Chapter 44: Last Semester, Graduation, Family, Time Skip [End]

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3rd Pov:

Izuku had to do some recovering from his battle wounds. His body was really sore from all the healing and damage and had to redo some training since he had slept so long. The new rankings came out and the team found themselves in the top 5 spots of Germany, the top 5 spots of the EU, and had broken into the top 20 spots of the world ranking! The last semester had already started when Izuku had woken up and he was catching up on the events. 

One of the things that Izuku wanted to happen was that he demanded Luke and Kyle marry him the moment he could walk by himself so he could walk down the aisle. They agreed with it right away and the wedding was amazing but private. Izuku did invite the Yagi's and all of the people from UA. He also invited a lot of the staff from FHAE and several people like Puppeteer who they were working with still. 

It was about 2 weeks until the end of the semester when the full hero exams were being held. The featherless had recommended their work-study Puppeteer to be allowed to take the exam early and it was approved. As such, he had taken the exam with the third-years. If he passed he would only have to attend educational classes but could also do full-time hero work while doing his classes. The hero exam was the standard exam. Overall, everyone had passed and so did Puppeteer. The Featherless announced his passing and had hired him on full-time as an individual hero for the agency. The announcement was met with cheers that the Featherless agency had hired a new hero who they had taken under their wings. 

The graduation came and soon it was the day of their ceremony. Izuku and all of the featherless team attended the graduation and congratulated the UA students and FHAE students that graduated. The UA students would have another graduation back in Japan which the Featherless had refused to go to. "I'm sorry but Japan holds too many nasty memories for me. I don't think I could hold myself together if I returned anytime soon. Meeting my past family was already hard this year and going back to Japan would be too much for me currently." Izuku stated. 

The Yagi's and Bakugo's understood this and accepted it. "Though you guys are welcomed to come to Germany whenever you want. If you ever come over for missions let me know and I'll let you stay at the Titan's tower." Izuku stated. They were all happy that he was willing to do that. Soon it was time for them to leave and return to Japan.

-- Time Skip 2 Years later --

It was time for a major change in Izuku's life. 2 years had passed and Izuku had become closer to the Yagi's. He had come to see Izumi as a sister again and Inko and Toshinori as parental figures. Though, Izuku was still uncomfortable with calling them mom or dad still. He did forgive Izumi because she was a child when she did everything. Inko and Toshinori were both adults that should have known better and he had explained this one day when Izumi asked why he forgave her and calls her sister and not them as mom or dad names. She accepted this and understood. Inko and Toshinori understood this quite well as well and couldn't say anything against it. They were just happy to be in his life again and visited often with Izumi. 

It was a few months after their last visit when Izuku figured something out. Izuku had been wanting to have a child lately and had told Luke and Kyle who agreed since they were all 18 or older. As such, that is how they found themselves with a pregnant Izuku down in the medical bay. "Congratulations sir,  you are having twins. Both are males." the doctor stated. Izuku was stunned and then broke out into happiness! "TWINS! I'M HAVING TWIN BOYS! OH MY GOD! I'M GOING ME A MOTHER!" Izuku screamed out! Luke and Kyle were both frozen. They were about to be fathers. "Wait! Can you tell who the father is? I want to know for the future so I can ensure I give birth to kids from both Luke and Kyle." Stated Izuku with a large blush which made both of the boys blush as well about them both having more children running around. The doctor had a quirk that could learn all about pregnancy and the details. As such, she looked and confirmed for Izuku the details. "One kid belongs to each." the doctor said with a smile. 

-- Time Skip 9 Months --

Time passed and Izuku stayed as an active hero for as long as he could before he had to do office work. The team decided to keep patrols in Germany and around Berlin for 9 months since Izuku was expecting and Leon had also gotten pregnant and would be giving birth a few months after Izuku. As such, it was better for the team to just stay nearby. The Yagi's had returned for the birth. Green Tornado and All Might both had reduced their active hours. LeMillon had taken the #1 spot in Japan about 1 year ago and the UA students that graduated with Izumi all were in the top 40 heroes. Izumi was the #5th hero. LeMillon had offered OFA to Izuku after the final battle but Izuku refused since he didn't need it. The words said was "I'm far more powerful than you ever would be LeMillon. it will take like the #11th OFA user to even stand against my powers and that's by myself without my team. Take them into account and not even the #13th person might be able to stand against us." Izuku said and also LeMillon would go back to being quirkless which Izuku refused to do to him. 

It was time for the birth though. Soon, Izuku was in the delivery room and was going under surgery to have them birthed via C-section since it would be safer since Izuku was a male. He could do it via his rear exit but the bond didn't change it enough that the doctors felt safe to do it via that method. As such, the surgery lasted 2 hours before the twins were born. The cries of the babies could be heard through the medical bay. Izuku was exhausted and was holding his babies when Luke and Kyle came in. 

-- Time Skip -- 

it's been 5 years since Izuku gave birth and Leon soon after. Izuku has started to see Inko and Toshinior as more parental figures since they have been far better as Grandparents. Izuku even introduced them to the kids when they were older as their grandparents. One of his kids had asked why he had multiple grandfathers from mom (Izuku) and Izuku said that he and they got separated when he was younger and they found each other again later on in life. The Yagi's were in tears after that day. Hisashi still was the #1 parent in Izuku's book though and that would never change. It was also time for Izuku to take over the Titan tower in full since he had also become the #1 world hero with his team in the other positions right below him. Izuku was happy with his life and wouldn't change anything. 

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