Chapter 42: AFO & Lov VS Atlas & Featherless

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3RD Pov: 

"Oh.. this is going to be fun!" Izuku said with a smirk on his face. 'WHAT!?' is what everyone thought!

"ATLAS What are you talking about! This is the villain known as AFO and he is a big threat!" All Might yelled out. LeMillion and All Might then charged at AFO but were both sent flying back due to a large shockwave from AFO with his new enlarged arm. "Now now AFO if Atlas wants to fight then let him fight," AFO stated. "Why thank you! How noble of you!" Atlas stated. Atlas then looked at his team and told them a general plan. "Tiger work on the creatures. Vector work on the villains knows as Mr. Compress and Spinner. Void works on twice and Toga, Storm work on Dabi while helping the others. I will help where I can but I will fight AFO and stall him. I'll defeat him if I can get an attack n that can put him down but with all of his quirks, he won't go easily. So when you are done help each other and work your way up to me. Okay?" Atlas asked his team and they agreed. They knew this fight would be a tough one if AFO could interfere in the other battles. As such, they got to work.

"LET'S DO THIS!" They all yelled out as Atlas powered up to 400% and charged at All For One. Everyone was shocked that the Featherless team just charged and the fact that Atlas just disappeared! Then they heard a loud bang as they saw Atlas had attacked AFO! Then AFO went flying back into the mountain behind the school area. *BANG* Everyone heard the bang and saw the shockwave as AFO had connected with the mountain. Soon, Atlas went flying into the air and waited for AFO to attack. He didn't want to get too far away from his team in the event they needed to act or he needed to act. 

The team was dealing with their opponents. Tiger had just fully transformed and enhanced his claws with the air and was ripping into the Nomus. He was making quick work of them since they all didn't have the regeneration quirks as some did. Those were a bit more annoying and Tiger threw them into the distance to deal with them last. Vector used his quirk to control his knives at a fast speed that Mr. Compress couldn't grab them all into his quirk. As such, he got hit a few times by the knives which were laced with sleeping drugs. Spinner was doing a better job at dodding everything and his harder skin made getting him with the knives harder. As such, he would have to be dealt with closer to the end when Mr. Compress was dealt with. Void was working on Twice and Toga. Twice was making clones of Toga and himself left and right. Void fully transformed and was tearing through the clones while using his tails to smash them into the ground. He also used his shadow travel to jump through the army of clones and tear through them. He also sent void balls out from his tail every time he came out of the shadows. Storm was fighting Dabi and he knew this fight would be troublesome due to Dabi's quirk. It was a standstill for the most part and Storm needed to find a weakness to attack. 

AFO had already arrived back and was pissed that he got sent back like that. "You said you could go much stronger than All Might if in a death fight. Well, guess what. This is a death fight." Izuku stated. Soon, they were going blow for blow. Izuku was slowly increasing his strength since he knew that his energy wasn't limitless at the levels he was going into. The absorption ability of his has gotten good to keep up with his fighting over the years but once he enters the higher % that he normally doesn't use then his consumption outdoes his absorption. As such, the fight between AFO and Atlas was currently at a standstill of large blows going between them. Atlas needed to figure out a gameplan since he wouldn't win a slugfest. 

3rd Pov: 

All Might and the others were just watching the Featherless team fight against AFO and the LOV. "Why did they go in by themselves! This isn't an easy enemy!" All Might said. Principal Vincent just looked at All Might as if he was crazy. "All Might, you forget Atlas and the Featherless team has faced opponents that could defeat you before. This isn't any different from any other mission for them. If you want to help out then keep the UA students and others safe from any attacks." Vincent stated. LeMillion looked like he wanted to get involved but didn't know what to do. "All Might, could you authorize me to get involved in the fight?" LeMillion asked. Vincent just rejected this right away. "NO! you can't get involved. Featherless is a team that can act and defend each other from a distance and you getting involved would ruin their flow and their control of the battle. It may not appear like they have control but trust me they do." Vincent stated in a warning tone at All Might and LeMillion. 

The slugfest between Atlas and AFO kept going on. Soon, Atlas figured out a general plan in his mind. For a split second Atlas charged up past 400% and up to 600% and landed a hit onto AFO's arm which sent him reeling back in surprise at the sudden difference in strength. At that moment Atlas created his whip and grabbed AFO with it. As Atlas started to swing AFO around he let go towards the mountain and then pulled out his bow and arrow. "Let's see if you can take this hit!" Atlas stated as he let the arrow go flying. It had a larger charge into it at a 1,000% power output. AFO saw the arrow coming and didn't think anything of it. Big mistake! The arrow landed and blew up. 

Everyone's attention got taken by the explosion

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Everyone's attention got taken by the explosion. Well, almost everyone's! The featherless team has seen this explosion before since they have trained with Izuku and they used the villain's lack of attention to turn the tide of the battle. My. Compress slowed down enough due to the drugs and was knocked out by Vector. Vector also sent all of his blades directly into spinner at a quick speed. It had enough speed and force to break into his scales and dig into his skin. 'ahh!" yelled out spinner which broke everyone's train of through of the explosion but it was too late. The Featherless team had already made their move. Void has dealt with over 90% of the clones before Twice and Toga realized he was close to them and they couldn't make enough clones or do enough attacks to slow Void down in his attacks. His tails were flying through clones looking for the real bodies. Storm used the moment in Dabi's lack of attention and got up close and personal with Dabi. He kicked Dabi in the stomach and then shocked him with lighting balls which knocked him down and out of the fight. He grabbed Dabi with a tail and threw him to the school staff so they could cuff him. Storm then moved to Vector's location and helped him finish Spinner off before storm dragged them both off to the staff. 

With three villains out, Storm went to help Void while Vector went to help Tiger deal with the remaining nomus. During all of this Shirgirak hadn't made a move at all. Izuku had planned to deal with Shigaraki whenever he attempted to make a move since he didn't want anyone to get in close to fight him due to his decay quirk. Shigaraki just looked around before he decided to make a move. He started to fly! 'WHAT!' everyone thought as Izuku moved out of his range since he didn't know what his quirks were now nor what attacks he could do. Shigaraki moved over to the mountain where his master was and landed near AFO body which had large burns on it. AFO survived the attack but was badly damaged. The mask that kept him breathing had broken due to the destructive blast from that arrow. 

Atlas quickly helped the others finish their enemies since he had a bad feeling. All of the villains were taken care of and given to the staff of the school. The last of the nomu's were also killed off. Everyone was waiting for what would happen with AFO and Shigaraki. Soon, Atlas saw Shigaraki kill AFO! "Why did he kill his owner master?" Atlas asked the question that everyone was wondering! Soon though they would find out the why!

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