Chapter 2: Working out & Dojo?

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Izuku Pov:

It has been two years already since I was diagnosed as quirkless by the doctor. My situation has only gotten worse as time passes. The verbal and physical abuse has only gotten tougher from my sister and former friends. Katsuki likes to use his quirk on my body in places that can be hidden. His sister doesn't use her quirk on me but still takes part in the physical and verbal abuse though not to the same degree as the others. My sister... my own sister is the worst. She uses her quirk to trip me up and destroys my things by making them fall into puddles on the ground after it rained or tearing my pages up out of my hero notebook. The teachers in the schools don't really do much. They will scold a bit but never really punish them. Sometimes the teachers even 'slip up' and call me Deku instead of my actual name. Other students have started to join in on the verbal abuse and physical abuse as well... My parents are an entirely different story!

-- FlashBack --

One night I was awake later than normal and could hear my parents talking down in the living room. "Tosh... Do you think Izuku is going to keep this phase up of his? He needs to learn that he can't just sulk forever about being quirkless. He is going to need to accept it and move on." my mother said. My father responded so after and he said something that caught my attention. "I don't know honey. Maybe I should talk to him since  I was quirkless as well but that would also result in me having to talk about One For All and I don't think it's a good idea to bring that up to him. I am planning to give it currently to Izumi and I don't want Izuku to get upset about him not receiving One For All. I just don't see the same drive that Izumi has to be a hero that Izuku would need to be worth of One For All." Toshinori said. 

-- Flashback end --

Something inside me broke at that. I don't really know everything about One For All but it is clear that my own father was quirkless, he himself received a quirk from someone else. He thought I wasn't worthy of whatever One For All was and was planning to give it to my sister! The same person who believed it was okay... that it was right... that it was acceptable to harm another person physically and verbally day in and day out. That was just hilarious to me. They also haven't realized that I haven't really spent much time with them in the past two years at all. I've learned how to cook my own meals because my own mother stopped making them for me! I had to at the age of 6 learn how to cook and clean for myself because my own family has more or less forgotten my existence. The only time they remember me is when they want to complain about me like that night. Otherwise, I don't exist. I'm in none of the family photos on the wall nor am I ever taken out with the family to go meet people. I've resorted to doing random jobs for people in the neighborhood who take pity on me and give me some money for the random jobs. This allows me to pay for some of the things I need and the lessons I take outside of my parent's knowledge. I have also recently started taking martial art lessons at a local dojo that knows a bit about my situation and was willing to forgo the parent's signatures to allow me in the dojo.

-- Flashback --

Izuku Pov:

I was running away from my sister and her friends one day after they decided to 'teach me my place' according to Katsuki. They decided to be extra tough on me that day. I knew I had some cuts across my back and several burns that will likely scar thanks to Katsuki. My sister even used her quirk to throw rocks at me which will leave a lot of bruises on my body. When I decided to take a new route that I saw one day I had escaped my attackers but I found myself in front of a dojo that had a sign that said they were looking for students. The sign said they teach multiple martial arts and basic handling of a pole weapon. This caught my attention and I decided to walk into the dojo. I soon found myself in the building where I saw an older male sitting in a room drinking tea. 

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