Chapter 37: Featherless Q&A

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Izuku Pov:

Why did I have to run into them again! My life was going so amazing now I have to run into my past! Why the hell is this happing to me. Why... then I realized I was having a panic attack and was having trouble breathing. 

Suddenly I could feel something wrap around my body. What... It's tails.. tails? Ah... Luke... Kyle... "Kyle... Luke..." I said with a shaky breath. I could just feel all of their tails move around my body and a few go under my shirt to be directly touching my chest and back which helped ground me even more. Both of them grabbed me and placed a tail inside my hands for me to grip onto. I could feel them nuzzle their faces into my neck licking the bite marks that they left after our 'first' time. Those marks scarred over and they would always bite in the same spot each time. It turned into another grounding method when they would lick those spots since they were a bit more sensitive than my other skin. As such, I would break out of any panic attack quicker and be grounded due to their tails and licking. Soon my breath calmed down quickly due to them helping me ground myself. "Thank you," I said with some tears coming down my face. "Why the hell of all schools that had to come to FHAE it had to be UA? It had to be those people?" I asked through my tears. Seth and Leon were just sitting in front of me while they had their hands on my knees. I realized we were in the old classroom from our time here. Luckily there was no S class this school this year or else I would have disturbed and freaked out a class. 

3rd Pov:

"So what do we do? We are meant to help some of the classes for those from UA. We could apologize to Principal Vincent and tell him we could help at the school after they leave. I think he would be okay with that." Leon asked knowing how badly Izuku's past was. He really didn't want Izuku to be going back into his old mental state from when they first met. Izuku always put smiles on back then but Leon could see that his mental state was still improving even back then. Hisashi had warned the boys of how bad it was. Izuku was very close to suicide before Hisashi got Izuku some help. Even though Izuku would likely never admit it. He was that close to the edge in his mental war. 

Izuku look around and knew his Fiances and friends were concerned for him. However, Izuku knew that even if they didn't stay to teach. There was no way that they wouldn't try to track him down and Izuku didn't really want to keep running from them. "No... I refuse to keep running from them. I admit I'm panicking but I refuse to be defeated by my past. I've taken powerful villains out and I am far stronger than All Might or whoever he gave OFA to. Also, together no one can do anything to us!" Izuku said while smirking. Everyone soon calmed down as his Fiances also felt his emotions stabilize. "I suggest you at least call Hisashi to tell him or at least tell him when we return home tonight," Kyle said. Izuku agreed to this and gave a kiss to both Luke and Kyle and thanked them for calming him down. "Let's go to Principal Vincent's office. Though I suspect some of the UA people to be there and likely the Yagi's." Izuku said refusing to call them his parents. 

Vincent Pov:

I had All Might and Green Tornado come to my office and the UA staff accompanied them. I really wanted this to be private but oh well. "Sit down please so we can talk," I suggested without it really being that. They followed my wish and I started to talk. "So please explain your connection to Izuku, please?" I asked them. It seemed the fact that I knew him shocked them. "He is our quirkless son that went missing when he was young. It was before middle school and we ended up neglecting him after he was declared quirkless. He was then bullied physically and verbally by his sister and former friends and the rest of his school a well. We know we messed up and when we found out he ran away from home we reported him missing and have been searching ever since." All Might said. I just nodded my head and realized they don't know he has a quirk now. Oh... that's going to be interesting to see how they react...  Soon we talked for a bit more then I spoke up. "I will let you know that I knew of Izuku's past. It was told to the school when he enrolled." I stated and they were shocked. "Why didn't you report him being here to Japan if you knew he ran away from home?" Green Tornado asked confused. "Would you allow a child to be sent back to his abusive home? Also, even though I knew of his past, I didn't know the where or who until now so I wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway." I stated which shocked them. LeMillion then stated something. "The Yagi's have changed though. Don't they deserve a chance to at least reconnect with him?" He asked. I admit he's a bit naive for a hero in my view. "Not really? Why give abusers the chance to get their victim back and yes neglect is considered abuse as well. The sister also physically harmed him so the household itself was abusive. Also, they can try to reconnect but I doubt he wants to. He does have a pretty dam perfect life without them. I wouldn't in my honest opinion want to reconnect with my past family if I already had a far better one." I stated in my honest and brutal views on the matter. "Also, I will stand on the side of protecting my alumni. He did graduate from our school at the top of his class after all." I said and this shocked them. "What do you mean he graduated from here?" Gran Tornio asked shocked. "I mean--" I started but was cut off by a knock. "ENTER!" I yelled and was shocked to see who came in.

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