Chapter 31: Graduation & Agency Plans

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Izuku Pov:

We arrived back home and we found everyone's parents waiting. "How did you guys do?" dad asked as he saw us come in. "WE PASSED WITH FULL POINTS!" I said as I jumped into his arms almost making us both fall down. All of the parents broke out into cheers and hugged their kids. Everyone just started to celebrate the fact that they were now official heroes. Soon, they all calmed down and started to take pictures of everyone together and separate for memories. Then came dinner. As everyone was eating, I decided to bring up the fact about the UN to dad. 

"Dad, we also got recommendations for the UN world designation as well. Deus my mentor and the leader from Iron Hearts recommend us. As such, we will hear back by year-end if we get approved for it." I said and this shocked dad a bit since we would be one of the youngest to receive that designation. "I'm not surprised that you would get it but you would be the longest to ever receive it as a team which is amazing in itself," Dad said while patting my head. After everyone finished eating we talked about how the graduation would be at the end of the semester and we only had written finals left for our college classes. Some parents asked if we would complete our college degrees. "I'm thinking about it but doing it slowly over the next 5 years maybe," Kyle said. This honestly was the general plan for most of us anyway since we wanted to get our hero careers going first. 

"Do you have plans for starting an agency or are you going to try to find one for everyone to join first and then start one later? Funding isn't an issue with your backgrounds it's just what you want to do and paperwork." Asked Luke's parents. At this, we all glanced at each other, and then I looked at dad. I set my fork down and stopped eating which the rest of the boys did the same. "So about that. Dad... we wanted to talk to you about that." I said. At this point, everyone stopped eating and was watching us. "Yes?" dad asked with a confused face. "You know the like 5 floors near the ground floor of the building that is sitting empty currently. We were wondering if we could take those 5 floors over for our agency to grow into." I asked a bit nervous. Kyle and Luke felt my nervousness and provided me a tail each to ground me out of my thoughts. 

"I see... Those floors weren't really being planned to be used anytime soon. Also, I think I would feel better and so would the other parents if you all did locate your agency in this building. You would be close to home since you would live in the same building and no one unallowed would get to you while you slept or worked since the building is guarded by Titan agents all day and night. They would need an army to breakthrough. I'll allow it. Start planning out the renovations you want to be done and how you want the inside to look so construction crews from Titan can get to work as soon as possible." dad said and I just hugged him and thanked him. All of the other boys thanked him as well and the parents thanked dad as well since they were happy the kids wouldn't have to travel between work and home and would be safer when off the clock.

Soon everyone finished the fun and went back to their own rooms and the parents left for the night. 

-- Small amount of smut (Skip if want)--

3rd Pov:

Izuku pulled his two lovers into the bed and asked them for some pleasure. "I want to feel you inside me please~~!" Izuku moaned out. Let it be known that Luke and Kyle would never refuse a chance to mount Izuku and attempt to breed him whenever Izuku asked. They soon found themselves all naked and Luke and Kyle had half-transformed since they knew Izuku found arousal from it. They both found the spot they bit him last time and saw the little marks had fainted over time. As such, they both bit into their respective spots and marked Izuku again. "If anyone ever asks, you need to tell them who your mates are Izu~" ordered Kyle as he talked with his fangs still in Izuku's shoulders. "Indeed Izu~ the world must know these marks mean you're our mate and no one else can see you like this!" stated Luke as he lifted his teeth out of Izuku's shoulder. Izuku just became a moaning mess from their tails running up and down his body and from their tails spreading his anal entrance. "Yessss! I'll tell them sirsssss!" Izuku slurred out from pleasure. Kyle moved Izuku's head and placed his member inside Izuku's mouth as he started to move. Luke moved down to Izuku's member and started to suck it off as Izuku grabbed his member with his hand and started to jerk. Everything about Izuku was in motion or being played with.

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