Chapter 38: Reactions & Vistitor?

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Izumi Pov:

To think my brother has been in Germany the entire time... Soon I was knocked out of my thoughts by my classmates who were asking if I was okay. "I don't know... I've just found my missing brother who has been living in Germany this entire time safe," I said to everyone. "At least you know where he is at now and that he is alive?" one person said and I could only agree. I decided to go find my parents and see how they were doing. I soon found them in a lobby in the dorm area. "Hey dad, mom. How are you doing?" I asked them and they just said they were sorting through their emotions and had asked how I was doing. "Same, sorting through my emotions," I said to them. 

All Might Pov:

"It seems that our son has created an entirely new life for himself. Though I really would like to meet his new father though I doubt they would agree to spend much time with us." I said with sorrow in my voice. "Indeed, We knew that he would likely have an entirely new life outside of us. We hardly raised him anyway so It's not surprising that he doesn't see us as his family. He loathes the fact that that he shares our blood." Inko said. "I just wish he would give us a chance to reconnect though," Izumi commented with some tears in her eyes. "I just wish we could try to make up for everything we did to him," she said while crying. Inko and I could only hug her and promise that we could only try to reconnect and it would be his decision. "We can only attempt and keep attempting whenever we have the chance to show that we've changed and are wanting to be in his life again," I told her. 

Izuku Pov:

The guys and I arrived home after leaving school. I had called for an escort from Titan since I wasn't in the mood to wait for the normal car with my two guards in it. Luke and Kyle just kept their tails out for me and kept them wrapped around my waist and a tail from each of them in my hands to help me keep grounded since my emotions are still going crazy. I've kept myself from falling into a panic attack or an episode of going back in my memories or dark thoughts until after I got out of the room. Then I started to slowly fall apart but they kept me from falling any further by keeping me grounded. Soon the Titan escort came and there were several guards armed. They asked If I was alright since I normally don't use the escort request on my phone but I didn't answer them as I got in. Though I could hear Leon respond. "He'll be fine for now. We need to return to the Titan tower ASAP. Also, alert Hisashi that he needs to be waiting for us to return. He may also want the Titan therapist that Izuku talks to on hand and ready. We just met Izuku's biological family and Hisashi needs to be ready to deal with the fallout." Leon said. The guards just stiffened at the mention of my past and got to work. They went straight to no funny business attitudes and one called into the base to have my dad alerted. After about 30 minutes later we arrived at the Titan tower. Luke and Kyle just helped me walk inside since I was just playing with their tails for the most part now. I just didn't feel like talking currently and just kept myself grounded the best I could. 

We arrived in the living room and dad was there waiting. He just hugged me the moment I walked out of the elevator. "Daddy..." I cried out with tears coming down my face. I could feel my legs start to weaken as he picked me up like I was a little kid again and walked over to the couch. "It's going to be alright my son. It's going to be alright. I'm here and not going anywhere." Dad said. I just cried into his shoulder as Luke and Kyle explained everything that happened and what they could sense in my emotions. I was so thankful for the soulmate marks in moments like this since they could help my dad known how I'm doing. Dad suggested that once I calmed down I should talk to the therapist so I could get everything off my chest and asked If I wanted anyone in the room with me. I wanted him, Kyle, and Luke with me since they needed to be there so they knew how to better handled me in the future in the event I relapse with my mental state which is becoming clearer that it's possible with current events.

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