Chapter 33: EU Hero Ranking & FHAE

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3rd Pov:

The last half-year has flown by quickly. Izuku and his team have been training and doing hero work throughout the entire last half-year. The team arrests and missions completion rate currently sits at 100%. The team has even been assigned a number of missing person cases at their request. The reason for this is because Seth, Kyle, and Luke can use their enhanced senses to track people down by scents. They have used this to get a scent from their home or personal belongings and track them down from the last known location. This worked the best if they were assigned the case the day the person went missing. As such, even if the police required a 24 hour period for them to be declared missing the team would still offer their help and locate the person. As such, a lot of cases have been completed with the minimum amount of resources being invested in the cases. 

This had led the Featherless team to be the #1 team to be called for missing person cases or kidnappings. The team has also been called in for a lot of crime rings. Due to the fact that the team can smell out the tracks of villains or criminals they are able to find drug rings, trafficking rings, and other types of crimes in the underground criminal world. The team has taken out 30 different separate rings in 6 different EU countries so far. Overall, most of the rings were small-time ones that they found but there were two cases where it became a problem and a threat that the team had to do a lot of work in putting the rings down.

One ring had started creating a new trigger to sell. They were bringing in the drugs and selling them to smaller gangs. The main ring was found when the team had taken out one of the smaller gangs and had found one of the drug suppliers from the main gang. They had followed this person and tracked his scent to a warehouse where they found all of the drugs. The problem was that they had quite a few A rank villains that would cause trouble if they started to go on a rampage. As such, the team had to slowly remove villain threats without being found. This approach had worked for about 10 minutes before they noticed their men dropping. Soon, Tiger threw up a wind wall to keep everyone contained and Atlas had called in the local police to surround the wind wall to catch anyone that attempts to escape. 

One villain should have actually been declared an S rank villain since his quirk was letting him adapt to whatever quirk he fought. This proved to be some annoyance and Atlas grabbed the guy and threw him into the air with his whipped and slammed him down to the ground. The guy got back up though and just kept charging. His adaptation quirk just kept adapting to whatever he needed to survive the attacks... 'He has to have a limit..' thought Atlas. Soon, the other team members finished their things and Atlas and the others were able to just suppress the guy and get him into quirk-canceling cuffs to end the fight. "Well, his quirk was annoying. Unless I caused a lot of damage to the area he just kept adapting to anything I did to him." Atlas stated and the others could only shake their head at him. 

The team has even offered some of their time during the school semester and did several classes of training with the students when the school asked. It was now closing into the end of the year and the team was interested in hearing back from the UN any time now. It was also time for the EU and Germany hero rankings to come out! First, the individual country rankings would be shown, and then the entire EU rankings. As such, you could find all of the kids and parents waiting in the living room watching the TV.

Soon, the ranking show came on and they were working their ways through the individual countries of the EU

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Soon, the ranking show came on and they were working their ways through the individual countries of the EU. Now they were in Germany rankings. "Welcome fellow Germans! Today we will find out who is in the top 25 of our German country before we move onto the EU overall ranking." stated the announcer. Soon they worked their way up until they hit #8 who was announced as Vector! Everyone in the room started to cheer. "In 8th is a new hero by the name of Vector, 7th is Tiger, 6th is Storm, 5th Void, 4th is..., 2nd is Atlas and in first is still our current number 1 Deus!" stated the announcer. Everyone in the room cheered! "WE TOOK SPOTS IN THE TOP 10 OF GERMANY!" Izuku yelled out while jumping into his Fiances arms knocking them over onto the couch. "I LOVE MY LIFE! I'M SO HAPPY I MET YOU ALL!" Izuku said as he kissed both of his lovers and just placed his head between their heads and pulled them in for a hug.

"Good job son but you're forgetting the EU ranking," Hisashi said which caused everyone to look back at the TV as they were just starting the EU ranking. "Now let's do the EU ranking. For the most part, this ranking is the same as the last time except for the bottom 5 of the top 25 is different. Tonight we have at 25th Void, 24th Storm, 23rd Vector, 22nd is Tiger and in 21st place is Atlas. I want to say congratulations to these five new heroes they broke into the top 10 of the german ranking and have made it to the bottom of the top 25 rankings for the entire EU! That is a feat like no other! We look forward to what the Hero of Reliance: Atlas and his team do in the future." stated the announcer. 

Everyone in the room was silent. They knew they would do good in Germany since they do a lot of missing persons and kidnapping cases but they didn't think they would break into the top 25 ranks of the EU. They had thought they would be in the bottom 50 due to the crime rings that they have been stopping in the entire EU. However, it seems the fact that the team stayed to clean up after missions have made a large impact on the younger generations. While the older generations would spread the word of us because they were thankful for us helping clean up their shops after the missions that damaged them. 

Soon the excitement came to an end and everyone went home with the boys going to their rooms for the night since they agreed to do some training classes at the school the next day. As such, they all fell to sleep.

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

The boys showed up at the school and entered the staff room to see the staff waiting for them. "Congratulations Featherless on your rankings!" stated Principal Vincent as the boys walked into the room. The boys just thanked the staff and soon got to work on the classes that they were teaching for that day. Izuku was working with people on combat analysis and how to quickly determine weaknesses to exploit during battle. Luke was working with people on quirk control with some people that had some elemental quirks. Kyle was working with a few students that had some animal-based quirks and were teaching some tracking methods using their senses. Seth was teaching physical training for people with quirks that required it or people that wanted to increase their stamina for battle. Leon was working with people that quirks relied on calculations to use their quirks or how to use math and other subjects during battle. For example, how to calculate out the route of a villain's attack and how they could avoid attacks or use openings to counter-attack with their quirks.

This went on for a few weeks with the boys doing several days over a 2 month period. The staff of the school really liked the progress the Featherless was making with the students. As such, they decided to ask them to help out next semester when they were having another school attend for some time since the school was having some problems with a rise in villains in their country and they needed to reach a higher level of training. 

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

Izuku and the team were called into the staff room before they left. "Hello, Featherless. We wanted to know if you would give some time next semester as well. We will be hosting a group of students and teachers from another school since their country is having an increase in villain activity and they need heroes of a higher standard. As such, we would like them to train with you a bit. You would be working mainly with our own students but sometimes you would have one or two classes with these students. Our teachers would deal with them for the most part." Principal Vincent asked. The Featherless had no objections and were willing to help. However, unknown to them, there would be some teachers and students that would recognize Izuku and the meeting wouldn't be a kind one.

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