Chapter 22

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Hanbin's POV

To: Jasmae

"Jagiya.. should I bring Bubble Tea for you also? I'll be right there! Ly."

Hmm, that's strange, she's not texting me back. Maybe her cellphone ran out of battery?

I decided to bring Bubble Tea for her because she loves it.

When I arrived at her home I was greeted by her auntie as usual.

'Ha! Hanbin! How are you doing?' She asked with her normal always so happy mood.

'I'm fine, thank you mrs. Yang.' I bowed to her.

'Weh? You're not with Jasmae? I thought she was with you..' she said looking behind me.

'She.. she is not here?' I stuttered in shock. She told me she was going home to study?

'Maybe she went to the library, don't worry too much Hanbin-ah. Jasmae is a good girl. Anyways, do you want to come in?' Mrs. Yang asked.

'Eh.. thank you for the offer, but I'll skip this time. I should study too.. I guess.' I scratched the back of my head.

'Alright! See you then!' She waved me good bye and closed the door.

'Wait- aish!' I wanted to give the Bubble Tea, but I guess I'll have to drink it myself then.

I was walking home when I suddenly saw a five years old girl at the playground. I decided to walk towards her.

'Annyeong!' I greeted her and kneeled down. She turned around to face me and I was amazed by how beautiful she already was, despite her age.

'Do you want some Bubble Tea?' I asked her and handed her over my Bubble Tea. She smiled and start sipping on it.

'Haru, what have I told you of not taking things from strangers?' I heard behind me.

'Aaaah!' I startled and turned around to face the familar voice.

'Tablo!' I sighed in relieve.

'What brings you here, Hanbin? Or do I have to say B.I?'

'Ah, it's okay calling me Hanbin, Tablo sunbae. However, only Jasmae and Jinhwan calls me like that, except for the elder ones of course.' I answered.

Suddenly someone was pulling my hand. I looked down to see Haru who is handing me over my empty Bubble Tea.

'Woah! You drink so fast!' I said surprised.

'Well anyways, we have to eat now. Haru, are you coming with me? Say good bye to Hanbin oppa!' Tablo said.

Haru gestured me to come down to her and she gave a kiss on my cheeks.

'Bye bye Haru! See you next time!' As I waved them good bye.

When I arrived at home I overloaded Jasmae with messages, but she still didn't reply. What if something happend to her? Aish, I can't sit still and do nothing!

To: Bom

"Noona, Jasmae doesn't text me back nor is she at home. Do you maybe know where she is?"

From: Bom

"B.I aaah ~~ don't worry! She probably ran out of battery and will text you later! If not, let her explain it tomorrow ^__^"

Hmm.. I was right, I'm thinking way too much, but that's what you get once you fall in love right?

After taking a shower I decided to study as well and after that I fell asleep.

'Hanbin. Wake up.' Someone was pinching my cheeks.


I opened my eyes slowly to see Jasmae sitting on my bed.

'Jagiya! Where have you been? Why didn't you texted me back?' I pouted and wanted to hug her but she moved away from me.

'Wha- what's wrong?' I asked, scared.

'I.. I have to tell you something.' She said in a way too serious tone that I really don't like and I felt that something really bad is coming.

'My feelings for you dissapeared.'


'Let's break up.'

'NOOOOOOOOOO!!' I yelled myself awake.

'Hanbin, what's the matter?!' My mother rushed to me in the midst of the night.

'Nothing.. I.. I had a bad dream.' I said thrilling and sweating.

'Aigoo.. are you sick my little baby? Do you have fever?' She felt on my forhead.

'I'll get you some water, okay?' And she rushed to the kitchen.

'Here, drink up.' She said when she came back and sat besides me.

'What was your dream about?'

'I.. it felt so real mom. My first heartbreak..' I whispered.

'Aigoo.. don't dream things like that! Jasmae is the best girl for you.. she has a good heart. I'm sure she would never toy with you, or break up without having a valid reason, right?' My mother tried to comfort me.

'Ne.' I nodded. 'Thank you mom, I'll try to sleep again.' Mom kissed my forhead and left.

What would I do if her feelings would really dissapear someday? What if she will find someone who is better than me? Would I be able to give up on her?

I don't think I can ever find another girl like her.

I fell back asleep with negative thoughts.

'Hanbin. Wake up.' Someone was pinching my cheeks.

Jasmae's POV

'Hanbin. Wake up.' I pinched his cheeks.

AAAAAH! My jagiya is so cute!

His eyes widened and suddenly he sat upright on his bed.

'Wha- what are you doing here?!' He pointed at me. Why is he acting so strange?

'Yah! Why are you acting so weird? Aren't I allowed to wake my boyfriend up?' I asked.

'But, it's so early! What are you doing at a time like this here?!'

'I felt so guilty for not texting you back yesterday and making you worry! So I felt that I had to make it up to you.. so when I woke up I rushed this way! I even made your breakfast!' I pouted.

'Oh.. really?' He asked more lively now.

'Come here.' He hugged me and kissed my forhead.

'Saranghae, my jagiya.'

'I love you too, Hanbin.'

I lied to him. I didn't rush this way because I was guilty I didn't text him back. The truth was that I couldn't sleep thinking about what Mark said to me. I rushed all the way here so early in the morning to make sure if I really love Hanbin.

Yes, I do love him. A lot.

'I'll just change into my uniform okay? I'll be right back.' And he broke our hug.

When he finished eating breakfast we headed towards school.

As usual, girls were glaring at me whispering ugly things about me. I couldn't care less.

When we arrived at school, my eyes widened in shock to see no one less than Mark Tuan.

He walked towards us pointing at Hanbin.

'So.. that's him?'

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