Chapter 4:New Family & Germany?

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3rd Pov:

It was a long time before Izuku woke up. This was due to the fact that his body wasn't used to using so much power from his quirk that he activated. It had laid dormant for years since he didn't try activating it. This meant the power had built up and put a lot of strain on his body when he first used it. Izuku soon found himself waking up in an unknown room. This room looked like a medical bay in some building. 


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"Ugh. What happened?" Izuku groaned out as he attempted to sit up. However, he was pushed back down on the bed by a hand. Izuku opened his eyes and saw that it was the man named Hisashi. "Who are you, Sir? I know the villain said your name was Hisashi but nothing else." Izuku asked the man. "Oh. You don't recognize me?" Hisashi asked a little surprised that someone didn't know who he was. "No? Should I..." Izuku froze for a few moments as he saw the word 'Titan' written on the wall across from him. Hisashi knew where Izuku was looking and was waiting for Izuku to put the information together. "Hisashi... Hisashi Midoirya of the Titan mercenary group is responsible for carrying out a lot of undisclosed missions and a lot of disclosed missions for the UN and other governments of the world. You deal with threats that normal heroes can't deal with or threats that the government isn't willing to deal with. You also do private work for individuals that request and pay for it but the missions can't go against any regulation set by the UN which you make clear to any person seeking your group's help." Izuku said without taking a breath. This caught Hisashi's attention since Izuku knew a bit more than the average person would normally know of the group. Most people only know that the group does work for the UN and that's it.

"Correct on your information, Izuku Yagi. Now can you tell me why you decided to help me with that villain and what is going on with the new quirk you've just gotten? I want to hear everything from you before I make a decision on what to do with you. Okay?" Asked Hisashi. Izuku felt warm and safe next to Hisashi and he didn't know why. Izuku just agreed to give the person anything he wanted since Hisashi shouldn't harm him since Izuku had saved him.

"There wasn't much going on in my head when I helped you. My body just started to really move before I knew what I was doing. I had gone to that beach since I was the one that cleaned it. I wanted to stop at it before I tried to find a place to sleep for the night. I had just run away from my home since I could no longer take the neglect from my family and the abuse from my sister and everyone else. My parents ignored my wounds whenever I was home and thought I was doing illegal things since I went out to train every day. That day I had found out that All Might and Green Torendo were my parents. All Might had told me about 30 minutes before the second sludge villain attack that quirkless people could never be heroes and I should be realistic and go be a police officer or something. I later learned he was my father after he and Green Tornado took my sister and her friends Katsuki & Kasumi Bakugo off to an alley where they reveal their identities and told my sister some information. They also said that I didn't have the drive of being a hero and talked about how they thought I was doing illegal things since I left the house every day and came back later and wasn't communicating with the family. The problem with that thought process is that they stopped caring for me and talking to me when I was around 4-5. I had quickly learned how to cook, clean, and overall care for myself since my mother stopped cooking and doing things for me. I also started to do odd jobs for people to earn money to support myself since I was never given an allowance either. I did find a dojo that allowed me to train at. I don't want to say his name so he can't get in trouble since Japan requires parent approval for training in dojos. This is a good overall summary of my life of being beaten, verbally abused by everyone, and neglected by my parents. and suicided baited as well recently. Anything else you need to know?" Izuku said in one entire breath. 

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