Chapter 32: Hero Debut

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3rd Pov:

It's been about a month after graduation and the agency office is completed now as the team had planned out. To access the agency floor you must get past the guards and welcome desk on the ground floor like anyone else. As such, it's nearly impossible for some random person to just get into our agency and disturbed us. The team decided to do some patrols across the entire EU which is possible via teleporting via the Titan's group. The group employes several agents that have to teleport or warps quirks which will allow Featherless to do these larger patrol routes. 

The team decided to do their debut in Germany first though since it was their home. They did normal patrols without people seeing them at all since they stand towards the roofs waiting for the perfect time to debut. Soon though they found the perfect time when a villain was rampaging downtown in Berlin. As such, the team started to move towards that location. They found the villain was the A-Class villain Berserker who enters a trance-like fury which made him seem out of control whenever he activated it to fight. However, it didn't actually make him go out of control. It just granted him a large amount of strength and his battle style made him seem out of control when in fact he was moving with purpose. 

"Void get anyone in the way out of there. Tiger focuses on attacking him from behind. Storm you will your tails to try to grab one of his arms, I'll use my whip to grab the other one. Once we have his arms contained Vector will use his quirk to apply pressure onto him through the vectors and force him down onto the ground so we can cuff him. Tiger will move in to cuff him once he's down." Atlas stated as the team then moved in to capture the villain quickly without much damage to the area.

Void had grabbed several police officers and civilians that were about to be hit and got them out of there. Tiger distracted the villain and got him to turn around where Storm and Atlas both attempted to grab his arms. Atlas was able to get one arm but Storm missed his but soon got it after the second try. As they pulled the villain back, Tiger kicked his legs from under him making him fall down to his knees. At this point Vector came in from behind his back and applied force to make him go down on his stomach. With the villain having been forced on the ground with his arms still being pulled back, Tiger was able to place the cuffs on quickly since Atlas and Storm kept the hands near each other. Within 10 minutes of arriving they had successfully captured the villain without causing much damage to the area due to their teamwork. 

Everyone was stunned at how fast and smoothly the five heroes worked together. Even the other heroes on-site were stunned since they thought it would take more destruction and damage before they could take the villain out... Suddenly people started to cheer and clap for the team. Police moved over and helped secure the villain in a containment car. "Hello, sirs. May I see your licenses since I don't recognize you as any hero?" asked the commanding officer on site. Everyone was waiting to see who they were. Atlas and the boys showed their licenses and the officer thanked them. "Thank you Atlas, Storm, Void, Tiger, and Vector. You're free to go about your business." The officer said while walking away. Now, the people on-site knew their names and the boys decided to help do some clean up from what the villain caused. This shocked the people on-site since the other heroes that were on-site first had already left. Only the police, the News, and civilians were left. Most heroes don't stay to help clean up the leftover from the fights. They tend to show up, fight, get fame, and leave the cleanup to others to deal with but this group wasn't. The new heroes were helping put stuff up into shops for elderly owners and help move bigger rubble for easier cleanup. 

One reporter decided to ask who they were. They had the names but why are they here, what do they aim to do with their lives? As such, the reporter and cameraman walked up to the team. "Hello heroes, I was wondering If I could get a few minutes of your time?" asked the reporter and the team looked at each other and nodded to her. "Sure, what can we help you with?" Atlas said. "I think everyone is wondering who are you as heroes, most heroes don't stay to help do cleanup like you guys are. The ones that were first on-site even left already but you who captured the villain stayed to help clean up when you could be going after other villains. So who are you as heroes?" asked the reporter. 

"We are the Featherless Team. We just started our agency last month after graduating from FHAE where we were apart of the advanced class program. Overall, our goal is to become heroes that become can rely on. That's my hero name, after all, the Hero of Reliance: Atlas. This is my team Void, Storm, Tiger, and Vector and we aim to be heroes that everyone can rely upon to give them hope and the ability to trust in us that we will pull through in some way." Atlas said with a smile on his face. Void and Storm were standing on his left and right with Tiger and Vector standing together on their right.

"That's also why we will stay to help clean-up when we can. Right now we don't have another call to respond to and other villains will be there tomorrow so why not just stay and help clean up the destruction when we can. I think a hero job doesn't stop until he can at least offer to help and do what he or she can do physically." Atlas said and then the team went back to work leaving the reporter and cameraman stunned. Even the people around that heard it was stunned. This team wasn't like any of the other heroes they encountered. Not even All Might the former #1 of the world who used to be loved by every single person stayed to help do the cleanup. 'Was this the start of a new generation of heroes?' is the thought that went through everyone there that day. 

Soon an hour passed and most of the damage was cleaned up. The boys decided it was time to leave and go back on patrol. They spent a few more hours patroling and caught a range of drug dealers, thugs, and one rapist. The boys handed them over to the police and just headed back to their office to do the paperwork for the reports. 

Izuku Pov:

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Izuku Pov:

"So why are you all in my office?" Izuku asked confused as he looked at his entire team. Seth and Leon were sitting at the small meeting table in the office while Luke and Kyle had pulled the chairs from my desk to my side and were sitting next to me. "We wanted to do the first reports together!" Luke said as Kyle leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips which Luke just copied. I could also see Leon and Seth kissing. "Fine but no screwing each other in the office..." Izuku said while whispering under his breath. Everyone still heard it and had blushes on their faces. 

*Note, the meeting of the yagi family will happen in the next 2-4 hcapters.*

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