Chapter 21: UN Representative & Preparing for Provisional Exam

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3rd Pov:

Izuku and his mentor Deus returned to Germany pretty quickly which Izuku was happy for. "So.. that happened..." Izuku said with a slight laugh. "Indeed it did. That was honestly a strange case." Deus said. Both of them walked into the hero's office and went to his office to find a representative from the UN there waiting for them. "Hello, you two. Though we don't have the details yet, we did learn you defeated Stain already. So the UN sends its thanks." stated the representative. "I really wouldn't use the word defeat but instead... pacified?" stated Deus while Izuku just rubbed his neck sheepishly. The UN Rep. looked confused before Deus stared to explain everything that he knew of. "So... you're telling me that stain gave up due to your intern being what he sees as a true hero because he put the victims before capturing him and kept him caged while Atlas had taken the wounded away and then came back with you?" asked the UN Rep. which Deus just confirmed. She then looked at Izuku and said "Well done I guess... we didn't see that coming... Though I'm assuming your identity is still safe from anyone in Japan figuring it out?" she asked. "Yea, I didn't see the end coming either but better than a battle to the death. Also, yes. We got lucky at the end though. Deus threw the weight of the UN around and we left really before the police chief could ask too many questions. My former sister was there at the site with some old man hero. I think he was All Might's old mentor I think." Izuku said. Deus then explained how they had Izuku wear a mask and hood and when we left to the street Izuku no longer spoke and he threw the weight of the UN around because the police chief wanted to arrest Izuku for violating quirk laws when he was there as a UN agent due to being his intern which overrides the law and can only be punished via the UN in the case. 

"Good job on using the UN weight. You're right that he was protected and we won't let them find his identity out as long as we can. You will have to show it one day though." the UN Rep. said. Izuku just confirmed that he knew and wanted it to be after he was a full-time hero and ideally once his team attempted for the UN world hero designation so they could travel around the world on cases. The UN Rep. was happy that Izuku just confirmed their belief of his team wanting to be a UN team. They have kept an eye on the entire team and the results from the internships have been great so far and are showing them to be capable and high character individuals that they like to see in their heroes that represent them.

"We know you have been planning to get the world destination. We've been keeping an eye on your team as you have been showing good results in character and strength during your middle school life and high school life so far. We will be watching and can't wait for you to attempt the designation. I do recommend you try for it right after you get your full license. With your current actions, we would approve your application for your attempt." the UN Rep. stated as she left. Soon Izuku and Deus got to work on other things. Deus taught Izuku some stuff he needed to know about the paperwork and other Misc. things before they did some patrols. 

-- Time Skip --

Everyone's internships came to an end and they all meet up on the final day at the school homeroom. "Welcome back everyone!" stated their teacher Kronos. "I've received great things about you all! Also, Izuku great job in Japan! The Media has been in a frenzy there trying to figure out who you are and how you stopped the hero killer since neither you nor your mentor stayed to answer questions!" Kronos said. This made his Fiances and friends freeze! They knew he was going to Japan on a case but not after the hero killer who they even heard about! "IZUKU! WHAT THE HELL!" Kyle and Luke said. Leon and Seth just stared at him. "KRONOS I DIDN'T TELL THEM ABOUT THAT YET! I ONLY TOLD THEM ABOUT GOING TO JAPAN! GOD!" Izuku said. Kronos just sighed and apologized since he thought he told them. "Also, it went fine. Stain just surrendered to me after I trapped him in the barrier." Izuku said and then explained everything. "Also, I ran into Izumi Yagi. Though she doesn't know it was me since I had a mask and hood on the entire time and only introduced myself to the victims and Stain as Atlas." Izuku said as his Fiances gave him a tail each since they could feel his mood sour. "Thanks," he said as he hugged the tails. 

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