Chapter 36: Classes start and green hair!?

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3rd Pov:

All of the UA students woke up early Monday to ensure that everyone would be ready and on time for the classes. The homeroom teachers would join the students in their respective classes while the other staff would be meeting with other staff of FHAE to learn some things from them. The idea for this trip was to educate the students but also the staff on new learning methods. LeMillion came to stay near All Might and learn more control since he was still going at it. He could only use 50% of OFA at the current moment. Soon we could find the staff and students of UA walking through the building to their respective areas. 

Class 3-A started to introduce themselves to the FHAE Class 3-A. "Welcome UA students. Your schedules will now match this class from now on for training and education classes. We will do some spars and combat matches later on but I would like you to introduce yourself to the class and they will talk about themselves also." stated the FHAE 3-A teacher. Soon the UA students started to go through their introduction and they arrived at Izumi Yagi. She introduced herself and mentioned how she wishes that one day she would find her lost brother. 

After the UA students were finished the FHAE students started their introductions. Though several students from the school had thoughts going through their heads. 'Doesn't Izumi Yagi look like Izuku Midoriya?' thought some of the students since they were around when Featherless took the school by storm.

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

The students soon found themselves in the combat training grounds that some entrance exams are taken in. It was the same training grounds that Featherless had taken their entrance exam in several years ago.

 It was the same training grounds that Featherless had taken their entrance exam in several years ago

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"Good day students! We will now hold quirkless combat lessons. You may find yourself against enemies that can render your quirk null or counter your quirk. Sometimes you are in a confined area where you can't use your quirk. As such, it's important to know how to fight QUIRKLESS!" stated the teacher. Soon a student from UA would fight a student from the FHAE school. Each student from UA would be put down on the ground within the first 3 minutes of the fight starting. "As you can see, if any of you had fought one of my students with them being a villain that could nullify your quirk or render it useless then you would all be dead." stated the teacher. The UA students just groaned. Soon the teacher had them space out and was teaching basic combat stances. 

Gran Tornio Pov:

I was walking through the school since I just finished watching part of the quirkless combat training. Those brats really don't know how to fight without their quirks at all... dear god. As I was walking through the halls I thought I saw some green hair... was I seeing things? I thought I saw an older version of Izuku Yagi!? I quickly ran down the hallway and came around the corner but didn't see anyone. I guess I was imagining things. 

3rd Pov:

Izuku and his team had arrived at the school in their normal clothing and not their hero outfits. They had just returned from doing a UN mission in America due to their teaming being approved as World Heroes. As such, they were going to meet the principal and have him introduce the team to the students from the other school since they will work with them through the next year if they stay that entire time. Izuku thought he had seen an older male that looked familiar but just pushed it out of his mind since it was only for a few seconds. 

Soon they arrived at the principal's office and knocked on his door. "Come in!" they heard from inside. "Hello, Principal Vincent. We just returned from America and wanted to meet the new students that will be staying here for a while." Izuku said as they walked in. Vincent looked up and saw that it was the Featherless team and he lit up. "Ah, nice to see you all again. You all have been doing amazing since graduating from here. I'm so proud of you all. Kronos will be thrilled to hear that you guys are here. Let's walk and talk since one class should be out at the quirkless combat training ground right now where you all took your entrance exam." Vincent said as he got up and started to lead them all out. 

Soon they were walking down the hallway and Leon asked Vincent to give them some information about the school and the students that came. "Ah, well the school is actually the #1 in their country. Its students are third-years and will graduate at the end of this year. If they stay the entire time they will take the exam here in Germany but will have it applied for their home country Japan." stated Vincent. This made everyone freeze and stop walking. They were only near the sparing grounds as well and could hear the voices from the fighting. Principal Vincent noticed that they stopped and looked back worried. "Is there a problem?" he asked. Seth looked at Izuku who's face was a bit pale then back at the principal. "There might be. Is the school UA?" Seth asked a bit worried since they knew Izuku's biological sister went to that school most likely and should be a third-year right now! The principal was about to respond when the door leading from the sparing ground opened and out came the entire class 3-A with the foreign students with their teachers!

Izumi Pov:

Our homeroom teacher Eraserhead was talking with my Dad, Mom, Gran Tornio, and LeMillion who had shown up to watch our quirkless spars. The FHAE teacher had just called the matches and had us go change in the changing room that was built next to the grounds. Once we were all done changing we came back out and were told we would head back to the classroom for one more class before the day was over. 

As we were walking we heard some talking outside and as soon as we exited the building quite a few of us froze. It... it was my brother... "Br-Brother!?" I asked with a shaking voice. The Bakugo twins were just frozen as they were trying to mumble out Izuku's name. Dad and Mom were frozen and were shocked. Gran Tornio was also shocked but then something happened. I noticed Izuku's face was pale as I heard him speak out "Y-you bastards! How dare you come here!"

Izuku Pov:

I was a bit frozen. Principal Vincent had just said that it was the #1 school from Japan... which means that she is here and maybe even all of my other abusers might be here as well. It would be worst if my bastards of biological parents are here as well. Then as Principal Vincent was about to confirm or deny it was UA the doors opened and I saw all of THEM! It was my bastard of a former family and the Bakugo twins. WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO RUN INTO THEM NOW OF ALL TIMES! I refuse to deal with this. "Y-you bastards! How dare you come here!" I said with a small stutter. 

3rd Pov:

Everyone was just frozen. Then Izuku spoke out again. "Of all schools that could show up for this interschool training it had to be a school from Japan and it had to be UA... Just fucking lovely!" Izuku said as he just turned around and started to walk away. The featherless group unfroze and followed him quickly. Kyle and Luke could feel Izuku go from many different ones. Rage, Anger, sadness, depression, loathing, and back to RAGE! They knew they needed to get Izuku away from here before he did something he might regret. They could hear Izuku's bastard family shouting for him to come back because they were walking pretty fast. The students were all trying to figure what was going on. It looked like some had made the connection when Izumi had said the word brother and how Izuku had reacted. 

"Son! Please wait!" All Might cried out as he started to move after them. Kronos who had shown up just activated his quirk causing the Yagi family and Bakugo's to revert back to their spots. They were confused until they noticed Kronos to their side. "Why are you getting in our way!? That's my missing son!" All Might called out. Eraserhead was about to use his quirk on Kronos but felt a hand on his shoulder and saw the Principal stopping him. "Now Now. Let's calm down everyone. I'm sorry but I can't let you go after them." stated the Principal. "Why can't I go after my son!" Green Tornado asked as she had some tears coming down her face at seeing her missing son. She was so happy that she had found her missing son and that he was ALIVE! 

"It appears that they don't want to meet you though. As such, I need you all to calm down since you are all currently in front of students," stated Principal Vincent who gestured to the students who were watching. The Principal dismissed the FHAE students to go back to class and the UA students to go as well. "How about we move to my office where we can talk?" Principal Vincent suggested without it really being a suggestion. He's been told a bit about Izuku's past from his father Hisashi but never the who it was. 'Well, this is going to be complex and messy.' thought Vincent.

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