Loggin in

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Tommy was understandably angry for being woken up. 

"I have something i want to test with you and the others, are you with Wilbur and Tubbo now?" George asked calmly.

"Of course i am, i love crashing at Wilbur's place, he has a lot of sweet shit that my parents don't let me eat" George rolled his eyes.

"You're gonna make your teeth go bad if you keep eating that much sugar" Tommy just scoffed.

"Yeah whatever, what do you want from us? Has something to do with women? Because if it does then i'm totally in" George suppressed a giggle and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"No Tommy, it doesn't have anything to do with women. Me and the others found a weird rock while doing a manhunt, Dream touched it, crashed the server and now we can't join back in" Tommy made a confused face.

"Sounds like a glitch to me, isn't this nerdy shit your domain Gogy?" George cringed at the nickname.

"Stop calling me like that, i looked into it and the code is perfectly normal, nothing is out of place"

There was a moment of silence before Tommy spoke again.

"Ok, then what do you want me and the boys for? DO I HAVE TO START STABBING SH-" Tommy immediately hyped up.

"No Tommy, you don't have to stab anything. I just want to test something, just be on discord with Wilbur and Tubbo around 3pm" George said with a loud sigh.

"Ok fine, it better be something interesting" and with that, he hung up.

"What a child"

Noon rolled around, he made himself some eggs and beacon, he really needed to fix his eating schedule, he was eating way to little and on the wrong times. While cooking he texted the boys, told them to meet him on discord at 10 am (their time) and that he'll explain later. He didn't know why but this stone thing was getting him really hyped up.

He still needed one more player, he thought about who it could choose for a moment, then decided to call Techno, the guy always liked new things. He texted him and he accepted to join, since now his war on hypixel was over and was officially the potato king he didn't have to farm potatoes 24/7 anymore.

George spent the remaining time before the meeting editing his videos and preparing new codes for the next challenges. When it was 3 p.m. he opened discord and joined the call where the others were, he immediately regretted his decision.





He removed his headphones and waited for them to calm down. After a few second he put them back on, just to be swarmed by questions. 

"Gogy what do we have to do now, play uno?" Tommy asked sarcastically.

"I have better things to do than waste my time here" said Wilbur annoyed.

"Yeah, things like blowing up L'Manburg" replied Tubbo, he was still pretty pissed that Wilbur blew up their minecraft country, so he kept rubbing it to his face. 

George laughed a little at that, he then shused everyone and explained the situation.

"So let me get this straight, you called all of us here just on a hunch given you by a comment old by ages to test if a CLEARLY GLITCHED server will work if we all log in together?" Techno asked in his monotone voice. 

"Basically yes" George admitted, Techno sighed.

"Well, might as well get this over with since we are all here, but let's hurry, i want to go back farming potatoes" George giggled, confused.

"But didn't you already won the potato war?" Techno grinned.

"Once a potato king, always a potato farmer"

"Alright let's get this done bitches, i want to get back to shooting Will with my vlog gun" Tommy said eagerly.

So George shared the ID of the server with the others "Ready?" George asked. Everyone answered affirmatively.

"Ok, on three. One, two, THREE". 

They all clicked the login button and the server started loading, after a moment, they were in, but not in the same place they left. They were all gathered together around that same weird rock that caused all this. 

Bad was the first to speak up "WAIT, THAT ACTUALLY WORKED?!"

Tommy and Tubbo started wandering around, looking at the stone.

"So this is the stone bitch that kicked you out" Tubbo joined "It does look weird, did you have any mod loaded on?".

While the other started talking about what was all that about, George looked at the stone with quite some interest, the words on in were small, but since he had optifine on, he could zoom enough to make out some words "One...more...life...".

The others were caught by surprise.

"What did you say George?" Dream asked.

"That's what it says 'one more life'" they all came closer to the stone to take a look at it. It was at that moment that Dream decided to touch the stone again.

"Imma touch it" Dream said.

"Wait, Dream we don't know what it will do this time, it could crash the server for good!" George yelled, to which Dream responded with a scoff.

"Oh come on, aren't you curious?".

Of course he was, but he didn't want to fuck up his or anyone computer.

"I say we put it to the votes" Techno suggested "The people who want to touch it go on the right and the one who don't on the left". After a brief moment spent deciding, the choice was made, three people on the left (George, Bad and Wilbur) and five on the right (Tommy, Tubbo, Dream, Sapnap and Techno). George sighed

"Well, the people have spoken, go on Dream, touch it, but don't blame me if it fucks up our computers"

He didn't need to be told twice, Dream jumped forward and clicked on the rock, which started to glow brighter and brighter, it got to the point where it was blinding and everybody had to turn their eyes away from their monitors. 

"What the fuck is this?!" Tommy yelled "Dream you broke the server again!!" George managed to say before the light suddenly disappeard, and everything went dark.

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