Chapter 41: High Tensions & Uninvited Guest

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3rd Pov:

The semester was going as quickly as possible. The Featherless team did their agreed classes with the UA students but didn't put anything extra in their effort like they would with the other classes. After the sports festival, Izuku and his team have been a bit colder towards the UA students and the Yagi family. Overall, they didn't want anything to do with the students since some of them thought it was wise to get involved in a situation that they had no business being in. The students have also finished their temporary work-studies that the school had set up for them and it was now time for the end of the semester. 

"Good day students. All of FHAE students have taken their exams for this semester and now it's time for you all to take yours." Principal Vincent said to the UA students. The students were going to be fighting the teachers in a no holding back match. However, the students were allowed to challenge any of the teachers and this included the Featherless. No one had challenged any of the featherless teachers except Izumi who wanted to attempt at Izuku. "Have you lost your mind? Do you honestly think you can take me on?" Izuku asked her a bit surprised. Izumi just looked at him and said "I would like to make a bet, If I can land one hit on you then I would like you to just be open to give us a chance. You don't have to give us a chance but just be open to the idea of it." Izumi said with determination in her eyes. Izuku didn't know what to think... here was his past standing in front of him declaring itself with determination. "Fine." Izuku finally said after a few minutes of silence. 

Soon the students worked their way through their rounds. The students were doing far better than when they arrived which was noticeable. Some had even put up decent fights against the teachers. None of them won though which was what we expected for them. But they did actually push most of the teachers into putting decent effort into the fight which meant they passed their rounds. It was now the time for the match between Atlas and Izumi Yagi. 

The fight started out quickly with Izumi yagi charging Atlas and attempting to land blows on him. She used her quirk and controlled rubble and her blades in an attempt to land a blow on him as well but Atlas just enhanced his body with his quirk and just dodged everything with his superior reflexes and speed. This went on for 10 minutes and Izumi was getting more and more tired while Izuku wasn't. The sun was out and high in the sky and he could just keep restoring any energy he spent on the fight. "Why are you trying so hard?" Izuku asked annoyed at this fight. He couldn't; understand why she wanted to reconnect so badly. Why after everything she did! "Why!? WHY!? BECAUSE I KNOW I FUCKED UP! I KNOW EVERYTHING I DID WAS WRONG! I JUST WANT THE CHANCE TO SHOW YOU THAT I'VE CHANGED THAT I WANT TO BE YOUR LITTLE SISTER AGAIN LIKE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN! LIKE HOW WE USED TO BE WHEN YOU WOULD PROTECT ME FROM THE BULLIES! BEFORE I BECAME THE BULLY! I JUST WANT TO APOLOGIZE TO MY BROTHER AND JUST HAVE A CHANCE TO GET TO KNOW HIS NEW LIFE AND BE APART OF IT IN WHATEVER FORM HE WILL ALLOW ME TO!!" Izumi yelled out with some tears coming down her face as she was breathing hard. Izuku then flashback quickly before the age of four. The few memories he had were so blissful. 'God... why... why do I want to give her a chance...' Izuku thought. 'Fine... you want a chance then I shall give it to you Izumi. Let's see what you do.' Izuku thought before he stopped right as Izumi threw a punch that connected with his chest. It did zero damage due to how tired she was and weaken she became. "What...?" Izumi said before Izuku hit her across the neck knocking her out. He grabbed her in a princess style hold and just walked back towards the medical bay next to the control room. "I'll give you a chance Izumi but don't think it will be easy to become my sister again." Izuku whispered and Izumi just breathed out a low "Thank you" while being asleep. She just responded without even realizing it. Izuku wore a slightly sad smile on his face. 'I hope you don't let this chance slip through your hands Izumi because there won't be another time.' thought Izuku as he laid her on the medical bed as the nurse looked her over. 

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