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After they ate dinner and complimented the cooks everyone headed to bed, Bad was with Angela in the kitchen, washing the dishes.

"Are you ok?" he asked in a worried voice, she nodded.

"It's just.... a subject i don't want to talk about... i... i can't tell you why but... please understand" she pleaded, not lifting her gaze from the sink.

"I understand, you don't have to if you don't want to and we won't ask" he assured placing away a clean plate "Just know that if you need to talk, i'm here for you" he finished placing a hand on her shoulder, Angela lifted her gaze, giving him a small smile.

"Thank you Darryl, i really appreciate it" she said in a kind voice.

"Any time" he returned the smile "I'm heading to bed, it has been a long day" she nodded "I'll leave soon as well" she waved at him "Goodnight Darryl"

"Goodnight Angela" he left the kitchen, heading to his room. After she finished placing away the plates and pots she headed to bed as well, soon succumbing to the tiredness and drifting off into the land of dreams.

Angela woke up after a few hours feeling a bit nauseous, she stood up and went to the bathroom to drink some water and wash her face. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, noticing that she had a nosebleed, she leaned forward to inspect it closer.

"Wha..." she pinched her nose and waited for it to stop, after a few minutes she let go and started walking back to her room.

"Angela?" she turned around, seeing an undefined figure in the corridor standing still in the dark, looking at her, she froze.

"Angela? Come back" the figure said, not moving from it's position, Angela didn't either.

"W-who are you?" she whispered, reaching for her sword, only to realize that she had left it in her room.

"Come back... please..." the figure pleaded, it's voice sounded... familiar...

"Angela... please... i'll bake all the chocolate cake you want just... please... don't leave..." Angela's eyes widened in realization.

"M-mom..." she whispered, the figure started to slowly disappear into the darkness "W-wait!" she sprinted towards it, desperately reaching out with her hand but by the time she managed to get close enough to grasp it, the figure was gone.

"No..." she fell to her knees, felling a sharp pang of pain in her chest, her heart started to beat faster, she was having trouble breathing, her throat closing, not allowing oxygen to flow into her lungs. She collapsed to the floor gasping for air, her vision started to blur and become dark.

It hurts... it hurts so much... make it stop... please... mom... dad....

She felt her heart slow down, starting to beat slower and slower, until..... it stopped.

Angela shot up from the bed, soaked in cold sweat and clutching her chest hard, looking around. She was in her room, it was a dream, just a dream.

"Just a dream..." she whispered into the darkness letting out a sigh of relive "It was just a dream..." she assured herself, shakily standing up and going to the bathroom, feeling the dinner she ate a few hours ago come back up, she reached the toilet just in time, emptying the content of her stomach into it. She placed her back against the bathroom wall, taking in a few deep breaths to calm herself, trying to focus on something other than the feeling of her heart stopping. A series of footsteps approaching brought her out from her stream of thought. She turned to see Sapnap stand in the entrance of the bathroom with a worried expression.

"Sorry... i didn't mean... to wake you up... you can go back to sleep i'm..." she stopped a moment, felling another gag come but managed to swallow it back down "i'm fine..." she said weakly smiling at him, Sapnap didn't respond, he just entered the room and sat next to her.

"I'll keep you company, i'm not tired anyway" he responded "Do you need anything?" he asked.

"No... i think... it was just stress... i'll be fine in a bit..." she answered, half lying.

"Won't you heal if you eat some food?" Sapnap suggested, Angela shook her head.

"It doesn't work like that... i'm not ill... it's just stress.." she responded.

"What made you stressed? Was it the lake day?" he asked, remembering that perhaps his way of acting caused her to be stressed.

"No no! I had a really nice day. I just... had a really bad nightmare..." she said looking down at the floor, clutching her chest, her hands shaking a bit, Sapnap noticed, placing his hand on hers, catching her attention.

"It was just a nightmare, it's not real. You don't have to be scared of something that isn't real." he assured, squeezing her hand a bit "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked in a calm voice, making Angela tense up.

"I... want to but... i ... don't think i can..." she tightened her grip on her chest.

"It's ok, take your time, i'm in no hurry" he assured with a kind smile, Angela nodded, after a few minutes of silence she spoke again.

"I... saw my..." she paused, taking a deep breath in "i saw my mom... it... wasn't clear but... it was her voice... she ... wanted me to come back..." she explained, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I tried to reach for her... i wanted... i needed to see her but... she disappeared..." she started shaking "my chest started to hurt... my heart beated too fast and i... i couldn't breath..." the tears streaming down her cheeks "I fell on the floor.... i couldn't see... i couldn't move... i... my heart slowed down and.... and... i..." she didn't manage to finish the phrase, sobs taking control of her voice, not allowing her to speak. Sapnap pulled her in a hug, gently patting her back.

"It's ok, deep breaths. In and out. It's was just a dream, it's not real" he repeated in a calm voice, rocking her back and forth. She hugged him tight, crying in his shoulder, it has been such a long time since she spoke to another person and even longer since she had some kind of physical comfort. She tightened her grip. 

"I'm here, i'm not leaving you" he assured, a few minutes passed with them closed in a hug, none of them wanting to let go. Angela slowly calmed down, releasing Sapnap from the hug, her eyes still full with tears.

"Can... can you stay... please?" she asked in a tired voice, starting to doze off.

"I'll stay, don't worry. Close your eyes, get some sleep" he said in a warm comforting voice, she snuggled up to him, placing her head in the crook of his neck, enjoying the warmth that gave off and dozing off into the dream real once again, but this time, she knew she would wouldn't have another nightmare, she felt safe in his arms.

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