The mysterious tamer

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"ITS A DRAGON!!" Bad yelled.

"Run!!! Hide in the houses!" Sapnap shouted.

"No wait!" Dream said, grabbing his friend by the wrist, stopping him.

"This might be it, we kill the dragon and go home!" he finished.

They all had almost full iron armor and iron swords thanks to the blacksmith and got plenty of bread from the hay bales, they could take this! Sapnap thought about it for a moment before agreeing. 

"Alright, let's do this" he looked at George and Bad, who nodded, taking out their swords and preparing for the battle that has to come.

Bad took out his bow and aimed at the dragon, shooting an arrow and hitting it in the belly, making it growl.

"Nice shot, keep firing Bad!" Dream encouraged, the plan was simple, Bad would shoot the dragon down, him and Sapnap would kill it while George and Bad distracted it. 

George noticed that something was off, the dragon was different, not only it's behavior but the color too. It was cyan, with blue lines drawn around it's sides and eyes, it's wings weren't black, but a transparent light blue and, most importantly, it looked like it was wearing armor.

After a few more arrows hit it, the dragon made a sharp turn and started flying away towards a plain biome.

"After it! Don't lose it!" Dream yelled, running after the dragon.

The team sprinted through the forest, pushing aside bushes and low branches, after a minute or so they were out in the plains, but the dragon was nowhere to be found.

"Fuck, we lost it!" Sapnap swore.

"Language, it can't be far, look around" Bad commanded.

The group spread out in the biome, looking for any possible clue that could tell them which direction the dragon went but nothing, there wasn't a single footprint or bent grass, just nothing. Dream, who was keeling inspecting a small mud pit lifted his head in disappointment.

"Nothing.. i think we los-" he stopped, feeling the ground shake and the sound of something big running. He turned and saw the dragon running towards him at full speed.

"OH SHI- GUYS HELP!!" Dream yelled, before trowing himself to the side in order to avoid being hit, landing hard and taking some damage. The others quickly rushed to his aid, George gave him some bread, while Bad and Sapnap kept it at bay. 

Now that he was closer George was sure of it, the dragon wore an armor, a DIAMOND armor, and a saddle too. SOMEONE WAS RIDING A DRAGON!?!

"Why does this dragon have an armor?!" Sapnap yelled while swinging his sword, hitting the armor and doing close to no damage, Bad tried to hit the exposes spot but the dragon kept whipping him away with it's tail when he got too close. The dragon wasn't attacking, it just kept hitting them with the tail, making a heart or two of damage when they approached, it was like it didn't want to hurt them.

Something didn't fell right, the maxed villagers, the road, and now a dragon with a diamond armor, this couldn't be a coincidence, someone MUST be doing this, someone who could tame and ride a DRAGON, but WHO and HOW?!

He soon received an answer. A small shadow quickly passed over him, George looked up, just in time to see the SOMEONE fly over their heads, throwing a splash potion and hitting both him and Dream and proceeding to do the same with Bad and Sapnap.

Dream stood up, alarmed but soon noticed that he was struggling just to raise his sword.

"Weakness potions" he spat out angrily, holding the handle tighter. George could barely stand up, putting his weight on the sword stuck on the ground, Bad who was weaker just sat down and took out his bow, Sapnap protected him with his shild.

The mysterious figure landed near the dragon, patting it's side and signaling to stand down before looking back at them.

"Lower your weapon, i don't want to fight you" the figure calmly announced.

"Said the one who sent a dragon after us and used weakness potions" Dream replied, now furious. The figure sighed.

"Look... just lower your weapon then we can talk, ok?" 

"Sure, we'll talk" Dream gave a look at Sapnap, who quickly nodded.

"Once we knocked you out!" Dream yelled, sprinting toward the figure, Sapnap right behind him.

The figure unexpectedly sprinted towards them, no weapon in hand. Dream swinged his sword , aiming at it's right arm, Sapnap doing the same for the left, the figure in response skidded between the two friends, ending up just behind them. Dream had just the time to turn around before he was knocked unconscious with a hit on the neck, Sapnap quickly rushed to his aid, making the figure back up a few feet.

An arrow stuck it's arm, Bad was giving them covering fire while Sapnap dragged Dream away from the battle. George rushed to help, taking one of his unconscious friend arm and swinging it over his shoulder in order to carry him. 

The figure took this chance to close up on Bad and knock him out as well, when Sapnap noticed he dropped Dream onto George.

"GO GEORGE, RUN!!" he yelled while running towards his other friend with the intention of doing the same. George tried to drag Dream away, pulling with all his strength but only managed to move him by a few inches. A scream catched his attention, he turned just in time to see Sapnap fall to the ground, unconscious.

The figure looked at George and started walking towards him. He stumbled back, falling to the ground, grabbing his sword and pointing towards the enemy, shaking uncontrollably. 

"I'm sorry" the figure said, then everything went dark.



Dream woke up feeling sick and tired, he tried to bring up his hands to scratch his eyes just to realize they were tied behind his back.

"Oh, you finally woke up" a voice said, Dream turned to see the person responsible of this.

"What do you want?" Dream angrily asked, giving a hard glare to his captor who reciprocated it.

"I suggest you watch your mouth buddy" said looking right to where the dragon stood, keeping watch on them, he swallowed hard.

"Who are you?" he said more carefully. The figure squatted down to meet his eyes.

"I'm a dragon tamer, my name is Angela" she said with a smile.

The Dragon tamer | SapnapXOCWhere stories live. Discover now