Chapter 26: Recovery & Second Semester & Japan's Yakuza Raid

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3rd Pov:

We can see Izuku laying in his bed with his two Fiances next to him cuddling him. They have been home for a few days now after returning from the hospital. The doctors warned him to finish healing his body and then rest for half a week to allow his quirk and body time to relax due to the strain he put himself through. "My dear Kitsunes, it's time to wake up and go downstairs," Izuku said as he woke both of his lovers up. They were both in their fully transformed state and had been using them to ensure Izuku didn't get up without waking them up any day. They were making sure he didn't overwork his body or use his quirk for anything. As such, Izuku had no choice to wake up his lovers who had him caged in with their large bodies and tails. Soon they all got up and Izuku had changed. Kyle had grabbed Izuku and placed him on his back while still in a transformed state and Luke was in his half transformed state. "You've been doing this for several days now. Isn't this a bit much?" Izuku whined out. "Nope. Here's a tail to play with." Luke said as he gave him a tail and pressed the elevator button to go downstairs. "Fine..." Izuku groaned out but they could sense his emotions and tell that he was happy with being pampered like this. 

Soon everyone was at the dining room table eating their breakfast that Hisashi made. The parents of the other boys were also there to check in on Izuku when they heard what happened. "How are you Izuku?" asked Kyle's father. "Good now. Kyle and Luke keep pampering me and won't let me do a lot currently which is nice to be carried around on their backs. It's fun and relaxing in their fur." Izuku said with a blush and smile on his face. Everyone's learned by now that Izuku loves his lover's fur. Leon had made jokes that Izuku has a secret fetish for his lovers to be in their transformations which just made Izuku tease him back that if he had that as a fetish then Leon had it also since Izuku has seen Leon ask for Seth to transform to cuddle several times before. 

Soon though the Titan medical doctors had cleared Izuku for duty and they were set to return to school tomorrow since it was Monday. Izuku was happy to be able to return to his work-study again since he was getting tired of not working out and using his quirk. 

-- Time Skip --

Soon everyone returned to their work studies and they were now in their last two months before the semester came to an end. Most of the work they did during these months included normal patrols and paperwork. There were a few interesting incidents like Seth having a villain who was running around naked in a park... Seth was quite annoyed that day when he returned home and just grabbed Leon and cuddled with him while grumbling about a stupid pervert villain streaking across the dam park. Everyone could barely hold in their laughter at his situation. Seth had to carry the guy in his hand to the police station since the villain had run away from the police and he was closer to the station than a police car was to him. As such, there were a few images floating around of him carrying the guy while people were making jokes and memes going around about Tiger and the villain. One meme was "Ladies, do you need pervert removal? Then call in the TIGER!" stated the meme. Seth was just done with the week and didn't want to go back to work but Leon just rubbed his head as Seth was complaining in Leon's chest. 

Soon though they all found themselves back in class one week and were taking their final exams for the semester. "Hello, everyone!" Kronos said as he came in. "Today, you will be doing your final exams for the second semester. Once you are all done you will be dismissed and released to go home for winter break!" Kronos said as he passed the exams out. All of the boys got to work on the exam and soon finished it in a few hours. They then got their exam results back and found they had all passed once again. They were officially done with their second semester and now only had winter break and then the last semester left before they attempted for their full hero exam. 

-- Japan Pov a few months before semester end --

All Might had met with Sir Nighteye and LeMillion. "LeMillion, I really wish to give my son the quirk but I don't think I will find him anytime soon. I need to pass it on. As such, after the Yakuza raid, we will do the transfer to ensure that you will have the time to get used to the quirk before going into a new mission." All Might told LeMillon. "I understand All Might. I understand your desire to have given it to Izuku if you ever did find him. I even wouldn't be that against giving it to him in the future if you did find him and he wanted it." LeMillion said which warmed All Mights heart. "Now, let's talk about the mission. We are going to be raiding the Yakuza compound in a few days. All Might you are joining us. Your main focus will be to defeat Overhaul and/or grab the girl and get her out of there. Whichever happens first." Sir Nighteye said. 

Soon time passed and the raid started. On this mission were some first-year students from 1-A. Uraraka, Asui, Krishimima, and All Might's daughter Izumi Yagi who was working under Sir Nighteye were all a part of this mission. Everyone was in position and the police banged on the front gate yelling that they had a search warrant. Some villains came out and started to attack and that kicked off the fight. Izumi and LeMillon broke off into their groups and charged off. All Might started to break through walls to allow the heroes to go through quicker. After about 30 minutes, All Might and Sir Nighteye came upon an open room where they found Izumi and LeMillon fighting Overhaul. They also saw the little girl. Overhaul was shooting up into the air with the girl that they were there to save. All Might jumped up to catch up and called out for the girl. "ERI! COME TO ME!" he yelled out. She looked back and saw everyone looking at her with hope in their eyes. She activated her quirk for a split second and jumped down to All Might who caught her. Soon, All Might had blasted Overhaul out into the air since he had combined with another villain that had dropped into the room from outside. This villain was followed by Uraraka and her team. All Might had Eri tied to his back with the cape of LeMillion as he had to fight Overhaul who refused to let him leave with the girl. 

After a few minutes of fighting, All Might felt a sudden pain in his body as he felt like he was being undone. "DO YOU FEEL IT ALL MIGHT! THE GIRLS CURSE CAN UNDO HUMANS! IT REVERTS US BACK TO OUR OLD STAGES! WITH HER I CAN WIPE QUIRKS OUT OF THIS WORLD!" yelled overhaul. All Might was shocked that this girl's quirk could rewind him. Soon, he felt like he was better than ever as he blasted Overhaul down to the ground and knocked her out. Eraserhead soon came up and turned her quirk off which caused All Might to fall onto the ground gripping his stomach. 'I don't feel the pain anymore... DID SHE REWIND ME BACK TO BEFORE MY FIRST FIGHT WITH AFO!' thought All Might who lifted his shirt and saw the scar gone! All Might knew he needed to see Recovery Girl soon so they could find out if he was fully healed or not. 

Time passed and everyone cleaned up the operation. All Might found out that LeMillion had lost his quirk and was now quirkless. All Might knew he no longer had to give OFA up since his time limit was gone but he remembered what he did to his son. 'I would be repeating the same mistake that I did with my son. I've already promised I would give it to him. He could use OFA until Eri can rewind him for his quirk back if he decides to give OFA to Izuku if we ever find him.' thought All Might.

Time passed and it was now the end of the semester. LeMillon has OFA now and was learning to control it. Eri was being watched over by UA and Eri has started to see Izumi as a sister and All Might and Green Tornado as parent figures. She also sees Eraserhead and Present Mic as parent figures or uncle figures as well since they take care of her most of the time at UA while the Yagi family visits her quite a lot. It was now time for winter break and everyone was enjoying their time as they started to see the first snow of the season. 

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