Chapter 9: Education, Training, and Party

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3rd Pov:

After the board meeting and the talk with Hisashi, one month has passed. The third-party watchdog group went through and finished their audit of the company records. They discovered that there were only a few bad actors in the accounting department that were causing the fraud. The people were dealt with and handed over to the police. The announcement to the media was made about the board of directors discovering the fraud and bringing in a third-party watchdog to do the audit. This announcement made most of the public companies' stocks increase due to the parent comparing quick dealing of the situation and public acknowledgment of the situation. 

Outside of that situation, Hisashi had Izuku start learning dancing skills and proper etiquette for a formal party. Izuku first learned how to dance in several different ways but the primary was the ballroom dance.

While doing the dance training, Izuku was also learning the proper etiquette for eating at fancy parties and gatherings so he would be able to keep up with everyone in the future

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While doing the dance training, Izuku was also learning the proper etiquette for eating at fancy parties and gatherings so he would be able to keep up with everyone in the future.

While doing the dance training, Izuku was also learning the proper etiquette for eating at fancy parties and gatherings so he would be able to keep up with everyone in the future

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-- Time Skip -- 

3 months have passed since Izuku had started the training. Overall, he was doing great and was about to master most of the training for formal gatherings. As such, it was time to shift some of his focuses to his general education to ensure he is meeting the standard of his middle school. The Titan's group was already teaching him the most basic things to ensure his education was up to date for his age. However, they reported to Hisashi that Izuku had demonstrated advanced knowledge of subjects by the time they were finished and recommended that he was tested for his current knowledge. 

As such, that is how Izuku found himself in a government testing room where he was given multiple tests to understand his current knowledge. Izuku was dead tired by the end of the day. Izuku was given tests on many subjects and even given tests on current European political climate issues to see how much he needs to learn about his new home. Hisashi and the government officials were shocked. Izuku had demonstrated high knowledge in several subjects while maintaining a good grasp of most middle school subjects. Izuku did worst on the test about European matters but did better than they thought he would. As such, it was decided that Izuku's education was good enough for him to attend middle school without a problem. Izuku would need to put work in on the European history and current political climate but would be able to catch up. It was also decided that he would be placed in all advanced classes in his middle school which would be teaching high school level subjects. The middle school was already an advanced school but their advanced classes were even harder than average schools' advanced classes. 

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