Chapter 6: Chaos in the Yagi's home

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3rd Pov:

It has been about 6 days since Izuku had run away from home. He ran away on a Friday night after the sludge villain incident. He fell asleep and awoke in Germany on Monday. As such, it's now Wednesday afternoon and Izumi is returning home worried since she hasn't seen her brother at school on Monday, Tuesday or today! She ran into the house and called out for her parents. "MOM! DAD!" Izumi yelled. The parents came towards the door worried about their daughter's tone. "Yes Izumi what is it that has you sounding so worried?" asked Inko. Toshinori just stood by looking worried for his daughter.

"Have you seen Izuku!? I haven't seen him at school for the past few days and I've just noticed I haven't seen him in a while either! The last day I know I saw him was on Friday last week!" Izumi said which caused her parents to freeze. Inko was worried about her son and Toshinori was worried about his son but also because what he said has come back to hit him in the face. He just realized the true weight of the words he said in his All Might form and was starting to freak out about what Izuku could have done based on his words. Izumi decided to run into Izuku's room and check if he was in there or not since no one has seen him. The site she found was horrifying for her. "DAD! MOM! GET IN HERE!" Izumi yelled out in fear. The parents came running in and froze at what they saw. 'Oh no! WHAT DID I DO!' thought Toshinori.

They found Izuku's room destroyed. All of his All Might toys and collection were destroyed on the ground. "There is a note," Izumi said as she picked it up and started to read. Then she dropped it after she read it... "I'm so sorry Izuku! I'M SO SORRY!" Izumi said as she started to cry out. Her parents made their way over to the note and they were shocked into tears as well. The note read as the following:

Dear Toshinori Yagi & Inko Yagi;

If you're reading this then that means you found the note. It also means I ran away because I couldn't take the abuse and neglect anymore! You're wondering what I'm talking about, aren't you? What abuse!? What Neglect!? I'm talking about how you all forgot about me since I was diagnosed as quirkless at the age of 4. From that moment forward you all started to forget about me and ignore my existence. Don't say you didn't because Inko, when was the last time you cooked me a meal or fed me anything? Ah, that's right. It was about the age of 5. I had to learn how to cook and clean for myself or I would have starved to death long before now. 

Now, let's move to the abuse! Neglect is a form of abuse, but I'm also talking about physical and emotional abuse. Emotional abuse, you all just never supported me and treated me like glass. You left me to die or survive on my own and never gave me any positive reinforcement in my life. Next, we have the physical abuse. Sure, neither of you got physical but your golden girl daughter sure did with her friends. Did you know that she started to beat me at the age of 4? She got Katsuki and Kasumi Bakugo together with her and they would physically and verbally abuse me. They would use their quirks on me or my property. This went on from the age of 4! It was even done in front of the teachers and they never did anything! Even the other students started to attack me physically and verbally day in and day out! Did you know, my dear sister and her friends created a new name for me. It's DEKU meaning worthless. They used it so much that everyone at school and the teachers would use the name to call upon me. As such, I had no choice but to respond to it. Do you know what it feels like to have your humanity ripped from you!? No, I'm doubtful even you do Toshinori. Even though you used to be just like me. I did hear everything in that alley when you told the three by the way. Funny isn't it. I was said to be without drive to be a hero and the abusers were said to have the drive! Did you know that those abusers also told me "If you want a quirk so badly, then go take a swan dive off the roof and pray for it in your next life!" How am I without the drive to be a hero? Did you know from the age of 4 I trained every single day and learned martial arts and some weapons handling so I could become the world's first quirkless hero! Ironic, how my fate was sealed that day at the age of 4. It's so Ironic that even the quirk doctor knew that day that I would end up with this result. As another statistic. I don't want to be another statistic. 

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