Chapter 34: Winter Break & UA

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3rd Pov

The entire UA staff, Sir Nighteye, Gran Torino, the Detective, and LeMillon were having a meeting to talk about upcoming plans for the soon third-years class 3-A & 3-B. They were dealing with an increase in villain attacks around the country and the fact that the LOV & AFO were still at large was a large problem. Even though All Might has his muscle form 24/7 now he still is losing his power over time since he gave LeMillion OFA. As such, Nezu reached out to another school in Europe and talked about doing some learning from them since Europe sees stronger villains and villain organizations because they can come from other countries easier. This school was the  #1 hero school in the world FHAE. UA was only the #1 in Japan and couldn't really compare to the strength of heroes that FHAE pumped out on a yearly basis. 

"I've set up an interschool learning trip for the third-years last year. This will go as long as the other school will entertain us. The school they will go to will be FHAE which is Europe's and the world's #1 hero school. They have produced far better heroes than anyone in the world. Eraserhead and VladKing will be going no matter what. I would like All Might, Green Tornado, LeMillion to go with the students as well. Since they will be in a different country the students can't use their provisional licenses since they don't carry over from country to country unless you are a world hero. All Might is the only world hero but he can authorize other full-fledged heroes to act but that doesn't extend to the students since they aren't his interns or work-studies." Nezu stated. The staff was thinking and thought this was a good idea. Gran Torino volunteered to go as well. Soon the overall plan was decided. 

The people that would be going would be All Might, Green Tornado, LeMillon, Gran Torino, Eraserhead, and Vlad King from the staff or outside heroes as temporary staff. The entire class 3-A & 3-B would be attending and they would stay as long as the school was willing to accept them. 

"FHAE does have dorms that they offer to their students for free if their home lives aren't the best or if they want to just live on campus. As such, they have offered to house everyone in one dorm building since they are on the larger size and can fit both classes and the teachers." Nezu said. After a bit more talking the school would provide overall expenses for travel, losing, and food. FHAE has offered to provide a small budget for students to use for educational learning in Berlin such as their museums or historical sites as well since it was an opportunity to learn about a new culture. The UA staff would be in charge of ensuring this money was correctly spent and not on other things. 

The staff of UA was surprised that FHAE was willing to provide money for their students to go out in Berlin and learn from their historical sites but welcomed it nonetheless. The staff decided to go back to their work and they needed to inform Class 3-A and 3-B. Luckily the students live on campus currently due to the villain attacks.

-- Time Skip --

Vlad King and Eraserhead both went to their classes and informed their classes. Eraserhead walked into 3-A dorms and saw everyone already downstairs. 'I'm glad the three problem children worked out the problems with their classes in the first year.' Eraserhead thought back on his class first year. 

-- Flashback to 1st year--

Eraserhead was 'sleeping' in his bag one day when the class had asked the three about Izumi Yagi's brother. "Yagi... we think it's time to talk about your three past actions. The class has been tiptoeing on it for a while now and we just need to hit this straight away since it will cause problems if it's allowed to fester even more." stated Yaoyorozu who was the class vice-rep. The Bakugo's and Yagi knew this would happen sooner or later. They've had some working relationships and possible friendships with people in the class but it's been a bit icy and it's already halfway in the year. 

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