1 - We're just having fun [smut]

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Note: This is gonna be a longer work. Please also note, that some parts might be kinda heavy from time to time and a TW bc child abuse & sexual abuse will be mentioned (but not described in detail) and talked about at some points throughout the story.

The title "Casual Sabotage" comes from a Song by Yungblud. I put it into the media thing above.

Mickey recently got out of juvie again. Before he went in, he fronted out a bunch of coke at school, time to collect his money.

He planned to buy something fun from the money. Mickey couldn't help himself but grin at the mere thought of what he was about to buy. He had his eyes on some nice, big Ben Wa Beads for a while now. And all the time he spent in the can he had one thought - getting those Beads and making Ian Gallagher use them on him. Yeah, it's gonna be fun.

Mickey opened the doors to the school halls. Victor was at his locker, the fucker owed him thirty bucks at least.

He walked over and punched the locker next to him, making him jump.

"Hey, Vicky."
"Oh hell", he mumbled, he looked like he was about to shit his pants, and he was right to do so if he didn't have Mickey's money.
"Time to pay up."
"They let you out?", his voice was a little shaky, amusing.
"Good behaviour." - well, the thought of having fun with Ian made him behave like an angel in prison.

"I thought I had four more months!", he tried to talk himself out of it.
Mickey sighed, "Think again."

He started to take shit out of his locker, looking for anything valuable that he could take from him.

"I- I don't have the money on me"
"Sucks to be you, doesn't it?", he ruffled through the loose papers and pencils in the locker, there was an old sandwich, which was definitely not edible anymore, "Fuck, man, clean this damn thing for once, will you?", he shook his head and threw the things on the ground rather ungently, at the back of the locker he now saw something interesting. Mickey took the flat, rectangular thing – it was an old Nintendo DSi in surprisingly good shape.

"Please, no, that's my sister's"
"Shut up", Mickey opened it, the bottom screen was slightly scratched, silly stickers were on the lid and inside, under the speakers, other than that it was in a great condition, the damn pen was even still there, "Is it still working?", he asked while turning it on.
"Y-yes, but it belongs to my sister, she'll kill me if it goes missing."
"Oh, that's why it's in the far back of your locker behind a living Sandwich, yeah? No, this is mine now. Always wanted to have one."

Mickey checked the game that was still inside the Nintendo, "What's this?"
"I don't know. I think some baby game."
"You know what, I think I'm in the mood for a deal now", Mickey said and smirked at Victor, "Tomorrow you will either bring me the cash or every game for this you can find. If you bring me the games, I will keep this and give you, let's call it a discount. If I see you tomorrow and you brought me neither, I will shove this thing up your ass. Understood me?"

Victor swallowed hard and nodded quickly.

"Good boy", Mickey smirked and started to walk away, "Now clean this shit up"


Ian and Mickey were at the old, abandoned building at the edge of the south side. The old stone buildings with holes in the walls, surrounded by fields of yellow grass and weeds were great to hide at during the summer months. No one ever came here so it became their place. It was the only place they could spend some longer time with each other, talk and have sex for as long as they wanted to without being seen by anyone. Usually, if Mickey would have to name one, he would call the high school bleachers their spot. But they could never stay there for long during the day, it was too public, people might see them. In the building, they had an old mattress and clean sheets they brought from home, a blanket and a secret stash of weed and drinks.

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