Chapter 12

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Jasmae's POV

I saw them hugging and my heart crushed down. I ran back to the canteen and when I arrived at the table I decided to act that I didn't saw, nor knew anything.

'Where is Hanbin?' I asked.

Awkward silence.

'He.. is talking with Krystal.' Bom looked at me with painful eyes.

'Aaah, okay!' I said trying to cheer up but my eyes didn't seem to go along so I just looked down.

'Jagi, you're back already?' Hanbin asked when he came back. 'I didn't saw you leaving the washrooms.'

No, because you were busy hugging another girl! I scolded him in my mind.

The rest of the afternoon I was just silent. Not looking him in the eyes.

When we were dissmissed I ran out of the classroom, not knowing Bobby ran after me really worried about me since I have been quiet since the lunchbreak. I felt his arms wrapping around my shoulders.

'What's wrong, Jasmae-ah?' He asked really worried.

'I-it's nothing!' I smiled confidently.

'Don't act tough, I know something happend, otherwise you won't be that quiet! Just tell oppa, okay!'

Aish, I couldn't help but just telling him.

'So.. you're sure about it that THEY hugged.. and not that she was the only one hugging him?' He asked when I told him.

'Eh.. to be honest, no. I haven't seen it that good as I ran away.'

'Well Jasmae-ah, I can tell you how much B.I loves you. Please have faith in him and let him explain what happend. I'm sure about it that there is a misunderstanding. Talk it out okay? I don't want my favorite couple to break up just because of a misunderstanding.' He smiled to me and I cheered a little bit by his words.

'Thank you Bobby!' I smiled to him and saw my taxi coming. 'Well, see you tomorrow!' We said goodbye's as he stroked my hair.

'Don't forget what I told you!'

'I won't! Thankyou!' I waved to him.

Hanbin's POV

What's wrong with her? First she was ignoring me and now she even ran out the classroom? I saw Bobby also running and I decided to follow. When I catched up a little bit I saw Bobby wrapping his arms around her shoulders. He's my best friend, but right now I wanted to punch his face.

Wow, is this what love-jealousy feels? I walked away, scared that I might hit Bobby for real.

When I got home I decided to call Jasmae.

'Annyeong?' She answered.

'YAHH! What's your problem! You ignored me since after the lunch and after that you ran away?! And what's that with Bobby? I told you that Í am the only one allowed to touch you! IF YOU'RE JUST LETTING YOURSELF TOUCH BY OTHER BOYS STAY WITH THEM!!'

Even I was in shock by my words. I planned to talk to her calmly and ask her what's the matter, but my jealousy took over me and made me furious.

'THEN IF YOU GO HUG ANOTHER GIRL STAY WITH HER!!' She yelled back and hung up.

Hug another girl? Wait.. did she maybe, saw Krystal hugging me?

No no no Jasmae, please let me explain this.

I tried calling her but she didn't pick up. No choice then, I decided to go to her house.

'Annyeong, mrs Yang.' I bowed to her auntie.

'Aaah, Hanbin, come in, come in.' She welcomed me warmingly. Although this is only the third time I'm meeting her, she already felt as my second mother.

'Jasmae's upstairs, just go down when you guys feel hungry and want to eat, okay?' She smiled to me.

'Ne.' I nodded and went upstairs.

I knocked. No answer. I knocked again, no answer. I just decided to open the door to check if she was there.

'GO AWAY!!' She yelled and my face met pillows.

'Auch!' I overreacted.

'Jagi.. please let me explain..' I sounded really desperate. To be honest, I really am.

'Go away.' She answered not facing me and just laying on her bed. Sigh.

I decided to lay beside her and I was really glad she didn't kick or hit me off her bed.

'I didn't hug her! Promise! I pulled away as soon as she hugged me! I won't ever hug anyone! I won't ever hug anyone who's not you!' I said stroking her arms. She still won't face me.

'And after that, I yelled at her to never touch me again because you're the only one who has the right to touch me!' I said proudly.

'Yelling at a girl is not something to be proud of.' She said. Finally, she turned around and her eyes seem to be very happy.

'Sarangae, jagi.' She whispered and kissed me.

Bobby's POV

From: Jasmae

"KimBaaaaabi! Thanks to your encouraging words I decided to listen to him and not kick him away immiddiatly. He explained and you were right. I just had to trust him. But it hurt so much when I saw it happening! Aish, can't believe how much I've fallen in love. Well, gotta sleep now! Good night! See u tomorrow KimBab! Xoxoxo"

I smiled sadly when reading the message. Of course, I was happy that they made up, but I felt a little sad too.

Of course, I would never ruine my childhood friendship with Hanbin because of a girl, but Jasmae had a special power to capture your heart even when she's doing precisely nothing.

What am I thinking? She already loves Hanbin and Hanbin loves her. Guess I can't be the main character in this lovestory but just a pityful side character who doesn't get the girl.

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