Chapter 30: Hero Exam

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3rd Pov:

Today was the day! The boys were set to take their hero exam today and if they passed they would be graduating at the end of this semester and would become full-fledged heroes. Everyone made their way down to the dining room to eat breakfast and talk a bit before they would head off to the school to be transported to whatever exam site that was being used for this exam. Everyone's parents had arrived shortly after they got downstairs and joined them for breakfast. 

The breakfast was nearly the end. "Just remember boys, we love you no matter what. Just do your best and make sure to cover each other when you can. Individually you are strong but together you're unstoppable." stated Leon's father. Soon they wrapped up the breakfast and they all said their goodbyes. Soon, they arrived at the school and saw the Principal with a few staff members waiting outside the school next to a bus. They also saw their mentors and the Iron Hearts team who were also waiting for them. Once the boys got out of the car, the staff escorted them onto the bus and said they would head directly to the site and wanted to be early so everyone could sit down and be ready to watch.

After about 30 minutes of driving, they arrived at the exam site. The boys were escorted in by a hero commission official and a UN representative just like last time. Soon they got changed and were then escorted to a written exam site. After about another 15 minutes the room was filled with exam takers. There were only about 100 exam takers in total. "Hello everyone and welcome to the EU Hero Exam. The number of passing is not set like the Provisional exam. In this, we judge you on every single action and movement. As such, let us start the written exam which is 200 questions. You have 2 hours. You may start!" stated the staff person.

-- Time Skip -- 

Two hours had passed and the staff person started talking again. "If you did not finish all 200 questions then please stand up and give your test to the staff person at the end of the line. You are dismissed." stated the staff person. 'THAT IS BRUTAL!' thought everyone as 21 people got up and walked out. This left 79 exam takers left. They then moved everyone to an exam site.

We were faced with a destroyed/abandoned looking town that was on a side of a hill

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We were faced with a destroyed/abandoned looking town that was on a side of a hill. "Inside this city is civilians that survived the recent earthquake. It's your job to save the civilians in this Italian town that was devastated by the earthquake. However, villains will be taking advantage of this to look and kill people! Be warned of the dangers! Soon the alarm went off and everyone got moving.

The Featherless group soon found themselves in the center of the town where a medical station had been set up since there was a large clear area. The group soon started to look through buildings nearby and found a school group. Some of the children were crying as such Atlas figured a way to entertain them. "Hey hey hey. Don't worry. We will get you all out of here and to safety. Do you want to pet my Kitsune or otherwise known as a guardian fox? They are here to help protect you and guard you after all!" Atlas said with a bright smile on his face. Storm and Void got the hint and transformed into their fox forms and laid down on the ground which the kids moved over to pet them and claimed down. Atlas then turned to the teacher and asked her how many students she had and if she knew of any life-threatening injuries. She responded that she had all of her kids here and was good to go. She knew of no life-threatening wounds that would be noticeable currently. As such, Atlas had all the kids and the teacher hold onto Void for him to transport them out of the building. "Now hold onto him. He is going to whisk you away to safety okay? Good." Atlas said as all the people grabbed hold of Void and he teleported. About 3 minutes later he reappeared. "Check the building to ensure that no kids were missed. We can't be 100% sure that all kids got out with any other teacher and might have been trapped." Atlas ordered. Tiger then used his wind and scanned the building via the wind and had found 2 kids that were trapped inside a closet in the hallway. "Found two in the hallway. Otherwise, I don't sense anyone else in the building." Tiger said. Soon,  Vector and Storm moved over to that location and got the children out of the building.

About 10 minutes later, we could see the team fighting a group of villains that attempted to attack another hero team that was escorting civilians out of the area. The villains were dropping down from above when Atlas threw a shield on the other team and civilians. For a second they were all confused but were shocked when they heard the sound above them and saw a villain attack from above them. Vector then shot out marbles he had on him and knocked the villains out which Atlas then dropped his barrier. "You all good?" He asked them and they said they were. Soon that team moved on and escorted their people out. As the team was moving deeper into the city Atlas noticed who the enemy leader was... "Guys, is that the general from our exam?" Atlas asked and everyone saw where he was looking and confirmed it. "Let's move to take him out since he's a hard person to fight against. We can work him down quickly." Atlas stated. 

