Quality time

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The time has come. George's injuries were completely healed, they could finally concentrate on making his arm grow back. 

"Are you sure it's safe?" Dream asked, nervously pacing back and forth in George's room, Angela rolled her eyes.

"For the eleventh time Dream i don't know, i used this just once before. It should be safe as long as he's sedated, now PLEASE stop pacing for the love of god, you're making me nervous too" George giggled.

"How come you're more nervous than me?" George asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Because i care about you George" he responded, making him blush, Angela groaned.

"Please don't start doing the couple thing, i can't handle two Dreams" she said annoyed, filling a syringe with a light blue liquid "If you don't shut up i'll sedate both of you" she turned, putting on the crazy doctor face, Dream raised his hands in surrender, George just laughed.

"Ok George, are you ready? You'll be out for about an hour and hopefully when you wake up your arm will be back. You might feel it a bit weird but let me know if you fell any pain" she explained, George listened closely, nodding at the end.

"Can i stay?" Dream asked, she sighed "It's not gonna be a nice view" she warned "I don't care" 

"Suit yourself then" she said, gesturing him to sit next to George, he obliged, holding his hand.

"Ready?" she asked, placing the syringe just above on of his vein, George nervously nodded, she pushed the needle in, injecting the sedative. George's eyes felt heavy, he started to fall asleep and in a few minutes he was gone.

"Ok, now the hard part" she said, taking out a dark block from her inventory and placing it down next to the bed, purple particle emitting from it. An ender chest. She opened it and took out a shiny golden apple.

She opened his mouth and placed the apple in, making him take a big bite, she then gently pressed his Adam's apple to make him swallow, succeeding.

"I suggest you take a step back" she warned, before a light engulfed George's body, concentrating in his left arm, slowly regenerating it, they both had to cover their eyes to avoid being blinded.

"Is it working? I can't see anything" he asked.

"It is!" she responded. The light kept shining brightly for about a minute before starting to dim, slowly disappearing, leaving an healed arm behind.

"It worked!!" Dream yelled, running up to him and holding his left hand "It really worked" he repeated, a smile appearing under his mask, Angela let him have his moment before interrupting him. She gently pushed him out of the way to inspect it, aside from a large scar marking the point where it was cut, it looked completely fine.

"He's ok now, if he fells any pain when he wakes up let me know, otherwise you two are free to go" she explained, he nodded "Thank you"



George woke up about an hour later, feeling a bit nauseous, he looked up at Dream.

"Did it work?" he asked in a sleepy voice, Dream nodded, a large smile on his face. George slowly sat up, turning to look at his arm, happy to see it was back.

"How do you feel?" he asked, squeezing his hand "A bit nauseous but other than that fine" he said with a smile, Dream nodded, standing up and offering a hand.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" he suggested.

"Shouldn't we wait for Angela first?" he asked.

"She said if you don't fell any pain we can get out, as long as i'm with you" she didn't say the last part but it didn't matter, George giggled, taking his hand and standing up.

"Where are we going?" he asked, following Dream out of the room "I found a place i want to show you" he said, clasping the rectangular box he had in the pocket of his hoodie. He brought him in the outskirts of l'Manberg, over the farm fields, on top of a really tall hill. George stopped half way through the climbing, gasping for air.

"Come on, we are almost there" Dream said in a happy voice, grabbing his arm and pulling him up for the remaining distance, once on top, he immediately sat down, not wanting to take another step further.

"Ok... what now" he asked, breathing heavily and looking around. It was a nice view from up there, he could see high mountains and large forest on the horizon, the sun was setting, painting the landscape with different shades of red and orange. Not that he could see any, his colorblindness didn't allow him to, the only colors he saw normally were yellow and blue, everything else looked like a depressed, deep shade of yellow, like dead grass. Dream smiled, sitting next to him with his legs crossed.

"Close your eyes" George looked at him a bit confused, before shrugging and obliging. He heard some shuffling, and something being placed on his nose.

"Ok, you can open them now" Dream said.

George opened his eyes, noticing that everything looked... different. Dream's hoodie wasn't yellow anymore but a bright green.

"Wha..." he looked around, noticing that he could now see the other colors too. 

"Eterocromia glasses" he said, making George turn to look at him "I've been working on them for a while, Angela helped. Now you can see colors too" he said with a wide smile, he took off his mask, allowing him to see his eyes. They were a deep shade of green, bright as emeralds, on his cheeks was present a small blush enhanced from the light of the sunset.

"Wow... you're beautiful.." he whispered out before he could realize, making Dream blush harder and look away.

"L-look at the sunset" he muttered out shyly, George giggled, turning to look at the setting sun on the horizon, it was painted in a deep shade of red, small lines of orange and yellow edging on it's sides. George stared at it for a long time, mouth agape in awe.

"Do you like them?" Dream asked after a while, rubbing his neck nervously, to his surprise, George turned and hugged him hard.

"I love them!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" he repeated in an ecstatic voice, his eyes darting back and forth, admiring the full beauty of this world. He didn't need to look far, the most beautiful thing on this world was sitting right next to him after all.

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