Chapter 43: AFO 2.0 Vs Featherless

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3rd Pov:

Everyone had just watched as Shigaraki had just killed AFO. They were wondering what just happened and the bad feeling Izuku just had kept getting worst. He received a text message that everyone in the 2 miles near him has been cleared out. Even the school has been cleared out. Izuku just didn't like the feeling he had. As such, he texted his father to keep getting people away from his location and get them further and not to stop until the battle was won. Soon his phone started to ring. Everyone looked at him as he answered it like he was crazy. "Hey, dad..." Izuku said. "Yes... I know that I'm asking you to clear everyone in the next 10 miles more or less out of here. I know... dad... I love you. Just in case I don't come back I just want you to know I love you." Izuku said as he hanged up his phone suddenly. He turned to principal vincent and told him to take the villains and everyone else and leave. They were confused about why since there was only Shigaraki left. "Just leave... you might need to prepare the top 10 for a fight for their lives and call in the top 10 from all other EU countries," Izuku said as he felt something was really bad and the feeling was only getting worst. Izuku looked at his team and they knew as well what they were feeling... They had the same guess... 'Shigaraki likely has AFO and will be unpredictable and with his decay quirk deadly at a touch!' thought the entire team! "Izumi seems you won't get the chance to reconnect after all. I'm sorry. Now get out of here with the UA students and staff. You don't need to die young." Izuku said with a sad smile on his face. Everyone was still confused about what he was talking about. "Atlas what are you talking about? Why are you talking like you are about to die!" Vincent asked worriedly! "Izuku... what are you thinking?" Inko asked and All Might just look worried. He screwed up a father and here was his son now talking about dying!

"If my assumption is correct. The reason AFO was killed is that he is no longer needed. AFO passed the quirk AFO to Shigaraki and he now has all of the quirks and his decay quirk meaning he is unpredictable and deadly at a touch." Izuku said. This information scared everyone. "I'll fight him then! I still have strength!" All Might said. "No... I'm far stronger than you are and I don't even think I will walk away from this nor will my team." Izuku said. After them trying to convince Featherless different Izuku and the team were ready. They had a general plan in mind and were ready to act. "Luke, Kyle," Izuku said as he leaned up to them and gave them both a deep kiss in front of everyone. "I love you two. Hope to see you both at the end of this." Izuku said as he hugged him and then held their hands. They were all ready and the others were running away. The Yagi's felt horrible and LeMillion wanted to stay and help but he wasn't being allowed to.

Soon the battle started. Tiger threw up enough wind and started tornados that only grew in strength and had them go into the woods towards Shigaraki. Storm transformed into lighting and started to summon lighting out of the clouds above. Void jumped into the shadows and was traveling through the shadows to get close and look for a chance to attack. Vector and Atlas both went into the air and got ready. Shigaraki noticed that they were ready and sent a large blast towards them. It did some damage to the forest area but the tornadoes destroyed most of the destructive force by pulling the force into the tornado itself. 

Shigaraki decided to charge at Atlas and Vector and try to decay them. Atlas just pulled the bow and arrow and took a shot which Shigaraki dodged. The arrow hit the ground and it exploded. Vector sent blades when Shigaraki dodged and attempted to hit him. Only one blade hit and got some drugs into him. It was going to be a long battle.

Shigaraki was getting annoyed at the attacks that were coming his way. He kept dodging and then slammed his hands on the ground and started to decay everything. Izuku sent his whip out and pulled him off the ground to stop him. Storm sent large blasts of air at Shigaraki and kept him from landing again. Void would appear out of the shadows and send large void balls at him as well. Storm would channel some lighting and attack with his lighting balls and keep transforming into lighting and flying through the air to avoid attacks. 

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