklish bitch.

I relax into his hold and crane my head back to say good-bye to my two rejected applicants but they'd already disappeared.

I take a slow breath and flick down my visor, revving up the bike and peeling off the driveway.

The drive there felt a lot snugger than normal. Despite the vampire not giving off much body heat, the woolen sweater he seemed so fond of felt nice and warm against the biting late September winds we were riding through. Whenever we'd come to a stop or reach a long and peaceful stretch of road where the usual bustle of the road was at it's quietest, I'd catch small snipets of whatever song was playing on Shu's earpieces. Bits of piano and violin intermingled with the sound of his soft breaths that warmed my neck.

It was so comfy I couldn't help but feel the ride was over all too quickly.

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