Chapter 14

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Hanbin's POV

I ran away as fast as I could and I ended up by the balcon. Breathing in fresh air helped my head calm down.

Why would hyung do that to me, but most of all, why would SHE do that to me?! Was she still angry of that Krystal thing?

'B.I....' I heard someone slowly approaching me. I looked up and saw Dara noona from the dramaclass.

'Why are you crying?' She asked really worried.

I watched her clearly and saw how beautiful she was. Not only did she looked like a goddess, her insides were just as beautiful as she was.

'I.. am I crying?' I asked.

'Hahaha, pabo, yes, you are. Could it possibly be because of the posters I saw?' She asked and anger shot through my whole body again.

'No answer needed. Have you already let one of them explain? B.I... I don't know who your girlfriend is, so I can't defend her, but I do know Jinhwan. He would never do things like this to hurt you, he threats you like his own little brother, so think about that first before raging like this, okay?' She smiled to me.

'I'll leave you alone now so you can calm down, go back to your classes when you feel like to, okay? See you again.. B.I.' and she walked away.

'Noona! Wait!' I shouted.

'Ne?' She turned around.

'Why aren't YOU attending your class?' I asked not trying to sound like a stalker.

'I have my own problems to deal with.' She smiled and walked away.

Dara noona was right, I should at least let her explain. We had an misunderstanding before right?

I don't want to loose you jagi.. but the pictures really hurt.

Who ever made those, I'll kill you.

Jasmae's POV

We almost have a little break but Hanbin still didn't show up, where did he go? I texted him but he did not answer. When it's breaktime I'll try searching him then.

Everytime I looked at Jinhwan his face was about to cry. I only thought about myself, but Jinhwan loves Hanbin too. I'm sure he suffers too..

When the bell rang I jumped up in the hurry to search Hanbin, but he just walked in the classroom straight towards me.

'Jagi.. I.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have react like that, at least I should have let you explain.' He said.

Jinhwan came our way and hugged Hanbin tight.

'You idiot, don't scare me like that. When I saw you running away my heart broke in thousand pieces. Don't ever pull conclusions without explanations okay!!' He now cried letting all his emotions he has been holding in out.

'Yah hyung!! Don't cry like that otherwise I'll also cry!!' Hanbin hugged his hyung back.

'Hey! What about me?!' I interrupted their bromance.

'Hanbin is mine!' Jinhwan said sticking his tongue out. Ten seconds later all the boys joined their hug and pulled me in also.

'Never fight again without having explanations okay!' Everyone cheered.

The afternoon Hanbin decided to skip class, dragging me with him. We went to the Arcade and we played racing games. After that we just wandered.

When we passed by a stufftoy machine I saw a stufftoy similar to Bom's poongpoong.

'I want that!' I said to him.

'No Bom noona already has that! Let's get these instead! I'll catch Mickey for myself and for you I'll catch Minnie okay!' He said determined. I smiled to myself thinking about his bond with Mickey.

After five tries he finally got them.

'YAAY!' I cheered for him.

'Wait, I will have Minnie and you will have Mickey okay? So you can imagine that Mickey is me and I'll imagine that Minnie is youuuuu!' He said kissing Minnie. Aish, this kid.

'Let's go search for couple T-shirts!' He dragged me along. We ended up buying four pairs of couple Tees since he couldn't choose, and ofcourse, one of them was a Mickey&Minnie T-shirt. After that, we invited Bom and Seunghoon over to eat ice cream with us since they were already dissmissed.

'YAH HOONIE! I want a couple T-shirt also!' Bom yelled pointing to our couple Tee.

'Yah, B.I, where did you bought those?' Seunghoon asked Hanbin desperately.

'Haha, we'll walk with you guys after buying ice cream okay? Jasmae's been whining for ice cream since we guys texted you.' And with that we bought ice cream first before going back to the store where they sell couple items.

At the end, Seunghoon had to buy the half of the store since Bom wanted a couple ring, couple necklace, couple Tee, couple shoes and name up.

'My poor wallet..' Seunghoon cried when we walked out the store.

'Hey don't whine! You're the one who wants to marry me!' Bom said.

Hanbin and I just laughed at them wondering how they will go after marriage.

We ate dinner at the All You Can Eat and after that, Hanbin brought me home. Even when we weren't together we texted untill we fell asleep.

Krystal's POV

'AAAAAHH!' I screamed when I got home.

'WHY. DON'T. HE. JUST LOVE. ME.' I yelled in frustration. I throwed everything away what I could grab and the maids came running my way.


'LEAVE ME ALONE!' I shouted and rushed to my room. I'm sorry.. I'm just in a heartbreaking mood.

'Oppa.. what does she have what I don't?..' I whispered to myself.


I looked at my phone and saw a text.

From: Taehyung

"Be strong little Kryssie! I know you'll be fine. One day, you'll find someone who fights for you and will threat you like his princess. If not, you know I'm always here."

I couldn't help but smile to his text.

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