22: Comeback

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Chapter 22: Comeback

All rights go to respected owners.

1) Mom: Go clean your room!
Me: But it's MY room.
Mom: And this is MY house.
Me: Then you go clean it.


2) Teacher: Where is your homework?
Me: It committed suicide, had too many problems.


3) Teacher: Why are you talking during our lesson?
Me: Why are you teaching during my conversation?


4) I hate it when people say "I need my beauty sleep." Bitch you need to hibernate.


5) Guy: FAIL!
Me: No one asked for your life story.


6) Parent: You need to read more and stop watching tv!
Me: *Turns on subtitles*


7) Dude: You're gay!
Me: I'm straighter than the pole your mom danced on last night.


8) Mean girl: Oh yeah? That's why you're adopted!
Me: My mama chose me. Your parents are stuck with you.


9) Student: Would you ever punish me for something I didn't do?
Teacher: Of course not.
Student: Good, cause I didn't do my homework.


10) Dude: I wouldn't go out with you even if you were the last person on earth!
Me: If I was the last person on earth, you wouldn't even be here, dumbass.


Goshhhhh I haven't updated in forever!

sorry for the late updates, but hey, I'm a busy girl.

I try to get things done as soon as I can, and sorry if this seems a bit rushed but I wanted to update. Also, if I had repeated a joke, riddle, etc.. Please comment what I have repeated & I will change it to a new one. It's hard to keep track of what I have already put on here so I won't mind if you point it out for me.

- Yana x.


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