About 5 minutes later they arrived on site to find about 10 heroes on the ground defeated and the general had another hero in his hand whom he slammed down onto the ground knocking out. "GENERAL! WE MEET AGAIN!" yelled Atlas. The general looked up and saw who yelled and he was shocked! His face then turned with glee! "WELL IF IT ISN'T THE HEROS THAT STOPPED ME LAST TIME! I ESCAPED THE PRISON THE DAM GOVERNMENT THREW ME INTO AND CAME BACK FOR REVENGE! I SAW THIS TOWN AND SAW IT AS A GOOD PLACE TO RECRUIT NEW SOLDIERS SINCE YOU ALL ARRESTED MY OTHER MEN!" yelled the general as he charged at us. "Void go get all of the heroes to a medical station and then come back," Atlas said as he met the general blow. Tiger then transformed into his half stage and attacked in swipes with his claw. Vector send blades tipped with sleeping drugs and hit him a few times while he dodged the rest. Storm used his tails to keep the general moving and Atlas used his whip to grab him. The moment Atlas grabbed the general by the arm he pulled him towards him and into Tiger who just landed a solid hit to the face and sent him flying into a broken wall. After about 10 minutes of stalling the general fell to his knees due to the sleeping drug that he got hit with. Void had arrived back and had helped finish the general off. He was knocked out due to being tired from the drugs. 

After the general fell to the ground the alarm went off for the end of the exam. "Well, time went quickly." Void said. Everyone had to agree with that since it only felt like 10 minutes when it had been over an hour since they walked into this exam site. Soon everyone made it back to the start of the area and the announcer called out for everyone to wait so they could finish the grading. Out of the 79 people that could enter this section of the test, only 40 people had passed. Among those names was the entire featherless group! "WE DID IT! WE PASSED!" yelled Izuku who was jumping in happiness. Everyone from his team just grabbed him in a hug and started to shout along with him.

Soon, the group was told where to go for their pictures to be taken for their licenses. They found out that they had passed with a perfect score. They were even thanked since the fake teacher had forgotten about the two people in the closet when she left and they didn't have a tracker on those two and would have been searching for hours if they didn't take the time to search the building in full and take the teachers word on it. 

The staff and mentors from their school soon found them and had them get back on the bus to return to the school. On the way back, Principal Vincent spoke up. "I think I can speak for the entire school and your mentors when I say how proud we are of you all. You have trained so much and put a lot of effort into this. You've overcome many enemies and few that even challenged you guys. We are proud of you boys and are proud as an entire school in the fact that we can say that you will be amongst our top students to ever graduate from our school. We still have the final written exams for your college-level classes but the graduation ceremony will be held 1 week after that. Once we are at school we are done with you until next Monday. Enjoy your day." Stated the Principal as he sat back down. Deus looked over at Izuku and his team and then spoke up. "Atlas, your mentors and I have all recommend you for the world hero destination. The UN has started a case on your team and will start reviewing your achievements and everything about your lives. If they deem you appropriate for world hero statues then you will be notified by the end of the year since it takes about 6 months for them to go through a team your size." Stated Izuku's mentor. The team was shocked. They knew that to attempt for the UN destination that they needed the support of at least 2 world heroes. They had Deus but who else supported them? Then the team leader from Iron Hearts spoke up. "You're wondering who was the second to support the nomination right? It was me, I'm a world hero but I had myself remove from the public ranking. Currently, there are around 5,000 world heroes currently on active duty. Only the top 50 are shown on the ranking. Everyone is not put or if they are in the top 50 they can request to stay hidden if they want that ability to move around more in secret." stated the team leader from Iron Hearts. The mentors also talked about starting co-operation between their agencies and Featherless new agency once they get the paperwork done and approved for an agency. Izuku and the team knew that they had planned to use the Titan's tower building as their agency HQ since there were several floors of unused office space in the building. These floors were the ones closer to the ground floor and would be perfect for their base of operations. They also believed Izuku's father wouldn't reject the request since it would keep Izuku and the boys close to home and them secure whenever they were off work from hero duty since the building is highly protected due to Titan. 

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