Chapter 40: Tension & Sports Festival

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3rd Pov:

Izuku and the boys all woke up earlier in the day since today would be the sports festival at FHAE. The boys wanted to scout and see if there was anyone in the third-years that they thought might be interesting to take in the agency once they graduate or if there was anyone from second or first years that would be good for a work-study. Izuku did remember about the puppet kid that should be a second year now and had brought it up to the team. "He would make a good individual hero for our agency. He could also act as a supplement for the team with his puppets as well. We should keep our eyes on him. I did know that he was planning to be an individual hero and not on a team since he liked working alone for the most part but was always willing to work with others when it was needed to complete a mission." Luke stated. As such, it was decided that they would keep an eye on the puppet master. 

The group soon arrived at the school and the team went and looked over the FHAE students. They weren't that interested in the UA students that much since they would be returning to Japan after this year is over and none of them really wanted to deal with any of them since they weren't really students of FHAE. Soon the team arrived inside the stadium.

The stadium had a private sitting area that was above the entrance gates for contestants

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The stadium had a private sitting area that was above the entrance gates for contestants. The staff from UA and FHAE were all sitting in this area and the Principal had invited Featherless to sit in that area this year since they were here scouting. "Hello Featherless." called out the principal which got everyone's attention. "Hello, Principal Vincent. Thanks for letting us sit up here." Izuku stated. "I saw your forms for work-studies and internships. I take it you have an eye on some students this year that you might take under your agency?" Vincent asked which made all of the room listen in since it would be the first time their agency took anyone on since it was recently opened.

"Indeed, we have our eye on someone already but will wait to see how they do during this. We also want to see how anyone else does." Luke responded. Soon they all sat down and waited for the event to start. Eraserhead came over and apologized since he had failed to recognize such an opportunity to help his student all these years when it was right in front of him. "It's okay, the suit type isn't that commonly known. I just thought UA would have known since one of their former students had used it before." Izuku told him. Soon they went back to the quiet conversations between people. Izuku noticed that the Yagi's kept glancing in his direction. Gran Torino just got up and walked over to a seat near Izuku and sat down. "Sup brat. Who do you think will take it this year?" he asked Izuku. "Hmm, I don't really know any of the current first years so I don't know. I think the person who won last year would have a good chance." Izuku stated. The Yagi's were surprised at how easy Gran Torino had started talking to Izuku and wished they could do that as well.

Soon the students were called out to the field. They had more students than normal this year since the UA students were at the school but it didn't matter. "I'm betting a lot of the UA students will fall out in the first round," Leon said and this shocked the UA staff. "I'm not foolish enough to bet against that," Seth said. The UA teachers felt a bit annoyed except Gran Torino who has spent time in other classes seeing them work. He knew that the UA kids would have a hard time. The first round was called and it was going to be another point king system this year. Anyone that loses all of their points was out and whoever had the most for the top 50 by the time was called or people were out would move to the next round. 

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