Chapter 25: Second Semester & Work Studies

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3rd Pov:

It was now time for the group to return to school. They all got dressed and ate quickly since the school wanted them to arrive early. They soon arrived at the school and went into their homeroom after stoping at the staff room to alert their teacher that they were on campus already. After about 5 minutes of waiting the teacher came into the room followed by Deus and the other mentors that the group did their work-studies with. "Hello and welcome back for your second semester. Your mentors wanted to talk to you today before you all headed off to their agencies to start." Kronos said as he went to his desk.

"Indeed, as you all saw in the note we decided to talk to the team you will be working with during your last semester. We worked out an agreement where you will be working with all of us and them during both semesters. This means that for two days during the week every week you will report to the Iron Hearts agency for your team work-study. Once you hit your second semester you will then move to do three days with them every week and two days with us instead of three. This way you will be getting experience from both sides. Also, if there is a large scale mission from either side it will be worked out to give you the time you need to do that mission and we individual agencies will likely join on the mission to help as well to keep a watch over you all." Deus stated. This shocked all of the Featherless group members. This was giving them both of both worlds for their request. The boys thanked their mentors and soon grabbed their gear and joined them in going to their agencies.

-- The First Month of Work-Studies --

Izuku was with his mentor Deus and they focused on running an agency itself. Deus knew that Izuku would likely be the actual head of the team agency and would need to know how to do most of the important paperwork that comes with that position. "I know this isn't enjoyable but if you are going to lead the team agency you will need to understand how to do all of this paperwork when the time comes," Deus said as they both groaned when a worker brought in more paperwork. "Yea... I know." Izuku groaned out.

Luke was with his mentor who had an animal transformation type quirk as well. Their quirk was a wolf type. The hero was the #8th hero Forest who spent most of his time in forest areas or edges of cities. "We are going to work on you using your transformation senses. You turn into a literal kitsune and your senses increase. As such, I've hidden some workers from my agency in this forest, as well as deactivated bombs, and drugs. Your job is to find them all. Your nose can be a valuable weapon for finding people and things that have a unique smell to them." Forest said. Soon they got off and started to train Luke's tracking abilities. 

Kyle was doing a similar training method with his mentor. The #6 Hero of Germany Fox. His quirk provided him minor transformation abilities but didn't have a full transformation and only had one tail that wasn't really useful in combat. Though he had far more mutation in regards to his claws, teeth, and overall abilities far more than Kyle did. Fox had enchanted agility, strength, and speed far better than what Luke's or Kyle's provided. As such, they only obtained the same level of strength, agility, and speed via their training while Fox got it via his quirk giving it to him. Fox was teaching Kyle how to use his senses to help him track people down in a city area for finding lost people or following villains from a distance. 

Seth was training with the #9 hero who had a wind quirk. The reason for this was because Seth wanted to learn better control over his wind wall and see if he could create miniature tornados. The WIND hero started to teach Seth what he wanted to know. Soon they left to an abandoned field and worked on Seth's area of control and focus on a vortex of wind. "The idea isn't to create something big but to create something small and then grow it into something big. It's one thing if you're doing the wind wall to keep people contained but if you are looking for the destructive force of a tornado that can be moved then you need to start small and grow it like a normal tornado." WIND said. 

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