Chapter 14: Kidnapping over Summer Break, and Winter Break

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3rd Pov:

Time has flown quite a lot for Izuku and his friends. Izuku now finds himself starting his last year of middle school. Overall, It was a wild ride last year for many reasons. One reason, in particular, was the kidnapping attempt. The spoiled brat and his family were pissed about  Izuku sticking his nose in their son's business. As such, they hired some villains to attempt to kidnap Izuku one day. 

-- FlashBack --

Izuku Pov:

It was the start of summer break and Izuku was going out with his two guards to the local Oktoberfest that was taking place. Izuku knew he couldn't drink but it didn't mean he couldn't enjoy his time or eat food at the festival. The rest of his group didn't go with him this day because their families had annual family festivals that they do each year themselves which were going to be done the first half of the week before they came back. As such, Izuku was by himself with his two guards. 

They had been at the festival for about 1 hour before the events took a turn for the worst. His guards were attacked by several villains that kept them occupied. Izuku seeing this pulled his phone and pressed the special button 10 times before another two villains started to attack him. Due to the fact that Izuku wasn't a mercenary nor had a hero license, he couldn't use his quirk that much. He was only allowed to use it to defend his body and others from direct harm. Meaning he could defend but not attack due to quirk laws in Europe. They were less strict than Japan but still were strict nonetheless. Izuku was on a losing front since even though he was overall overpowered with strength more than All Might it was useless if he can't attack and only defend!

As such, Izuku was defeated by the villains attacking him since they increased their numbers from 4 people to 10 people. 3 people were each fighting his guards while 4 were attacking him. It was a losing battle since they were outnumbered in a crowded area where they had to worry about harming random people. 

3rd Pov:

"YOUNG MASTER!" Dale shouted while trying to get to Izuku. As the villains were starting to pull back. 2 tactical assault teams arrived on-site with police coming in behind them due to reports of a villain attack. They also had several heroes on site as well that were fighting some other villains that were causing a distraction for the main villains. The assault team ignored the other villains and went straight for the ones that had Izuku. Soon after 5 minutes of fighting they had the entire villain group secured and had Izuku in a transport heading back to the tower with a full assault team. 

Hisashi was worried when his agents ran into his business meeting with the board of directors. They shouted that Izuku's GPS and an emergency alert was triggered by Izuku and that he had requested for an assault team to his location. Then they received a report via local police of a large team of villains attacking the festival where Izuku was at. Soon Hisashi was waiting in the garage where the assault team would return once they had Izuku. They had alerted the tower that they did secure Izuku but he was not awake. It was another 15 minutes before they arrived. One agent got out and said that his guards are still on-site with the others giving reports and helping the other team clean up. "From what we were told before we left. Izuku was the target. The other team will start questioning the villains the moment they are allowed to. The police have been notified that Izuku was the target and have turned the case over to us to deal with since they know we will want it." The agent said. Hisashi was pissed but also happy. He was pissed at whoever had the balls to go after his son but was glad Izuku and his guard held on long enough for back-up to arrive. 

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

It was later discovered after they questioned the villains that they were hired by the family from the school incident. Evidence was gathered and the police approved the arrest warrants. Soon, several teams of titan groups went and knocked on the family's door very hard. They had arrested the entire family and brought them into the police station for questions. It was only 10 minutes in when the son gave in to the police and gave up his parents. Ironically since the son knew about the crime and didn't report it, he got jail time as well. The entire family was sentenced up to 20 years in jail and the child received 10 years due to his age. The courts order their assets to be turned over to the Midoriya family as reparations for the crime and emotional damage. As such, the midoriya family gained a new company though small compared to the others it was still an entirely new company. The house the family-owned was donated to the city so they could use the house as an orphanage. Other assets were still kept by the family but the house and business were taken over due to the family being in the red and being unable to pay the Midoriya cold hard cash. 

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