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"Can't nobody shade on your name in these streets. Triple threat you a boss, you a babe, you a beast. You make it easy to choose--"

"Y/N, I thought you said you had homework to do," you were cut off by your oldest brother, Jay, walking into your room, interrupting your impromptu singing session.

"I do," you answered.

"Then why aren't you doing it?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"I have so much to do and don't know where to start." That's not entirely true though. You knew you could just cram it in all tomorrow. But really you were hoping that if you didn't open your planner that all your homework and finals would just disappear.

"Fine, you'll figure it out. You're twenty." Then he just left your room.

You knew that meant that he was disappointed, but you didn't really care at the moment. Yes, you did have a ton to do and you didn't know where to start, but you also didn't understand biology and you didn't want to tell Jay that you were struggling in only a 100-level course. You also had a sociology test and the professor didn't even teach, so you were basically teaching yourself. Besides those two classes, you also had three other final exams to take and a Spanish presentation all due in roughly two weeks. College was rough.

But, of course, instead of doing your homework, you opened your laptop and just started watching Netflix.

"Hey, I have an idea," Jay said as he walked into your room again an hour later.

"And what would that be?" you asked.

"I'll make you a deal: If you get all A's, no A-'s, all perfect, straight A's, I'll buy you 5 Seconds of Summer concert tickets and meet and greet tickets."

"Are you serious?" You jumped off your bed.

"You always said you wanted to meet them, so this would be the perfect motivator."

"Get out, I'm doing homework!" You jumped up and ran to your desk.

"I knew that would work," Jay chuckled as he left your room.


The next morning, you woke up early, grabbed a cup of coffee, and started studying. You started by watching a few lectures and then reading a chapter of your sociology textbook and taking notes. Then, you got to the subject you dreaded the most: biology.

Just as you were about to open your textbook, your door opened ever so slightly.  Looking up, you saw Jay. "I thought I heard movement," he said.

"You heard correct."

"Did you eat yet?" he asked, stepping into your room.


"Okay, I'm making eggs and toast. You want some?"

"Sure. Thanks, Jay."

"No problem. I'm proud of you for waking up early and studying, Short Stack," he told you, using your nickname both him and Will called you since you weren't even five feet...the Halstead tall gene obviously decided to skip over you.

He left and you rummaged around your backpack for your study guide for your biology lab practical and your final exam. You took one look at it and it hit you: you were going to be lucky if you got a C on this lab practical.

"Fucking visuals," you muttered to yourself.

Despite your other brother, Will, being a doctor, you had no clue about anything related to science or math. It was especially hard when you had to label 3-D diagrams of parts of the body. You could do it when everything was color-coded and 2-D, but when it was 3-D and all the same color, your mind just went blank. You couldn't tell the kidney from the stomach on a test!

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