A new home

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After they recovered Techno and Wilbur and explained to them the situation, they gathered their stuff and left l'Manberg with a heavy heart. They followed the cobblestone path for a few hours and eventually bumped into a small castle, it was getting dark so they decided to rest there and keep going the next day.

"What if i apologize?" Tubbo suggested "If i apologize won't we be cool again?" he asked to Wilbur, who sighed.

"It's not that easy Tubbo, an apology can't fix everything and it definitely won't fix this" he said to him in a sad voice "Now go to sleep, we have to wake up early tomorrow" he headed to his bed, closing the door that separated the two rooms.

Tubbo went under the covers of his bed, laying awake staring at the ceiling.

"Do you think we'll be ok?" he asked to Tommy, who was sleeping in the same room.

"Yeah, we don't need that woman, we can take care of ourselves" he said a bit too loudly.

"But she saved us, she helped us" he responded in a sad tone, he liked Angela, she helped him with the hole 'possession' thing a while back and he was grateful to her for that.

"She threatened to kill you Tubbo! She's no friend of us and she's surely no friend of mine, not anymore" the door of their room flung open, Wilbur standing at the entrance with a pissed expression.

"It's late, go to sleep or i'll send you to sleep myself!" and with that he left, closing the door. The two boys decided that was enough talk for today and tucked in for the night.

"Goodnight Tommy" 

"Goodnight Tubbo"


The group woke up at dawn, leaving almost immediately, they were still very close to l'Manberg and didn't want to stay longer than necessary due to the risk of stumbling on Angela. They walked for a good part of the day, taking a few stops to rest every now and then, increasing the distance between them and their newfound enemy. For the hole time Sapnap didn't utter a word, Bad knew he was the one who felt worst, he liked Angela a lot, it was very clear.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Bad asked him, nudging his arm.

"I... i don't know... i thought... i thought i knew her..." he responded in a low, sad voice, Bad placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You can't get to know a person in just a little more than a month, don't blame yourself too hard" he tried to cheer him up but only managed to get a small smile in response.

After a while the group found a pretty large castle, it didn't have food or a bed so it must be one of the secondary bases Angela talked about.

"What do you think about this one? It's pretty far off, hidden and seems big enough for all of us" Techno suggested, the group agreed to stay, tired after walking for a hole day. The inside was just an empty castle without decoration or anything, just empty rooms and four big towers, it wasn't a five star hotel but it'll suffice.

They decided to live in that castle since it was pretty hidden in a large oak forest, Wilbur added some more leaves to the towers and the roof to hide it even more so it was not visible from the sky. 

The time passed, days turned into weeks, which turned into months. In that time they kept searching for a way out, not having any luck so far. The group was starting to get desperate. Brawls happened on a daily basis because everyone was really nervous.  

"It's been three months!! What do we have to do to get out!?!" Dream yelled in frustration, slamming his fists on the table they built when they first arrived.

"Calm down Dream, we'll find a way out" George assured in a calm voice, taking his hand. He noticed that his mental state had gotten a lot better since he started to hang out with the others, with Dream in particular, he enjoyed the time spent with him. They sometime held hands while they were out scouting, he really like it, he felt safer with him.

"We've been looking for months!!" he shouted throwing his hands in the air in frustration, Wilbur stepped in.

"Dream has a point, we've looked everywhere and still didn't find anything, maybe we are doing something wrong" he suggested, placing his hand on his chin, thinking. After a moment he lifted his head.

"Maybe it's like a manhunt!" he shouted, receiving a confused look by the other people in the room.

"Wilbur i get it that you like Dream's video but this is not the time" Bad said in an annoyed tone.

"Nono i mean like WE are in a manhunt-like world!" he received another weird stare from the group.

"What are you suggesting Will?" Techno asked confused but curious. 

"I mean we have to kill the hunter in order to leave" he explained.

"But there's no hunter in this world, of it there is he's really bad at his job since we are all still alive" Sapnap added, Wilbur pointed his finger at him.

"What if the hunter is Angela? Think about it, she said she couldn't find a way out in five years, maybe that's the reason, she needs to kill someone in order to leave. So if we kill her we m-" he didn't get to finish, Sapnap tackled him to the ground, managing to deliver a few punches before he was dragged away by Techno and Dream.

"How dare you!! After she saved us!! After everything she did for us!!!" he was trashing back and forth, trying to break free form their grip.

"Think about it, she might be a npc. She didn't say anything to us that might confirm she's human. All she told us was that she's italian!" he shouted back, wiping away the blood coming out from his nose. 

"Dream we need to get him away" Techno said, Dream nodded, dragging Sapnap into his room and locking him in, he started slamming his fists on the door.

"Let me out!!" he yelled.

"Not until you've calmed down!" Dream yelled back.

Tommy and Tubbo entered the room with some food in hand, noticing that Sapnap was missing and Wilbur was bleeding.

"Again?" Tommy asked in an annoyed voice, raising an eyebrow, Bad just sighed, signing them to sit around the table, the two boys obliged after placing down the food.

"Wilbur, explain to them your theory" Bad asked, Wilbur nodded, explaining it briefly.

"That would explain the holes in her story, like the time thing and the fact she doesn't want to talk about her family" Tommy said in a knowingly tone, Tubbo nodding at him.

"So what do we do? Kill her? I don't think we can" Techno suggested offhandedly.

"We could make invisible potions and sneak up on her" Dream suggested.

"Are we really sure we need to kill her? She helped us" George asked, not liking the way this was going.

"She threatened to kill Tubbo! I'm down to take rid of that woman" Tommy shouted standing up.

"He does have a point..." Bad added with an insecure voice.

"So are we all agreeing on making invisible potions and plan an ambush on her?" Techno asked, the group nodded.

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