Chapter 15: Last-year of Middle School & Training

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3rd Pov:

It was now several weeks after the kid's winter break and the first day of their last year in middle school was about to start. The Clayton's, Walton's, and Midoriya's families all sat down a few days before classes started again and prepared the paperwork for the boy's engagement under the Quirks Marriage act under European Union law. The Clayton's and Walton's were in the living room working on the paperwork while Hisashi took Izuku off to the side to confirm with him about everything.

"Son, I just want to confirm with you that your feelings haven't changed. Registering under the Quirks Marriage act under the European Union law isn't a simple engagement. It means that you are getting together with the intent to marry once you graduate from high school. Revoking the registration is not a simple task because of the soulmate bonds. The law would require great harm to come to one of the parties to have it revoked. I just want to make sure this is what you want and I will support any decision you make. Understood?" Hisashi said. Izuku just looked at his father and smiled. "Yes. It's what I want. With my past, I never thought I would find someone to love me but then I found Fang and then you. Now I have them as well. They make me happy all of the time and whenever they think I'm not happy they always tend to me without me asking. I'm happy with them and they worked so hard to get my heart to open to them." Izuku said. Hisashi just hugged his son and kissed his forehead. They moved back to the living room where Hisashi started the paperwork for their side.

After about 1 hour they had finished the paperwork. "Kyle, Luke. Rember, break my son's heart and you will find Titan hunting you down." Hisashi said. Luke and Kyle just stared at Hisashi with determination in their eyes and grabbed each of Izuku's hand and shouted "Never!" A smile just appeared on Izuku's face at their determination. Kyle's and Luke's parents even said "Indeed, and we won't get in any agent from titan's path and attempt to stop them. So good luck if you ever hit that stage." which just caused their kids to look at their parents in betrayal which made Izuku give them a quick peck on the cheeks to soothe them over. The boy's parents just teased them at that action. 

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

Soon school started up again and now it was time for their last year of middle school. "Okay, class! We're in our last year before you apply for hero schools! We need to make use of any time we have for quirk training. Your education level is that of second-year high school students already. As such, half of your time will be split between the education of third-year high school knowledge and quirk training." said their homeroom teacher. A fun fact about the advanced classes of Frankfurt Advanced Education is that it allows people to graduate from high school quicker depending on their heroic training. The standard early graduation rate is everyone from the advanced education classes will graduate in the middle of their second year of high school if they have enough heroic training. The reason for this is because we finish our third year of high school work in middle school which allows the high school to have people do more physical and quirk training. They also teach us, college-level classes, in their advanced classes to give us a better education. As such, they got to work on training and education for the year. Due to the fact that they are limited from doing destructive attacks or training they had to focus on non-destructive elements of their quirks.

Training results:


Izuku already had already gotten a good handle on his enhancements to his body's senses (Hearing, sight, touch.), strength, agility, flexibility. Izuku also used this year to increase his skill at shield making and flight capabilities. Izuku is now able to generate a shield instantly and also generate a shield from a distance. He can also fly using minimal energy as well and has become proficient at flying because the school brought in an individual with a telekinesis quirk strong enough for them to lift their own body. This allowed Izuku to learn how to lift his own body and fly based on them. Izuku trained in the school infirmary and medical bay at Titan's tower to get his heal ability to work faster and at lower energy consumption. Currently healing a broken arm of his can be done in 10 seconds. Healing someones else takes around 1 minute but double the energy he would need. 

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