Chapter 23: Semester End & Work-Study Offers

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3rd Pov

The boys returned to their home to relax. They had done it. The normal Provisional Exam was overall easy since it was made for the overall hero applicants. As such, the five boys passed that exam with ease. It was when they did their team-based exam where they had faced a very tough exam and they realized some of their faults and spots that they were lacking in. They all resolved to do better and become stronger as individuals and as a team. 

The dominates in the relationship decided to take their loves out on a date since they had a couple of days before they returned to school Monday. Overall, everyone enjoyed their weekend and soon found themselves returning to school on Monday. "I don't want to be back at school! I just want to sleep!" groaned Izuku as he was walking in the hallway. "Now now Little Sun. We just need to finish the semester up in the last two weeks and we will have a break. Then work-studies will start next semester." Luke said while Kyle just rubbed Izuku's back. They soon entered the homeroom and waited for their teacher. "Welcome back everyone. Good job on your exam. Sorry if you thought the provisional exam was too easy compared to the team-based one. The exam is standard across the world and is set by the UN. Only the number of passing can be controlled by individual countries." Stated Kronos. Soon they did some of their educational classes for a few hours. After the group returned from lunch they had found large packets on their desk.

"As you can see, you all have offers for work-studies. Both of your tests were shown to pro heroes across the EU. I know there are even some world heroes in those offers. There are some team offers but also individual ones. You need to decide on what you will be doing for your work studies. Do you think your teamwork is good enough through other means to do individual work studies or do you need to do a team work-study to increase your teamwork and team skills." stated Kronos. Soon the boys all sat down and started to talk it out as they looked over their offers. 

"Deus offered me a work-study again. He did offer us a team one as well but he doesn't have any teams that work for him though." Izuku said. Currently, everyone was leaning toward doing individual work studies during the next semester and seeing about a team work-study during the last semester. This way they could work on their individual skills and then do teamwork before they graduate since they plan to start an agency together. They went and talked to their homeroom teacher who left the class and went to the staff room.

 They went and talked to their homeroom teacher who left the class and went to the staff room

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"Kronos, we have a question," asked Seth. He moved them over to a private meeting room connected to the staff room and asked what they needed. 

"What's your question boys," asked Kronos

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"What's your question boys," asked Kronos. Soon they explained that they wanted to do individual work studies but also wanted to do a team work-study during their last semester since they plan for an agency after they graduate. "Hmm, typically people stick with their one work-study until they graduate most of the time. However, it can be done. Though I suggest informing both work-studies that you pick so they know of your plans. I would also provide them the reason for your plans of starting an agency since you are all a team. This will make them more open to accepting that you will only be with them for a semester before transferring to a different agency." Kronos said. As such, the boys had their work-studies picked out. Izuku was going back with Dues while everyone else was going back to their own mentors that did their internships. They also picked the #6 hero team that operates out of Germany since it was close to home. They did receive offers from the other top 10 teams but none of them operate in Germany. Soon they had sent in their requests and would hear back before the end of the semester was over.

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

Soon the last few weeks of the semester came and went. They were now at the end of the semester and they had received replies to their requests. All agencies had accepted the request of the Featherless team. The replies also came with an extra note. "Due to the situation that Featherless is in with planning for a team agency in the future. Individual agencies have entered talks with the #6 hero team about doing a co-operation throughout both semesters so that your time would be split between your individual agencies and the team agency as well. Negotiations are in the work and this is not finalized at this time. You will receive notification of final negotiations during your first work-study and any details regarding this agreement." stated the note. "Well we might get the better of the two worlds if everything works out," stated Leon. Everyone only could wait to hear back once the internships started. 

Now it was time for the boys to do their semester exams. Even though they have their high school education done they have been doing college-level classes. As such, it's time to take the exam and see if they passed the college classes that they were taking. If the boys ever decided to finish out the remaining classes in the future they could obtain a degree for the associated University that provides the classes for the school. Once they finish all three semesters' then the boys will have 50% of their college classes done that they would need for their degree. As such, the boys started their tests for the next several hours.

The tests finally came to an end and soon it was time to receive their results back. Unlike the other class, they only had 5 students which allowed their teacher to grade them via the machine very fast. The teacher walked back into the room and told them that they had all passed. "You all took your written exam a few days after everyone else since your exams were for college classes. Based on the scores, academically wise you are all at the top of your year and top for your entire school. Though you aren't ranked against others since your tests again were for college-level unlike everyone else." Kronos stated. Soon they were dismissed and allowed to go home for the break. They would return after the summer break and start their work-studies. 

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