Chapter 27 Winter Break (SMUT (Skip if want))

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Izuku Pov:

It was now the middle of winter and Luke, Kyle, and I are all past the age of consent in Germany now. Dad called me into the study where we keep all of our books and reading material.

 Dad called me into the study where we keep all of our books and reading material

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"Son, I know you have all passed the age of consent now. I just want to talk about a few things before you engage in any sexual acts." dad said. I was so freaking embarrassed that we were having this conversation. "DAD PLEASE NO!" I groaned out as I tried to hide my face in my hands. "Yes, I will. We need to have this talk." Dad said and I tried to push through. "Son, I know you used to have to do everything by yourself when you were young. I just want you to know that doing sexual acts shouldn't define your entire relationship with your lovers. So far, it hasn't with you three to my knowledge which is good. Also, you shouldn't do something you are not comfortable doing with them. Don't let them pressure you into some sexual fantasy or you attempt to force them into it. When people force others to do something they are completely against it will damage the relationship. It's okay to experiment and try new things out but make sure everyone is okay with it and set up some system to alert each other that something needs to stop. Your mother and I used a color system and I suggest you do as well." Dad said. Even though this was so embarrassing to talk about he did have good points. Soon the conversation went on for a bit longer before he let me go. 

I soon ran away and found myself in the living room with everyone else. "What's wrong Izu... we could feel your emotions go wild while you were with your dad." Kyle and Luke asked. They have taken to shifting between Izu and Little sun as my nicknames which were cute. However, that doesn't mean I want to admit what I was talking about! "I don't want to talk about it. It's an embarrassing conversation!" I groaned out and everyone figured out what I meant. Leon just fell over laughing while Kyle and Luke just had large blushes on their face and kept looking at me. I knew what they were thinking and could feel the desire from their emotions to take me upstairs right now. I decided to tease them a bit. 

I got up and walked over to Luke and sat in his lap without warning. I slowly moved around while grinding my ass against his pants. I could hear the groan that came out of his mouth. All of the other boys just hard large blushes on their faces as they knew what I was doing. Leon was moving a bit in Seth's lap as well. Suddenly Seth got up with Leon in his arms and said "I think Leon hurt his foot a bit, I'm going to take him upstairs and check it out. We'll be back in the morning since it's so late already. Yea..." Seth said as he got up with Leon in his arms and went upstairs. 

Kyle just had it with being left out and pulled me into his arms as he got up and told Luke to follow. We all knew what we were going to do. We've been waiting for a while to respect dad's wishes. We wanted to explore each other bodies for a while now though and we finally hit our limit since dad decided to bring it up with me today... I guess he didn't plan for this result.

Soon we arrived in my room and I told Luke to close the blinds. Even though there was no building across from my room that could see in, I still didn't like it open during this. He covered the windows and made his way to the bed.

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