Chapter 35: Traveling and Arrival in Germany

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3rd Pov:

The entire UA class 3-A & 3-B with the heroes from Japan being All Might, Green Tornado, LeMillon, Gran Torino, Eraserhead, and Vlad King. Everyone bored the bus in front of the campus and headed towards the hotel. Some were talking about how they would explore Berlin in their free time and enjoy the sites. "If we go out into the city, we should do it in groups of 3 or 4 so in the event, something happens someone can report it. We will be in a foreign country and not know our way around after all." Lida stated and the other students could only agree with that suggestion since it was smart. Most people calmed down on the interclass rivalry for the most part and the classes now got along great. 

They arrived at the Airport and soon got onto the plane. UA had reserved an entire plane by buying all of the tickets to ensure that their students and staff wouldn't have any troubles. "Spread out and sit where you want problem children since we reserved the entire plane. We will arrive in Berlin in about 12 to 13 hours so I suggest sleeping sooner rather than later since we will arrive during the day and you will need to change your sleeping schedule to fit the new country time." Eraserhead stated. 

All Might Pov:

I was sitting in my seat and thinking when my wife tapped my shoulder. "Yes, dear?" I asked her. "What are you thinking about?" she asked me. Dam she has always know when I'm stuck on something. "I was thinking about our son. It's been so long... I just can't help feel that he is still alive for some reason even though I've been provided many reasons that would say otherwise. We've never found a body and something in my gut and back of my mind keeps bugging me lately like the past is going to come back to hit us on something." I told her. She looked around and at our daughter. She then turned back and started to talk. "I know how you feel. I've been having the same feeling as well and I couldn't figure it out. What you described is similar to what I'm feeling. I've long lost hope that we would ever find him but I've refused to lose hope in the fact that he is alive. Something has always told me that he is alive and that something from our past would come and hit us." Inko said. We could only sit there in silence together. We knew that whatever came we would face it head-on as a family. 

3rd Pov:

Gran Tornio just sat next to them listening. 'If we ever do find my grandson I pray that he is willing to hear you out and give you a second chance. However, If he doesn't then you will need to respect that wish since he will have grown a lot outside of your hands. He may have found a new family that he will be attached to anyway.' thought Gran Tornio who has always been pissed with All Might and Inko about never telling him about his Grandson. Soon time passed and the flight was going. The students were playing several games like never have I ever. The flight attendant told everyone that there were only a few more hours before they arrived.

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

The airplane was getting ready to land. Everyone was told to sit down and get ready. After about 30 minutes they landed and were coming up to the gate. After about another 10 minutes of waiting they were cleared to get up and get their things. 


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