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Once we arrived to the concert venue, it seemed as though things were already in full swing.

Shu made a quiet groan of discontent as I pulled out of his hold to dismount red.

It was a large outdoor area condoned off by black barricades that had banners of Kou's face plastered over it. "How tasteful," I murmured pointedly, getting a quiet agreement from the blonde as he gave a soft huff.

I could hear the sounds of excited buzzing and bustling from behind the barricade. The backing track of a song I didn't recognise played softly, drowned out by the people in the crowd.

I pulled out the ticket that, despite my effort and the hours it spent pressed under stacks of books, still remained slightly crumpled from Ayato's little fit. It was then I realised a glaring issue in our plan.

"Uh-" I turned around, now realising the youngest Sakamaki brother had joined us. "Guys, we only have one ticket, how are you guys supposed to get in?"

Before either of them could open their mouth to suggest anything or chide me for my mistake, the distinct sound of a certain redhead's voice eminated from around the corner.

I sighed and led the way as we walked towards the voice, me bracing myself for the worst.

Sure enough, there Ayato was, yelling at the ticket attendent. "Let Ore-sama in now!" The scene was almost comical, a big bad vampire halted by a scrawny 16 year old half his height just trying to make a quick buck over what he probably thought would be collecting slips of paper from excited fangirls. I stiffled a laugh and began walking over to stop the mosquito from terrorising the mortified staff member.

"Hey Oreo-sama, stop scaring the poor guy who's just doing his job." I scolded gently, softly flicking him on the back of his head which I got a pointed stare for in return.

"Sorry about that, now if you'll excuse us," I laugh that typical polite laugh you'd share with a random stranger when something awkward happens, and shove Ayato away from the gate to where the other two brothers were waiting. "Oi midget, what was that for?! Ore-sama had almost got in!" The big baby grumbled.

"Well you don't have a ticket anyways, you wouldn't have anywhere to sit," I retort, pointing out the seat number that was printed in red ink on the edge of my ticket. "And we only have one ticket..." I sigh,  already regretting my decision to come.

But then, in a stroke of luck that would probably never occur again in my life, the man of the night himself dropped by.

"Hey, the backstage access locked when I was outside for a breather, could you help me-" Kou paused, now realising we were there after following the still anxious boy's gaze.

Still not knowing whether or not to be happy that we could now get in, I ran up to the blonde.

"Hey Kou, any chance you could get us in? I lost my ticket on accident." I laugh sheepishly before instantly regretting my decision.

'this bitch reads minds like a Roald Dahl book, what the he'll am I doing?'

I grip the edge of my sleeves anxiously when it takes a while for him to respond. His expression is unreadable.

"Mmm~ how forgetful, well I guess it can't be helped~" he sighed playfully before putting a hand to his chin in thought. "Well I don't think there are any seats left but you can always come backstage~" he grinned. He glanced over at the ticket boy who scampered over with a small bundle of keys, fumbling a little as he picked out the right one.

As the door was opened, Kou stepped aside to let me in first before throwing a rather unsavoury look towards the other three boys.

"Aah, sorry~ I can only allow one guest in~" he smiled in a seemingly polite manner before slyly eyeing the boys.

"You-!" Before Subaru could argue I piped up.

"Ah that's too bad then, I guess I won't be attending your performance then," I return Kou's previous look, giving a small bow before moving to leave the backstage corridor. "Wait-" Kou exclaimed, quickly putting an arm up to block me. He seemed to have done this instinctively as he quickly dropped his hand and sighed. As quickly as his facade dropped, he brought back that celebrity worthy smile yet again. "Well then it can't be helped~ another one of you can join Kitty-kun~"

I bit back a annoyed groan at the extremely embarassing nickname and eyed the three boys.

'Don't argue. Don't argue. Don't-'

"Fine," this was uttered by Ayato as him and Shu turned away, Subaru stepping past Kou to my side.

I blinked a little cluelessly as Subaru took hold of my wrist and dragged me further down the cramped hall to reach the proper backstage area.

The place was a hotter mess than Amanda Bynes, costumes and probs strewn about together with wires and other tech equipment needed to run the show. Except unlike Amanda Bynes, it was an organized chaos, every staff member and crew moving in a well planned dance of sorts, never stalling, never clueless.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I stood out like a sore thumb.

Just as Subaru's hand released mine, Kou wrapped an arm around my shoulders and ushered me off to a corner filled with brightly lit vanities and cases upon cases of hair product, makeup and glitter. "It's cool isn't it~? Each dancer gets their own table~!" I catch him wide smile in the mirror we stood before. Moving further in, he stopped at the one vanity that had a larger gap from the rest, filled by racks of plastic wrapped clothes adorned with glittery sequins and metallic fabrics. "This is my table~!" I could hear the grin in his voice as he moved to sit me down in the seat. I spotted all the tiny pots of a couple makeup products and a can of hairspray were neatly arranged on his table.

'He really enjoys this doesn't he...?' I sneak a glance of the boy in the mirror. 'That's endearing.' My lip twitches into a small smile to myself when I feel his grip on my shoulders tighten.

I look back up to see what's uo and we lock eyes for a second before the stage manager hollers from across the room for Kou.

"Coming~!" He yelled back, sparing me one last glance before running off.

I got out of the seat and headed back towards a sulky looking Subaru, taking one last look at the running idol.

'ANYTHING FOR YOU BEYONCÉ' I hear the guy scream in my head, an image of him throwing a innocent red root vegetable on the ground.

Sigh, the incredible occurance that is my mind, it's almost scary~

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