Bill Cipher

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Angela was pacing back and forward in the living room, muttering to herself like a crazy person, she asked Dream to go fetch the others and bring them here immediately. Currently they were only missing Tommy and Tubbo, who joined shortly after, Tommy being dragged by Dream into the room while Tubbo followed him.

"Put me down you green bastard!!" he shouted and he obliged, making him hit the floor face first "Ops" he said jokingly. Tommy stood up, ready to murder him.

"TOMMY SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!" Angela shouted, scaring everyone "Don't you dare ordering me around you wo-" he was cut off.

"THOMAS I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR BULLSHIT!!" she shouted, grabbing the handle of her sword "SIT DOWN OR I'LL MAKE YOU!!" she shot him a death glare, Tubbo sensed the tension in the air, quickly dragging Tommy into a couch. Once everyone was seated she started talking.

"We have a big problem" she layed out, still pacing "The entity came back, it tried to take control of Dream" Tubbo's eyes widened, he grabbed Tommy's arm, clasping it hard.

"Is he ok?!" Bad asked worried, Techno had a hand on the handle of his sword.

"He's fine, i managed to stop it before he did anything" she responded "But that's not the reason i called you here" she placed a hand on her forehead "We need to find a way out, and we need to do that FAST!" she hurriedly said "If he's here we need to leave before things degenerate" she kept talking, more to herself than to the group.

"What do you mean?" Sapnap asked, confused. Techno joined the conversation.

"Angela, do you know the entity?" he asked suspicious, she just kept pacing.

"As a matter of fact, yes i do. That's why i'm telling you we need to leave this world as fast as possible" she said, a hint of fear edging on her voice.

"Wait you know what that thing is!? Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Wilbur shouted angrily.

"Because i didn't know it was him before" she responded, her hands shooting up to the ceiling "HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT FUCKING DORITO WAS IN THIS WORLD!!" she shouted frustrated.

"Angela you're not making any sense, please explain" Bad begged, resisting the urge to 'language' her, she stopped pacing taking a deep breath in and out to calm herself before responding.

"Sixty degrees that come in threes.
Watches from within birch trees.
Saw his own dimension burn.
Misses home and can't return.
Says he's happy. He's a liar.
Blame the arson for the fire.
If he wants to shirk the blame,
He'll have to invoke my name.
One way to absolve his crime.
A different form, a different time" she recited, sighing at the end.

"It's a prophecy form a cartoon series called 'Gravity falls', it talks about an omnipotent triangular entity that wants to bring chaos and destruction to earth. In the series finale they managed to defeat it but the prophecy tells that he'll be back, in a different time and with a different form" she facepalmed "I just never imagined it could appear into this world, i guess i should have expected it, he's made out of block after all" she said in an annoyed tone.

"You're saying that a fucking cartoon character is the entity that has been trying to kill us?" Tommy asked incredulously, receiving a 'Language' from Bad and a nod from Angela. 

"But that's impossible, cartoon characters aren't real!" Sapnap said, Angela raised an eyebrow "You're literally in a minecraft world with dragons Nick" she said in a sarcastic tone.

"What can you tell us about this entity?" Techno asked, fully focused on the subject, Angela sighed and sat down next to Sapnap.

"It's name is Bill cipher, he's a yellow triangle with one eye who wears a black bow tie and a top hat. His powers are limited to the dream realm but can extend them into the real world trough deals, shaking someone hand. As far as i know, his power as close to infinite, he's known to be the destroyer of dimensions, for he destroys the laws that govern the existence itself, making time go back and forward, switching the sun with the moon and so on" she looked at Dream "You were lucky i stopped you in time, if you shook his hand you would have doomed us all" she said in a serious tone.

"H-he's that powerful?" Tubbo asked, she nodded.

"In the series he turned every living person in the city to gold and made a throne with them, he could have done much worse but they stopped him before he could" she responded.

"How did they stop him? Perhaps we could do it again" George suggested but she shook her head.

"They trapped him into someone mind and then erased him by erasing the memory of the person, we can't do it here since we don't have such device" she explained.

"Isn't there another way to kill him?" Sapnap asked in a hopeful voice, she leaned back into the sofa.

"I mean there was the circ-" she stopped, remembering something "The circle!!" she shot up, running towards a chest and grabbing a quill and a book, drawing something on it. The group stood up and went to see what she was doing, noticing she was drawing a circle with a triangle on the center, dividing it into sectors and drawing images into them. A star, a pair of glasses, a question mark, a bag of ice, a pine tree, a llama, a shooting star, a heart with a scar in the middle and what looked like a weird fish. 

"NO!" she shouted once she was finished "Fuck! We need ten people and we are in nine!" she angrily shoved the book away, making it fall to the floor.

"Care to explain?" Techno said in his monotone voice.

"There was another way to defeat him. Find and reunite the ten people represented by the symbols in the circle, unfortunately, we are in nine, so we can't do that" she responded, angrily sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Look, for now let's just do damage control. It can only hurt us if you make a deal with him so no matter what he offers you DO NOT shake his hand, otherwise we are all doomed"

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