Chapter 20: Internships FHAE

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3rd Pov:

Several days had passed and Izuku and the team just relaxed for the most part since they didn't want to stress themselves out. They kept up with their normal training to keep fit but any extra training was put off to relax their bodies. It was going to be time for them to choose where to go for their internships. The team decided to do separate internships since they could do team training with the Titan agents which was better than most hero team training from current heroes. As such, they would get skills and knowledge in for their individual use to boost the group's overall power. Izuku found out from waking Leon up in the morning that Seth had stayed in Leon's room. Izuku started to tease Leon but Leon turned it around on Izuku when Luke and Kyle said they had just slept in Izuku's room for the past few nights. Izuku cried out traitors to his two lovers as they ran away from him. Soon everyone decided to split up in their soulmate groups because the dominants in the relationships want to take their lovers out for a date in the city. They had told the agents last night about their plans and they had agents ready to guard them at a distance. 

Luke and Kyle took Izuku to the Garten Der Welt which had multiple different cultures gardens in a park area that did include a Japanese garden. When they got there Izuku was shocked. "We know you had mostly bad memories of your birth country but we thought maybe you would like to see some native things from your country like gardens," Luke said. "Yes. I love it. I did like the flowers and gardens of my birth country. Thank you, guys." Izuku said as he gave them a peck on their cheek and hugged them. They walked around and spent some of their time in the different cultural gardens before Kyle and Luke lead Izuku to a private restaurant where they ate dinner at.

 They walked around and spent some of their time in the different cultural gardens before Kyle and Luke lead Izuku to a private restaurant where they ate dinner at

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Izuku just blushed at the dinner he saw. 'God my two kitsune are so loving' thought Izuku. "Thank you!" Izuku said to them as he sat down when they pulled the seat out for him. They spent the next hour enjoying their dinner with Luke and Kyle testing out cheesy pick up lines on Izuku.

One pickup line was so bad that Izuku just started to laugh. It was "Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again?" said Luke. Kyle there some lines like "Did you just come out of the oven? Because you're hot." Izuku just couldn't stand it anymore and laughed so hard. He was glad the restaurant was reserved in full and only the staff and the agents were in the building. "Please for the love of god stop! AHAHAH" Izuku said while laughing. Soon the dinner came to an end and they returned home for the night since the next day they had to return to school. Izuku walked into the building and saw Seth and Leon waiting for the elevator. Izuku just walked up to Leon and hanged off of his back. "Sooo.... how was your night?" Izuku asked. Leon just blushed hard and said it was sweet and adorable. Seth had taken him on a romantic boat trip in a waterway that went through one of the rivers in the city and then a private dinner for two. Leon had asked Izuku how his night went and Izuku explained how it was. "They ended our night with cheesy pickup lines... they were so bad that it made me laugh which was the point I guess. God my two kitsune are so loveable. I'm glad they entered my life." Izuku said. Seth, Kyle, and Luke were just standing back a bit with their half-transformations on so they could hear but not intrude. They wanted to know how their soulmates thought of the night so they could plan better next time and they had got good responses. Soon the elevator arrived and they all got in and went upstairs to sleep for the night.

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